Witherley Parish Council
Serving the communities of Witherley, Fenny Drayton, Ratcliffe Culey and Atterton
Minutes of the Parish Meeting held on Thursday 8thDecember 2011,
Parish Rooms, Witherley
PRESENT: Councillors: D Hickie (Chairman), M Cook (Vice-Chair) D Woods, E Stansfield, A Brittain (arrived 8.50pm), R Alexander, A Cartwright,C Harding, D Walker, County Cllr Ould (arrived 8.15pm) and D Matthews (Parish Clerk).
APOLOGIES:Borough Councillor Kevin Morrell, Cllr Wright & Cllr Hampshire
The Chairman declared an interest in respect of Witherley Playing Memorial Playing Field Trust.
A353: WELCOME - The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
A354: PUBLIC QUESTION TIMEThere were no questions from the public.
An amendment to the minutes of the October meeting was approved and the minutes were signed. The minutes of the November meeting were approved and signed.
- Grass Verge, Post Office Lane – LCC have responded. The grass has been cut and it is on theirschedule to be cut 9 times per year, commencing March 2012. Item closed.
- Church Way Marker–The matter has been referred to Robert Kane, LCC. Awaiting response.
- FD Weight Restrictions –Three incidents were reported.
- APNR Cameras –Cllr Cook reported that she’d discussed the matter with Robert Kane from LCC. Questions were raised regarding the management of the cameras and who would access the information recorded. The matter is on-going.
- Notice Board & Bench Repairs–A quote had been obtained from another supplier, but this was considered unaffordable. A further quote is to be obtained. It was resolved to pay the £10 cost for repairing the small notice from A Meredith.
- The Brook, Witherley – There was a discussion regarding the clearance of silt from the Brook. The Parish Clerk was asked to arrange dates the Environment Agency could attend to speak to the residents. The local landowner should also be invited.
- FD Playing Field Trees –Deferred in Cllr Wright’s absence.
- Drayton Close Telegraph Pole – The Parish Clerk reported that she had submitted a complaint and the matter would be reviewed within 24 hours.
- Drayton Close Fire Hydrant – The Parish Clerk reported that Severn Water had been contacted.
- Fenny Drayton Play Equipment – Delivery had been received and A Meredith was scheduled to fit in the new year.
- Footpath T27 – A response had been received from Geoff Pendery. Cllr Stansfield agreed to pursue.
- Salt & Grit – The Parish Clerk reported that LCC were to undertake an assessment of the location to determine whether it meets their criteria. It was noted that the cost of a bin supplied by LCC would be £200.
- Mythe Lane Hedge – Cllr Walker agreed to speak to the homeowner.
- Pot Hole, junction of Atterton and Mythe Lane –The depth of the Pot Holes has been reported to LCC for action.
- Compost Site Update – Please refer to County Cllr Ould’s report.
- Dog Litter – The Parish Clerk reported that Mark Taylor from HBBC had been out to Fenny Drayton and displayed signs. Cllr Walker reported that there problems within Witherley, particularly in Riverside, Hall Lane, Post Office Lane and Hunt Lane. The Parish Clerk was asked to contact Mark Taylor regarding these areas.
- Monument Interpretation Board – HBBC have been contacted with regard to therepair.
- Parish Room Garage – The PCC were contacted and the issue will be raised at their meeting in January 2012.
- Soil Mound – The Edge, Mythe Lane – This issue has been resolved. Item closed
- Dog Bin, Mill Lane, Witherley – The new bin has been delivered. Cllr Alexander agreed to install.
- Bridge Lane - Parish Clerk to contact homeowner with regards to overhanging Ivy and Conifer.
- Dropped Kerbs, Kennel lane and Bridge Lane – Parish Clerk to contact Robert Kane, LCC and write to County Cllr Ould.
- Building Works, Hunt lane – Three complaints had been received due to the mud on the road. Parish Clerk to pursue with HBBC.
- Witherley Playing Field Donation – Parish Clerk to contact the Trust for a copy of the quotation and seek clarification from HBBC re section 106 monies.
- HBBC, Areas of Special Character - There was a conversation regarding“other areas of special interest” within the Parish. The Parish Clerk agreed to send out the methodology for Cllrs to make comment by 31st January 2012.
Cllr Harding stated that the Atterton residents were interested in changing their street lighting to Heritage lamps. The Parish Clerk was asked to contact LCC with regard to their upgrade policy. A discussion followed relating to changes in the Leicestershire Street lighting hours. County Councillor Ould reported that the change in hours had not affected the crime level.
Fenny Drayton
- Compost Site - Cllr Cook wished to thank County Cllr Ould for his help.
- MIRA - Cllr Cook reported that following her letter to MIRA, she had a meeting arranged for Monday 12thDecember 2011.
- Drayton Close –Cllr Stansfield reported that the hedge was due to be planted by Brian Mee Associates on 14th December 2011.
- Rookery Close – The meeting with Jeremy Spencer from White Lodge Groundcare was confirmed as 9am Thursday 15th December 2011.
- Cllr Woods reported a problem with the visibility at Sketchley Lane due to a Conifer at White Cottage obscuring the view. Cllr Woods agreed to speak to homeowner.
- A quotation for £60 was received to fill the rat holes in the playing field. A decision was made by the Council not to proceed at the present time.
- Cllr Woods asked the Parish Clerk to contact BT regarding the glass in the payphone kiosk.
The Chairman wished the Council to note that some of the Witherley residents had expressed interest in the provision of a bus shelter, however, they were aware from local publicity that they may lose their bus service altogether at some point in the future.
County Councillor Ould
- Compost Site – The compost site has been recommended for refusal. He thanked the Parish Council for the outstanding letter of objection and the petition. He raised concerns that if it went to appeal, comments would be made that Higham on the Hill Parish Council, which is the closest Council to the site did not raise any objections.
- Kennel Lane – County Cllr Ould reported the extension of the 30mph speed limit as requested by the Parish Council.
- Marina, Market Bosworth – County Cllr Ould reported that the recommendation was to pass the development.
- MIRA – MIRA have not responded to the flooding issues raised. The Environmental Impact Statement submitted only covers a mile radius of the development. County Cllr Ould’s concerns are that the drainage will flow into the River Sence and River Anker. He is convening a meeting with the landowners.
- Traveller Site – Objections have been submitted to the extension of the traveller site at Higham on the Hill.
- Sheepy School have applied for Academy Status. The intention is for all schools to have Academy Status by 2015. This will therefore affect Witherley School. Academy Status schools will have the funding to buy their own services and in his opinion Council Tax will increase to meet this funding.
- A444 – County Cllr Ould reported an increase in crime on the A444 with offenders coming across the fields to enter properties. The incidents were during daylight hours.
- Parish Plan – County Cllr Ould recommended updating the Parish plan to benefit from the Big Society Fund.
A358: POLICE REPORT – 3 incidents were reported during the period 7.11.11 to 6.12.11. These included: 2dwelling burglaries and 1 burglary other than a dwelling.
There was a discussion regarding neighbourhood watch and a poster for the notice board was suggested. Cllr Alexander agreed to action.
Oneplanning applicationwas considered:
Reference / Address / Comments
11/00733/FUL / The willows, 1F Quaker Close, Fenny Drayton / No objections
- The Parish Clerk presented the November Finance Statement.
- It was resolved that the Christmas donation from HBBC should be split as follows:
- £25 Ratcliffe Culey ladies. Cllr Cartwright to provide details
- £25 Witherley Otters
- It was resolved that the un-presented cheques should be cancelled.
- The Parish Clerk produced a revised draft budget for 2012/13. This was discussed and it was resolved that the Precept should be increased by £5 to £20 per head.
- The cheques approved for signing were:
BT Payphones / Kiosk Sponsorship Ratcliffe Culey / 360.00 / 200028
Glasdon UK / Dog Bin / 108.28 / 200029
Richards Environmental / Dog Bin & Litter Bins / 41.30 / 200030
Brian Mee / Grass Cutting & Grass Verge D Close / 856.80 / 200031
D Matthews / Salary / 428.16 / 200032
HMRC / PAYE / 107.04 / 200033
D Matthews / Expenses / 110.79 / 200034
A Wright / Key Cutting / 13.50 / 200035
A Meredith / Repair to Sml Notice Board Witherley / 10.00 / 200037
A Hampshire / Refuse Sacks / 4.20 / 200038
Total / 2040.07
The Parish Clerk was requested to distribute the updated section of Standing Orders and provide the next section for review.
It was agreed that arrangements would be delegated to a Task Group and a meeting arranged for Mid January.
Comments on the model Contract of Employment should be submitted to the Chairman for the contract to be amended for approval at the next meeting.
A decision was made not to make a donation to South and West Leicestershire CAB.
- 2012/13 Budget
- The Parish Clerk was asked to invite HBBC to speak on S106 Funding.
- The Queens Diamond Jubilee
Parish Clerk
Parish Clerk
Cllr Stansfield
Cllr Walker
Parish Clerk
Parish Clerk
Cllr Alexander
Parish Clerk
Parish Clerk
Parish Clerk
Parish Clerk
Parish Clerk
Parish Clerk
Cllr Woods
Parish Clerk
Cllr Alexander
Cllr Cartwright
Parish Clerk
Parish Clerk
All Cllrs
Parish Clerk
Date of next meeting:
The next meeting would be held on12th January 2012, 7.30pm, Parish Rooms.
Signed ______Date ______
Minutes are available at Witherley Parish Council Meeting 8th December 2011
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