SUBJECT: Expense reimbursement for members of boards, councils, etc. / Chapter:1Section:1.20
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Revised Date: 03-07-2014
This policy lists the circumstances under which the Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) mayprovide expense reimbursement to members of boards, councils, committees, taskforces, etc.
The policy applies to all DHSS-sponsored activities involving members of boards, councils, committees, taskforces, etc. However, please note that the limit on reimbursement for travel, meal and lodging costs contained in this policy does NOT apply to DHSS employees who serve on boards, councils, committees, taskforces, etc., related to their DHSS job responsibilities or who provide support for such entities.
Reimbursement to members of department-related boards, councils, committees, taskforces, etc., for travel, meal and lodging costs tied to participation is limited by this policy. DHSS employees that support boards, councils, committees, taskforces, etc., are encouraged to utilize teleconferences, webinars, etc., to conduct meetings with such entities as an alternative to face-to-face meetings.
Expense reimbursement fortravel, meals and lodging costs of members of boards, councils, committees, taskforces, etc.,is prohibited exceptfor the following:
- Board of Health.
- Board of Senior Services.
- Board of Nursing Home Administrators.
- Home Health Services Advisory Council.
- State Hospice Advisory Council.
- Missouri Health Facility Review Committee.
- Boards, councils, committees, taskforces, etc., where DHSS and the applicable granting agency has negotiated a specific line in the grant that delineates a dollar amount to reimburse for travel, meals and lodging for members. Supporting documentation must be provided to the Division of Administration-Bureau of Financial Services.
- Other boards, councils, committees, taskforces, etc., approved in advanceby the Department Deputy Director. Detailed, written justification must be provided. Any approval granted is only applicable to a specificinstance.
Prepared By:Approved By:
Director, Division of AdministrationDirector