No Mans Heath & District

Parish Council Meeting

For the attention of all Parish Councillors

You are hereby summonsed to attend the Annual General meeting of the Parish Council (First Meeting) on

Tuesday 20th July 2010 at Edge Village Hall.

The meeting will proceed from 7:00 and include an OPEN FORUM, when members of the public can raise any matter of concern to them.


1. / Apologies. / With explanation.
2. / Declaration of interests. / Personal or prejudicial (nature of the interest)
3. / Presentation/Discussion / CDHT Youth 4 Youth Coordinator Colin Keenan on youth work and establishing Youth Clubs
4. / Open Forum. / When members of the public can raise any issue of concern.
5. / Minutes. / To accept the minutes for the parish council meeting held 18th May 2010 (previously circulated)
6. / Bickerton Hill / To consider concerns raised and receive update.
7. / Edge Road Names. / To receive update.
8. / Road Safety Meeting. / To receive update
9. / Grit Bin & Grit / To consider purchase and storage of grit for winter.
10. / Planting. / To consider planting (& locations) to improve the appearance of the area.
11. / Big Lunch / To consider arranging an event on Littler’s Croft during August.
12. / Grant Agreement / To consider grant agreement for street orderly funding from CW&C. (Enc. A)
13. / Bickerton Burial Board / To receive update and consider request for funding.
14. / Old St. Chad’s Graveyard / To consider request for funding (Enc. B)
15. / Housing Complaint / To consider complaint regarding lack of affordable housing in area and allocation of housing.
16. / Village Appraisal / To consider re-doing an appraisal questionnaire to identify community needs. (Enc. C)
17. / Planning. / To accept the observations as recorded on pages 39, 40 & 41 of the planning register. (Enc. D)
18. / Accounts. / To accept the accounts as recorded on pages 43 of the cash book (Enc E)
19. / Payments. / To consider the following payments
·  Clerk salary & expenses
·  Internal Audit
20. / Meetings Feedback / To receive reports from meetings attended by councillors.

Future Meetings: - TBC August – Extraordinary Meeting (Bickerton Hill & National Trust)

21st September – Parish Council Meeting – Bishop Heber High School

Surgery: - 7th August

Signed Ann Wright Date 13 07 10

Mrs. Ann Wright Clerk to the Council