7th Grade Language Arts

Pronouns 1

Name ______

Question #1:

Choose the antecedent of the pronoun in the sentence. Marci likes to ski and is very good at it.

  1. good
  2. Marci
  3. to ski

Question #2:

Choose the antecedent of the pronoun in the sentence. The people used raw cabbage to make coleslaw and ate it.

  1. coleslaw
  2. ate
  3. people
  4. cabbage

Question #3:

Choose the antecedent of the pronoun in the sentence. Dr. Broome was the leader of her team.

  1. leader
  2. Dr. Broome
  3. team
  4. of

Question #4:

Choose the antecedent of the pronoun in the sentence.

Mothers with sick babies can thank their lucky stars for Dr. Broome.

  1. babies
  2. Mothers
  3. stars
  4. sick

Question #5:

Choose the antecedent of the pronoun in the sentence.

One farmer spread a bacteria by the way he fertilized cabbage.

  1. bacteria
  2. farmer
  3. way
  4. spread

Question #6:

Choose the antecedent of the pronoun in the sentence. Four people put their money into a box.

  1. four
  2. put
  3. money
  4. people

Question #7:

Choose the antecedent of the pronoun in the sentence.

Dr. Claire Broome received her medical degree from Harvard.

  1. degree
  2. medical
  3. Harvard
  4. Dr. Claire Broome

Question #8:

Choose the antecedent of the pronoun in the sentence. Broome has studied pneumonia to help control it.

  1. pneumonia
  2. Broome
  3. control
  4. help

Question #9:

Choose the antecedent of the pronoun in the sentence.

The doctor and her team discovered the cause oflisteriosis.

  1. doctor
  2. cause
  3. listeriosis
  4. team

Question #10:

Choose the antecedent of the pronoun in the sentence.

Listeriosis affects the membranes around the brain, and it usually affects the elderly or infants.

  1. Listeriosis
  2. brain
  3. elderly
  4. membranes

7th Grade Language Arts

Pronouns 1

Name ______

Question #11:

Choose the antecedent of the pronoun in the sentence.

In her investigation, Dr. Broome found raw cabbage to be the culprit.

  1. cabbage
  2. culprit
  3. raw
  4. Dr. Broome

Question #12:

Choose the antecedent of the pronoun in the sentence.

Broome traced the contaminated cabbage to its source.

  1. its
  2. source
  3. Broome
  4. cabbage

Question #13:

Choose the antecedent of the pronoun in the sentence.

A farmer had used sheep manure to fertilize his cabbage.

  1. sheep
  2. cabbage
  3. manure
  4. farmer

Question #14:

Choose the antecedent of the pronoun in the sentence.

When the sheep were tested, they were found to be infected with listeriosis.

  1. sheep
  2. infected
  3. tested
  4. listeriosis

Question #15:

Choose the pronoun that can refer to the antecedent.

Dr. Broome did a great service for ______countrymen.

  1. her
  2. its
  3. their
  4. herself

Question #16:

Choose the pronoun that can refer to the antecedent.

Broome's team did ______part also.

  1. its
  2. their
  3. her
  4. themselves

Question #17:

Choose the pronoun that can refer to the antecedent.

The mothers were very glad ______had a cure for their babies.

  1. it
  2. she
  3. they
  4. their

Question #18:

Choose the pronoun that can refer to the antecedent.

Listeriosis got ______name from Sir Joseph Lister, a doctor who stressed the importance of using antiseptics to clean surgical instruments.

  1. theirs
  2. her
  3. their
  4. its

7th Grade Language Arts

Pronouns 1


Question #19:

Choose the pronoun that can refer to the antecedent.

Dr. Broome received ______medical degree in 1975.

  1. herself
  2. their
  3. her
  4. she

Question #20:

Choose the pronoun that can refer to the antecedent.

How would you go about ______search for the cause of an infectious disease?

  1. yourself
  2. my
  3. your
  4. his

Question #21:

In what person is the pronoun in this sentence? She interviewed the mothers of sick babies.

  1. first
  2. third
  3. second

Question #22:

In what person is the pronoun in this sentence?

Surprisingly, they had all eaten raw cabbage while they were pregnant.

  1. second
  2. first
  3. third

Question #23:

In what person is the pronoun in this sentence?

I am glad Dr. Broome found the cause of listeriosis.

  1. second
  2. third
  3. first

Question #24:

In what person is the pronoun in this sentence?

What if you had been diagnosed with listeriosis, and Dr. Broome had not found the cause?

  1. second
  2. third
  3. first

Question #25:

In what person is the pronoun in this sentence?

Dr. Broome said, "The answers you get are practical."

  1. third
  2. first
  3. second

7th Grade Language Arts

Pronouns 1

Answer Key

1. C -to ski

2. A -coleslaw

3. B -Dr. Broome

4. B -Mothers

5. B -farmer

6. D -people

7. D -Dr. Claire Broome

8. A -pneumonia

9. A -doctor

10. A -Listeriosis

11. D -Dr. Broome

12. D -cabbage

13. D -farmer

14. A -sheep

15. A -her

16. A -its

17. C -they

18. D -its

19. C -her

20. C -your

21. B -third

22. C -third

23. C -first

24. A -second

25. C -second