Progress Report — KinderPrep
Student Name Teacher Kathryn Jurik
Healdsburg Elementary School School Year 2012-2013
1 2 3
Classroom Participation SkillsFollows directions in work
Listens attentively
Willing to try new activities
Applies best effort
Transitions between activities
Uses materials purposefully and respectfully
Completes work in allotted time
Focuses on task at hand 1:1, small group, whole class
Asks questions to gain understanding
Social Responsibility
Uses toolbox skills in play, in classroom
Expresses feelings appropriately
Cleans up after self
Follows classroom routines
Follows playground rules: lines up, uses play equipment appropriately
Accepts responsibility for own actions
Knows the names of the other students in the classroom
Small Motor
Pencil grip: right, left
Pencil, crayon, marker control
Scissor control
Draws a detailed person
Language Arts
Alphabet Knowledge: sings ABC song, 1:1 ‘reads’ ABC card
Identifies: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Identifies: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Letter Sounds: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Identifies rhyming works
Recites familiar poems and songs: with class, small group, independently
Book skills: identifies front and back of book, handles books respectfully and purposefully
Recognizes names of classmates
Recognizes sight words: I, me, my, you, see, like, love, mom, dad, can
Uses purposefully
Writes name by: tracing, copying, independently, using taught letter formation, on lined paper
Draws recognizable picture in response to story
Dictates story with beginning, middle and end
Retells familiar story by sequencing pictures and dictating storyline
Controls volume of voice/Uses clear voice
Stays on topic in discussions and conversations
Rote counts to:
Counts objects to:
Matches numerals to amounts:
Writes numerals to:
Uses math vocabulary: more, less, equal, pattern, shape words, position words
Copies patterns
Creates patterns
Describes patterns
Solves open ended problems in more than one way by: building models, drawing, verbalizing
Colors: red, yellow, blue, green, orange, purple, black, white, grey, pink
Adds using manipulatives
Subtracts using manipulatives
Student Name ______
Demonstrates best effort
Bounces and catches ball
Hops on one foot
Kicks a ball
Balances: left, right
Cooperates in movement activities and games
Participates using best effort
Social Studies
Participates using best effort
Demonstrates knowledge of being a good citizen
Recognizes national and state symbols
Aware of other cultures
Participates using best effort
Recognizes primary colors and how they combine
Introduced to these artists/art forms:
Participates using best effort
Listens attentively to Santa Rosa Symphony school wide program
Claps to the beat
Participates/cooperates in creating rhythms and controlled volume with a variety of instruments
Special Programs:
Language Scores: CELDT
Comments First Trimester
Parent Teacher Conference yes no
Attended by______
Comments Second Trimester
Parent Teacher Conference yes no
Comments Third Trimester
Parent Teacher Conference yes no
Promoted to Second Year of Kindergarten on ______
Signed ______
Kathryn Jurik KinderPrep Teacher