Dimensional Analysis, Significant Digits & Scientific Notation Practice

A) Significant Digits Practice

Determine the number of significant digits in each number.
A.  0.012 _____
B.  100 _____
C.  120. _____
D.  0.2070 _____
E.  0.0102 _____ / Round each number to the specified significant digits.
F.  792.6739 à1 sig. digs. ______
G.  5,487 à 2 sig. digs. ______
H.  789.65 à3 sig. digs. ______
I.  389,277 600 à 4 sig. digs. ______
J.  225,834.7 à5 sig. digs. ______

A) Significant Digits Practice - additional practice

Determine the number of significant digits in each number.
A.  12,000 _____
B.  12,000. _____
C.  15.0 _____
D.  5.56 x 10-4 _____ / Round each number to the specified significant digits.
E.  790,001.01 à 1 sig. dig. ______
F.  665.001 à 2 sig. digs. ______
G.  10.430215789 à3 sig. digs. ______
H.  15,987,123 à 4 significant digits ______

B) Scientific Notation

Write the following numbers in scientific notation. Please keep the correct number of significant digits.
A.  8,062,000 mm = ______
B.  0.004 km = ______
C.  0.0003 km = ______
D.  1,000,000 kg = ______
E.  1344 mL = ______

B) Scientific Notation – Additional practice

Write these numbers in non-scientific notation form. Please keep the correct number of significant digits.
A.  0.0000243 km = ______
B.  0.00034 Mm = ______
C.  760000 g = ______
D.  2300 mg = ______
E.  820 m3 = ______

C) Calculations Section

Complete the following dimensional analysis problems on a separate sheet of paper.
·  You MUST use dimensional analysis.
·  You HAVE to show your work.
·  Make sure your answers have labels.
·  Put your answers into the correct number of significant digits. / 1 nautical mile = 6076 feet
1 league = 5,280 yards
1 cable = 120 fathoms
1 fathom = 6 feet
1 degree = 69.047 miles
1 hand = 4 inches

1.  Erbie Terbium blinks their eyes once every 3 minutes on the average, then how many times do they blink their eye in a day?

2.  The Earth’s circumference is 24,901.55 miles. Mrs. Martin is 1.68 m tall, how many Mrs. Martin’s could you lay end to end around the earth.

3.  Ruth Palladium (RuPd) is leaving for a 610-league adventure on a cruise ship. How many nautical miles is this?

4.  Later the ship is discovered at 38 fathoms deep under water. Convert this to meters.

5.  Fortunately Ruth survived! She is stranded on a deserted island that is located 12.5 degrees north of the equator. How many kilometers is this?

6.  Ms. Palladium has to survive on coconuts. To reach the top of a palm tree for a coconut Ruth will have to climb 7.4 meters. How many feet is this?

C) Calculations Section - additional practice

Complete the following dimensional analysis problems on a separate sheet of paper.
·  You MUST use dimensional analysis.
·  You HAVE to show your work. / ·  Make sure your answers have labels.
·  Put your answers into the correct number of significant digits.

7.  How many seconds old are you?

8.  Mrs. Martin takes 14 minutes to drive home from Roosevelt. How many seconds is that?

9.  The cost of 1.00 Liters of gas is $0.269 cents. How many dollars will 12.0 gallons cost?

10.  In Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indiana Jones tried to remove a gold idol from a booby-trapped pedestal. He replaces the idol with a bag of sand. If the idol has a mass of 2.00 kg, how many pounds of sand must he place on the pedestal to keep the mass sensitive booby-trap from activating?

11.  A soccer field can be up to 120 yards long. How many meters is this?

12.  A housefly's life span is 3 days. How many minutes is this?