- - Begin at least 20 minutes prior to contest - -
1) Read criteria on the reverse side of each judging form. Judge ONLY by the criteria and how those are met today, not by how the person did in a prior contest.
2) Avoid bias, pro or con, judge speeches and speakers on the merits of their performance today.
3) When you are scoring, some speakers may tie or be very close in points. You must break your own ties and use your own method of scoring close speakers…i.e. use a plus/minus system or whatever works for you, that will help when you tally the points.
4) Before each contest begins, print and sign your name on the ballot. Tear ballot off the scoring sheet. Unsigned ballots cannot be counted. Make sure you are filling in the correct ballot for each contest. Fill in a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place (if 3 contestants) or the ballot cannot be counted. DO NOT FILL IN CONTESTANTS NAMES ON THE JUDGING GRID UNTIL SPEAKING ORDER IS ANNOUNCED. The Toastmaster gives the speaking order as each contest starts.
5) At the end of each contest, the audience will be requested to remain quiet to allow time for you to fill out your ballot. Place your completed, signed ballot in the provided envelope. Hold up your ballot to be collected by a Ballot Counter. Please “discreetly dispose of the judging portion” of your ballot sheet away from the contest site.
6) All speeches must be substantially original: 25% or less of the speech may be devoted to quoting, paraphrasing or referencing another person’s content. If someone is quoted, the source must be identified. If there is a question regarding originality, it must be brought to the attention of the Chief Judge or to the attention of the Contest Chair before winners are announced. The contestant has a right to be heard on the question before a decision can be made to disqualify on the basis that the speech is not original. A majority of judges must concur to disqualify the contestant.
7) Do not pay any attention to timing, judge by the criteria given. If there is a disqualification for time, it is because the timers found the person to be over or under time. A disqualification of a contestant for time will be announced, but the person’s name is not given.
8) Once the winners are announced, the decision is final. Timers, counters, and the Chief Judge may interrupt the announcement of winners if names are being read incorrectly. Raise a hand and state out loud… there is an error!
9) The speaking area is defined; going outside the area is not a basis for disqualification. However, if movement, proximity etc. seems awkward or inappropriate, you may consider that in your scoring.
10) Do not discuss the judging of this contest or how you judged with anyone, not even your closest judge.
11) Judges are encouraged to sit close to the contest speaking area in case of any outside disturbance or malfunctioning technical system.
REV 2014, Feb The Quality Contest Team