College of Education: Annual Combined Report of Faculty Activity Rev. 5.2, 2/06/2012 1

College of Education

Division of ______

Annual Combined Report of Faculty Activity

Please submit one time per evaluation period from January 1, 2011 through March 1, 2012.
Faculty Member: Typed Name of Faculty Member From: dd/mm/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy
Directions: Type directly into existing boxes. Do not add additional pages. For longer responses bulleted items are preferred. Cells automatically adjust to accommodate the entry of information. Cell rows crossing adjoining pages may appear split until information is entered in them. Please list entries in chronological order in each category.
Areas of Evaluation: Teaching, Scholarship and Service
Information for consideration of merit: Teaching highlights
Begin merit discussion here:
Course Evaluation Matrix
Course title
(Use the Table Tools, Layout function to inset additional rows below those provided as needed) / Course
CRN / Date/Semester / Number of students / Average scores
Self-Evaluation of Student Course Evaluations
Specific to student evaluations: Assessment of strengths/weaknesses in the classroom; areas where student perceptions may have differed from the faculty’s, strategies/plans for goal development or change and steps to be taken for improvement:
Evidence of Teaching Effectiveness
Evidence of teaching effectiveness: For example: Information regarding rigorous academic standards, concern for learning, knowledge of subject matter, organization of courses, incorporation of research, method of teaching; changes to method used, use of technology in the classroom, etc.:
Reflections on Teaching
Begin Reflection Here:
List of Goals Accomplished / List of Planned Goals
Other Evidence of Teaching Efficacy
Specific comments on courses taught not previously mentioned in the above:
Information for consideration of merit: Scholarship highlights
Begin merit discussion here:
PUBLICATIONS (Use style recommended by the APA Publication Manual, 6th Edition) / Date (Mo/Yr) / Approximate number of participants / Location / Description (Include titles of publications)
Refereed articles published
Books published
Books under contract for publication or books being reviewed for publication
Case studies published in textbook or other professional publication
Book reviews
Publication in conference proceedings
Chapters in books
Total number of publications
PRESENTATIONS / Date (Mo/Yr) / Approximate number of participants / Location / Description (Include titles of presentations)
Juried art exhibition
Invited musician/theatrical performance
Presentations at professional meetings
Presentations of scholarship and creative work to community audiences
Creative works of literature, music, or art with national, regional, state, local audience
Theatrical productions directed
Total number of presentations.
AWARDS & RECOGNITION / Date (Mo/Yr) / Approximate number of participants / Location / Description (Include title of award or recognition)
Awards and prizes for scholarship and/or creative accomplishments
Awards and prizes for excellent teaching
Total number of awards and recognitions
GRANTS/CONTRACTS / Date (Mo/Yr) / Approximate number of participants / Location / Description (Include titles of grants/contracts and funding agency)
Total number of grants/contracts
Reflections on Scholarship
Begin reflection here:
List of Goals Accomplished / List of Planned Goals
Information for consideration of merit: Service highlights
Begin merit discussion here:
SERVICE / Date (Mo/Yr) / Title (chair, member, presenter, etc.) / Location / Description (Include titles of committees, organizations, activities, lectures, etc.)
University committees membership
Professional organization committee membership
Faculty Senate member
College committee member
Guest lecturer or speaker for an outside agency or professional organization
Training of community professionals
Serving on a community organization board or committee
Advisor for a student organization
Grant reviewer
Editing professional Publications
Supervision of student research (for which university credit is not documented)
Total number of service activities from rows above
Reflections on Service
Begin reflection here:
List of Goals Accomplished / List of Planned Goals
Additional Information pertinent to the merit review
Begin discussion here: