Tuesday July 7, 2009

Members present: Donovan, Etherington, Christian and Swanson. Councilor Schultz absent.

Staff members present: City Administrator Woodruff, Deputy Clerk Olsen

Others present: Kelly Spillman-Maple River Messenger;

Mayor Swanson called the council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the Mapleton Fire Station.

Pledge of Allegiance

All present stood and said the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.

Consent Agenda

Councilor Donovan moved and Councilor Christian seconded to adopt the consent agenda with the changes. All present voted in favor thereof. Motion carried.

A.  Minutes 6/16/09

B.  Bills totaling $511,195.05

C.  Conciliation Court - update

D.  Letter to Waste Management

Staff Reports
Administration, Police, Wastewater/Street, Water/Park

Adopt Agenda

Councilor Schultz had requested postponing the capital outlay equipment work session so that he could attend. Administrator Woodruff stated that this could be combined with the budget workshop. Councilor Schultz requested that the workshop be held on July 23rd. It was the consensus of the council to hold the workshop on July 23rd at 7 p.m.

Councilor Christian moved and Councilor Etherington seconded to adopt the agenda with the change. All present voted in favor thereof. Motion carried.

New Business

A.  Resolution 30-07-09 Replacing Impellers at Lift Station

Administrator Woodruff informed the council that the impellers are worn and need to be replaced. They are the original impellers that were installed in 1989. It would not be cost effective to recondition them. Councilor Donovan asked if the impellers would last longer if they were ceramic coated. Administrator Woodruff stated that it would cost approximately $1,000 every two to three years to recoat the ceramic. The council discussed the possibility of getting new ceramic coated impellers. Councilor Etherington moved and Councilor Donovan seconded to table Resolution 30-07-09 for further information. All present voted in favor thereof. Motion carried.

B.  Ditch 57 meeting July 7 with County Commissioners

Administrator Woodruff reported that the city’s percentage had been reduced a little bit to eighteen percent. She reported on the preliminary hearing with the county commissioners. Administrator Woodruff noted that the agricultural properties that are located within the city limits do not pay as much ditch taxes because their water goes through the city storm sewer. This is one of their benefits of living in town. Administrator Woodruff will meet with Julie Conrad on Thursday to discuss grant possibilities. Councilor Christian asked if our ponds were taken into consideration. The viewers thought that I & S took that into account. Councilors Christian and Donovan felt this should be checked into further with I & S. Councilor Donovan also felt that we should not pay I & S to study our water capacity because we have already paid Bolton and Menk to figure this out. Administrator Woodruff will talk to I & S.

C.  Set workshop date for 2009 and 2010 budget

It will be held July 23 at 7 p.m.

D.  Yard of the Month - July

Mark and Pam Braunhausen were chosen as the yard of the month winners.

E.  Resolution 31-7-09 Draw Request #2

Administrator Woodruff reported that Bolton and Menk have reviewed the draw request. Councilor Etherington asked if they are ahead of schedule. Administrator Woodruff reported that Mathiowetz Construction was happy that Xcel got all of their poles moved. They did rework the schedule to work around the utility companies. Councilor Etherington moved and Councilor Donovan seconded to adopt Resolution 31-7-09 approving Draw Request Number Two from Mathiowetz Construction Company in the amount of $345,198.98. Roll Call Vote: Aye: Donovan, Etherington, Christian and Swanson. Nay: none. Absent: Schultz. Motion carried. Councilor Donovan asked if this included the portion that was withheld last time. Administrator Woodruff reported that it did not, that amount was already paid to them. Administrator Woodruff reported that MNDoT has deposited their portion of the money into the city’s account. Administrator Woodruff stated that Mike Schmitz has volunteered to attend a council meeting if the council has questions about the project.

Mayor Swanson adjourned the meeting at 7:33 p.m.

Recorded by Sarah Olsen.


James Swanson, Mayor Patty Woodruff, City Administrator/Clerk

Minutes – Regular Mapleton City Council meeting – July 7, 2009 – Page 1 of 2