- YOUTH U14-U15
- OPEN-U17, U19, OPEN
- R & R
- Champion Lifesaver, Champion Patrol, First Aid can only enter after State Titles selection criteria- ask Jane
- March Past
CONDITIONS OF ENTRY- read to the end of the document!
- Parent/s and/or Open competitorswill need to be available to assist with tasks pre/during and/or post event. Kindly offer or we will kindly ask each member of the travelling team.
- Proficient as of 31/12/15Financial member
- 16 competition patrol hours as per your award from 01/01/15 to 31/12/15.
- Email , pay by applicable deadline plus email re craft requests
- Masters entry and Open AUSSIES competition are considered as 2 separate events and fees
- Individual events are automatic entry and entry for team events are selected by club coaches.
- Team selection – Communicate with your coach for information
- City of Perth FINZ competition bathers & cap are to be worn during competition PLUS on the medal DIAS
FEEWhat you need to do and by when?Select an Option below and advise us then make payment.
- Option 1: To enable us to process your entry and secure the early entry fee we need you to enter and pay by Friday 8th January 2016 and pay $85.00 now to the Club.
- Option2: If you advise us afterthe 8th ofJanuary and prior to Friday26 February 2016 the entry fee is $100.00.
- Option 3: If you advise us after26 February and up toWednesday 9March 2015 then the entry fee will be a late entry fee of $150.00
- Option 4: March Past Entry fee is $7.00 per person.
HOW TO ENTER – 3 steps -email, pay then email craft request
- EMAIL Stephen and Linda
- Payment here-
Bulk payment and High performance competitors have not paid for AUSSIES entry
- CRAFTShylie Elliott has kindy volunteered to coordinate the craft container allocation. Shylie is not the person to complain about craft fees to. Contact Wal for that.
Craft container fee for craft that is used in competition and each piece of equipment will travel from Perth on the 4/4/16 to the Sunshine coast and back from the Sunshine Coast to Perth on 25/04/16. The container transport fee this year will come is at about $10,800.
Fees as follows;
1 x competition Mal is $100.
1 x competition single ski is $120
On application; as per water coach 1 x mal & 1 x ski for one competitor is $140
1 x surfboard subject to space on 3/4/16 is $50 flat fee per surfboard o/w or return.
1 x boogie board subject to space on 3/4/16 flat fee $10 per bogie board o/w or return.
Confirm your craft allocation with Shylie via email
- Fee will be issued via invoice for payment
Additional craft in container for the one way journey from Sunshine Coast to Perth on 25/4/16.
Subject to available limited spaces
If you wish to book a return journey space for your craft then we will require pre-payment and the fee is non-refundable.
1 x competition Mal is $100.
1 x competition single ski is $120
1 x surf board is $50
Confirm the additional craft spot with Shylie via email.
- Fee will be issued via invoice for payment
Craft- Boats
- Boat craft fee per competitor will be advised at a later date
- Youth U14 & U15- 16 & 17 April- note we require you at the windupteam wrap Sunday 17 April 6pm
- Masters-18 & 19April
- OPEN-20-24 April- Note we required you at the windup team wrap, 6-8pm Sunday night 24 April
- Compulsory nightly team meeting at The Mirage Alexander Headland 6pm
Event information- load to your mobile devices as it changes constantly
Linda -Surf Sports officer
Stephen Carrick - Director of Surf Sports