Mr. Traian Băsescu - President of Romania
Mr. Călin Popescu Tăriceanu – Prime Minist
Ms. Laura Codruţa Kövesi - General Prosecutor
Mr. Nicolae Văcăroiu - Senate President
Mr. Bogdan Olteanu - President of the Chamber of Deputies
For the information of :
Mr. Jose Manuel Durao Barroso - European Commission President;
Mr. Hans-Gert Poettering - European Parliament President;
Mr. Franco Frattini - European Commission Vice-President, Commissioner for Justice;
Mr. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer - General Secretary of NATO;
Mr. Rene Van Der Linden - President of The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe;
Mr. Terry Davis - Secretary General of The Council of Europe;
Mr. Nicholas Taubman - United States of America Ambasador to Romania.
Today's Romania is a profoundly immoral society specifically because it is built on the unpunished fratricide represented by the over 1100 crimes committed during the anticommunist revolution.While communist regimes fell without victims in all the other ex-communist states, in our country it was a slaughter of enormous proportions.We have been living in sinful secrecy and injustice for 18 years since then.Romania cannot build anything good and worthy on such crimes, lies, and iniquity.The incredible massacre has not been judged until now because the Justice as well as the other state institutions have been servile to, or corrupted by the instigators and executors of those over 1100 crimes.We are not going to liberate ourselves from the huge corruption that surrounds us, we are not going to reform the politicians and the Justice until we know the truth about the December 1989 and June 1990 fratricides commited against the civil society, the historical parties, and the independent press.
Any effort to improve the present situation is useless if we do not start from the beginning: to discover the knowledge of the truth about those events is the only chance of Romania.By ignoring it, a large segment of today's political class has become a moral accomplice to the instigators and executors of the massacre commited to detour the anticommunist character of the revolution 18 years ago.Now that Romania is a member of NATO and the EU, the revolution started in December 1989 has to be completed and through that proces become a "velvet" one.
During the last 18 years, those implicated in historical crimes have infested the Romanian public life and are giving lessons about "dignity" from the rostra of our highest state institutions.The authors of crimes have not been judged because The Justice has been forbidden to do its duty.
18 years since the anticommunist revolution, hundreds of protesting revolutionaries have had to be on a hunger strike for almost two months in order to obtain the fulfilment of some major civil society wishes that have been expressed repeatedly during almost two decades.
We are soliciting the President of Romania to continue to be involved, according to his obligations provided in our Constitution, in the mediation towards solving the Romanian society's wishes.
We are appealing to the General Prosecutor, the members of the Parliament and of the Government to become engaged in solving the following demands of the civil society that are also claims of the hunger strike revolutionaries:
1).Finding the truth about the recenthistorical crimes commited in Romania through a very public display of the files of the Revolution and the miners' strike. The immediate publication of the calendar with maximum terms for each stage of judicial inquiry by the General Prosecutor of Romania.Conforming to Article 21 of our Constitution, the victims of the over 1100 crimes and over 3300 wounded and the descendents of the 1989-1990 Revolution heroes "have the right to a fair and equitable trial to address their grievances in a reasonable manner."The passage of 18 years is not a reasonable term but a derision toward our heroes and ourselves.
2).The urgent adoption by the Parliament of the anticommunist lustration law (voted by the Senate and blocked for two years in the Chamber of Deputies).
21 January 2008, Bucharest
In the faith that nothing good can be built upon untruths and crimes,
Sorin Ilieşiu, author of this Appeal, Vice-President of the Civic Alliance, author of the Appeals for the National and International Condemnation of the Crimes of Communism -
The 21th December 1989 Association, Teodor Mărieş – President
The National Bloc of 1989 Revolutionaries, George Costin – Executive President
The League of Bucharest Students of 1990, lawyer Antonie Popescu – Senior
The Romanian World Council, Ştefana Bianu – Vice-President
The Truth and Justice Association, Nicolae Bănuţoiu – President
The Timpul Cultural Foundation – Jassy, Liviu Antonesei – President
The Cives Association, President – Ioan Roşca
The Omenia National Foundation of Pensioners’ Reciprocal Assistance Houses (more than 1.000.000 members), Dr. engineer Gheorghe Chioaru – President
The Group of Martyred Heroes’ Widows
“Solidaritatea – Virgil Săhleanu” Union Federation of Romanian Steel Workers, Gheorghe Tiber - President
National Foundation of the December 1989 Revolution – Timişoara, Pompiliu Alămorean – President
Solidarity Union of Galaţi Steel Workers, Ilinca Diaconu - President
Hunedoara Solidarity Union, Marian Mititelu - President
ALRO Union Slatina, Ion Ioan – President
The Euroatlantic League, President -. Magdalena Maria Rotaru
Adrian Acatrinei – masterand, Universitatea Al. I. Cuza, Iaşi
Constantin Acosmei – scriitor, Iaşi
Cristian Adam – revoluţionar, Bucureşti
Georgeta Adam – jurnalist
Claudia Adinuţă – student ASE, Bucureşti
Liviu Antonesei – scriitor, preşedinte, Fundaţia Culturală Timpul
Pompiliu Alămorean - preşedinte, Fundaţia Naţională a Revoluţiei din Decembrie 1989
Florin Alcea – sportiv Polo, Dinamo Bucureşti
Sonia Alexa – student Ştiinţe Juridice, Iaşi
Carmen Dorotea Alexandrescu - Asociaţia 21 Decembrie 1989
Vincenţiu Mihai Alexandrescu – subinginer, Bucureşti
Alexandra Alexe – muzician, Adjud
Mihai Alexe - Asociaţia 21 Decembrie 1989
Alexandru Alexia – inginer, Bucureşti
Barbera Andi – student, Suceava
Cristina Andrei – traducătoare, Bucureşti
Bogdan Andone – inginer, Bucureşti
Andrei Andu – jurist, Baia Mare
Sorina Anghel – designer, Lion,Franţa
Sanda Anghelescu - jurnalist, Bucureşti
Raisa Apostol - casnică, Ile de France, Franţa
Virginica Apostol – psiholog, Timişoara
Constantin Arcu - scriitor, membru USR, Suceava
George Ardeleanu – asist.univ.drd., Fac. de Litere, Univ.Bucureşti
George Ardeleanu – contabil, Paşcani
Francesca Arleta - preşedinte Filiala A.U.C.R. Petroşani
Alexandru Avram - prof.dr., istorie greacă, Université du Maine, Le Mans, Franţa
Diana Avram – sociolog, Zalău
Diana Avram – student, Calafat
Elena Baboi – profesor, Vancouver,Canada
Gloria Badarau-Heikkilä - arhitect, Muurla, Finlanda
Peter Badesco – comerciant, New York , SUA
Alexa Gavril Bale - medic veterinar, scriitor, membru USR, Cetăţele, Maramureş
Adrian Balomiri - inginer, Bucureşti
Dana Banu – scriitor
Adina Barbu – economist, Bucureşti
Alina Bălan – studentă Finanţe Bănci, Craiova
Cristian Petru Bălan - scriitor, membru USR, Chicago, S.U.A.
Răzvan Bălaşa - factor poştal, Bucureşti
Marius Bălteanu – economist, Caracal
Nicolae Bănuţoiu – Preşedinte, Asociaţia Adevar şi Dreptate
Diana Barosan – inginer, Eindhoven,Olanda
Andrei Bârsan – student TCM, Bucureşti
George Bârsan – inginer, Bucureşti
Anghel Bedros - Asociaţia 21 Decembrie 1989
Livia Bejan - doctor, Cluj-Napoca
Adrian Berinde - artist, Bucureşti
Ion Berindei - Arhitect, Massachusetts, SUA
Maria Becker-Brindea - membră Consiliul Mondial Român, Marele Ducat de Luxemburg
Ştefana Bianu - vicepreşedinte, Consiliul Mondial Român
Alexandru Binescu – statistician, Bucureşti
Laurentiu Boarna – IT-ist, Bucureşti
Raisa Bobiş – cercetător, Satu-Mare
Bogdan Boca – economist, Bucureşti
Andrei Bocan – student, Bordeaux,Franţa
Alina Bodo - copil al Revoluţiei
Dorin Boila - arhitect, Sibiu
Gheorghe Boldur Lăţescu -prof.univ.dr., scriitor, Bucureşti
Simona J. Bonica – profesor,Chicago , SUA
Steven V. Bonica – redactor şef, „Romanian Tribune”, Chicago, SUA
Andrea Bordi - funcţionar public, Bistriţa
Simona Borza – psiholog, Timişoara
Cristian Bota - programator - Web Design, Bucureşti
Doru Botoiu – vicepreşedinte, Societatea "Timişoara"
Maria Brătianu – preşedinte Association Fondation Mémorial Sighet, Paris, Franţa
Mircea Brâncoveanu – inginer, Heidelberg, Germania
Daniela Breazu - asistent medical- Spitalul Sf Ioan, Bucureşti
Dumitru Brînza - lector univ. dr., Universitatea Maritimă, Constanţa
Romulus Bucur - scriitor, Universitatea Transilvania, Braşov
Theodore Bucur – prof.univ., expert international, Franţa
Elena Buica – scriitoare, Toronto,Canada
Daniela Buliga - funcţionar public, Ile de France, Franţa
Ana Bungărzan – economist, Sibiu
Bogdan Bungărzan - tehnician auto, Sibiu
Sebastian Buraga – scriitor, România
Bianca Burtza-Cernat - cronicar literar, Bucureşti
Sergiu Busuioc – inginer, Sibiu
Elena Butnaru - medic, Bucureşti
Leo Butnaru - scriitor, membru al USR, Chişinău
Liviu Cananau - Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Liviu Cangeopol - scriitor, publicist, disident anticomunist, Lawrenceville,USA
MirceaCarp - inginer, Bucureşti
Constantin Cavescu - preşedinte A.U.C.R.-Filiala Bihor, Oradea
Veronica Catana - psiholog, Ile de France, Franţa
Costin Cazaban - compozitor, profesor universitar, Paris, Franţa
Maria Călăraşiu - asistent medical, Ile de France, Franţa
Nicolae Călăraşiu – tehnician construcţii, Ile de France, Franţa
Elena Căldararu – economist, Satu Mare
Dan Călinescu - director general “Universal”, Toronto, Canada
Valentin Călinescu – student, Corabia
Mircea Cărtărescu - scriitor
Magda Cârneci - scriitoare, director - Institutului Cultural Roman din Paris
Cristina Cârstea – comerciant, Bucureşti
Paul Cernat - critic literar, Bucureşti
Ruxandra Cesereanu - scriitoare, Cluj
Dumitru Chioaru - scriitor, prof. univ., Sibiu
Gheorghe Sima Chiorean - geolog, Cluj-Napoca
Emilia Chiscop – jurnalist, Ziarul de Iaşi
Maria Ciordaş – medic, Centrul de medicină naturistă, Timişoara
Dan Mircea Cipariu - scriitor, preşedintele secţiei poezie Asociaţia Scriitorilor Bucureşti
Ioana Cistelecan - lector dr., Universitatea Oradea
Cristina Ciuca – sudentă, Marghita
Fabian Ciuca – curier,Bucureşti
Virgil Ciuca – inginer, New York, SUA
Ana-Maria Ciolpan – studentă, Cesena,Italia
Ionuţ Ciomboc – strungar, Petroşani
Emil Florin Cîmpean – Skiathos, Grecia
Mihaela Codiţă - preşedinte Executiv A.U.C.R., Bucureşti
Nicolae Sorin Codiţă - programator IT, Bucureşti
Mariana Codruţ, scriitor, Iaşi
Gina Cogeasca – inginer, Galaţi
Gabriel Cojanu - marketing manager, Constanţa
Vasile Iulian Cojeanu – avocat, Bucureşti
Elena Cojocaru – referent, Salonta
Denisa Comănescu - director general, Editura Humanitas Fiction
Georgeta Condur - preşedinte Asociaţia Pro Democratia-Club Iaşi
Cornel Constantin – profesor, Amsterdam,Olanda
Mari Constantinescu – studentă, Săalaj
Elise Conterra - medic pediatru, Bucureşti
Andrea Copiluţ – Finanţe-Bănci, Dej
Rodica şi Flavia Coposu, surorile lui Corneliu Coposu
Oana Copşa - liber profesionist, Torino, Italia
Ramona Cornea – geolog, Rockford,Illinois, SUA
George Costin - Preşedinte executiv, Blocul Naţional al Revoluţionarilor
DanaCoşeru – coregraf, Iaşi
EmilCoşeru - actor, Iaşi
Elena Crăciun – inginer, Consiliul Naţional Director, Alianţa Civică
Ovidiu Creangă – scriitor, Toronto, Canada
Gabriela Creţan - scriitor, Bucureşti
Cristian Creţu - medic stomatolog, Cluj
Gheorghe Creţu - scriitor, publicist, Informaţia zilei, Satu Mare
Alin Cristea - preşedinte, Asociaţia Thymos, Oradea
Carmen Cristea – pensionar,– student ASE, Bucureşti
Jan Cristescu – patron, Botoşani
Ioan Gelu Crişan – jurist, Călan
Vasilică Croitor – pastor, Medgidia
Daniel Corbu - scriitor, Editura Princeps Edit, Iaşi
Călin Cocora - redactor şef, revista literară Feed Back, Iaşi
Iuliana Cruciat – pictor, preşedinte, Asociaţia Revoluţia Sibiu 1989
Cătălin Cuatu – profesor, Bucureşti
Eugen Curta – scriitor, membru al Uniunii Scriitorilor
Florin Daniel - functionar public, Aiud
Gabriel Danilă – director, Hypergraph, Constanţa
Emil David – inginer, Bucureşti
Ileana David – profesor, Bucureşti
Ştefan Doru Dăncuş - scriitor, director Editura Singur, Târgovişte
Titi Dăogaru - Alianţa Poporului, Bucureşti
Mircea A. Diaconu – prof.univ.dr., Suceava
Cătălina Dima - ing. chimist, Craiova
Mihaela Din - desenator tehnic, Alba Iulia
Gabriela Dincă - operator calculator, Sf.Gheorghe
Cristina Teodora Dîrjan - Asociaţia 21 Decembrie 1989
Cristina Dobrăniş - fotomodel, Baia Mare
Ioana Dobre - tehnician dentar, Slobozia
Ionuţ Dobre – electrician, Călan
Anca Dobrescu - Alianţa Civică, Bucureşti
Caius Dobrescu – scriitor, Braşov
Dorin Dobrincu – istoric
Bogdan Dode -.economist, Calaraşi
Dumitru Augustin Doman - scriitor, revista literara Argeş, Piteşti
Nicolae Dosa - muzician, Orchestra din Monte-Carlo
Ana Maria Dragomir - profesor lb.engleză, Roman
Dragoş Dragomirescu – inginer, Timişoara
Radu Drăgan - arhitect, jurnalist, Paris, Franţa
Sorin Drăgoi - cineast, Munchen, Germania
Georgiana Drăghici - inginer, Brăila
Ioan Drimuş - Alianţa Românilor din Afara Hotarelor, Paris
Tereza Drimus – Paris, Franţa
Ştefaniţa Duca - asistent medical, Braşov
Ştefan Duca-administrator, Reghin
Bogdan Duica – electrician, Cugir
Mirela Duculescu - istoric de artă
Sisila Duldurescu, vice-preşedinte, Uniunea Mondială a Românilor Liberi, Paris
Anamaria Dumitrescu – brokker, Sibiu
Felicia Dumitrescu - farmacist, Ile de France, Franţa
Mihai Dumitrescu - tehnician construcţii, Ile de France, Franţa
Radu Dumitrache - antrenor polo, Bucureşti
Aurel Dumitraşcu - copil al Revoluţiei, Bucureşti
Ioan Dumitrescu – lector, Bucureşti
Elena Durbeca – filatoare, Suceava
Baeram Ali Ergun - psiholog clinician, Timişoara
Ecaterina Evanghelescu - biolog, preşedinte "Alliance Belgo-Roumaine", Bruxelles, Belgia
Vanghele Fabian – profesor, Bucureşti
Cristian Fekete – avocat, Cristuru-Secuiesc
Ionela Lacramioara Feraru – economist, Piatra Neamţ
Răzvan Flimon - agent comercial, Razboieni
Adrian Florea – şofer, Moreni
Marian Firimiţă - Asociaţia 21 Decembrie 1989
Adriana Florescu – contabilă, Bucureşti
Sergiu Florinescu – economist, Galaţi
Ancuţa Flutur – contabil, Deva
Şerban Foarţă - scriitor, Timişoara
Augustin Frăţilă - scriitor, compozitor, redactor şef al editurilor ALL, Bucureşti
Valentin Frunza - inginer, Bucureşti
Ana-Maria Furnica – medic, Arad
Istvan Gabi - mecanic auto, Covasna
Andrei Gabriel – psiholog, Oraştie
Alina Garea – economist, Cluj Napoca
Alina Garea – stewardeză, Braşov
Liliana Gavriliu - controlor Trafic Aerian, Bucureşti
Cristian Gavriloaia – student, Timişoara
Lucia Gărgăletuş – jurist, scriitor, Bucureşti
Constantin Geangu – inginer, Consiliul Naţional Director, Alianţa Civică
Dragoş Georgescu - mecanic auto, Blaj
Dumitru Georgescu – medic, Suceava
Elisabeta Georgescu -profesor, Suceava
Ion Georgescu – ziarist, Bucureşti
Răzvan Georgescu – inginer, Bumbeşti
Radu Pavel Gheo – scriitor, Timişoara
Adrian Alui Gheorghe - scriitor, Piatra-Neamţ
Maria Gheorghe - economist, Montreal, Canada
Mircea Gheorghe - ziarist, Canada
Elena Gheorghiu - profesor pensionar, Galaţi
GeorgeGheorghiu - economist, Bucureşti