File No. PJCC 02840/1 / The PJCC Chairman
Headquarters NZ Defence Force
Wellington New Zealand
Telephone: +64 4 4960189 Fax: +64 4 4960159


Date: 19 June 2012


1.  The Pacific JTIDS/MIDS Coordination Committee (PJCC) will conduct its annual meeting in conjunction with the US Pacific Command Spectrum Management Conference (23-27 July) on Thursday the 26th July 2012 in Honolulu Hawaii. Nations attending the US PACOM conference are invited to attend the PJCC meeting # 5. Additionally members of the MNWG interested in coordination of JTIDS/MIDS within the greater Pacific area are also invited to participate.

2.  The organisers of the US Pacific Command Spectrum Management Conference have provided facilities and a time slot of 0905-1700 on Thursday 26th July in the Plumeria room of the Ala Moana hotel to enable those international representatives attending the USPACOM Conference to attend the PJCC.


3.  The purpose of the PJCC meeting #5 is to review the PJCC charter (discussed and agreed at meeting #3 (Jul 2009); Pacific nations test programme; cross boarder considerations, provision of a JTIDS/MIDS tutorial and the demonstration of a Link 16 Pulse Deconfliction Server tool.


4.  The meeting will start at 0905 hrs on Thursday 26th July in the Plumeria room of the Ala Moana hotel. It should be noted that this meeting is being hosted by US Pacific Command in conjunction with their annual US PACOM Spectrum Management Conference (23-27) July). Conference administration will be carried out by the host. Information relating to the USPACOM conference along with pre registration for that conference can be found on the website www.fbcinc.comm/pacific. Participants to the PJCC are strongly recommended to attend the US PACOM Spectrum Management Conference. There is no requirement to register for attending the PJCC meeting only however it would be appreciated if intending participants to the PJCC advise the chairman by completion of business on Monday 23rd July 2012.

5.  The agenda for the PJCC is at annex 1. Copies of the PJCC charter can be found on the MNWG Website at www.mnwg.org. The PJCC meeting is expected to end at 1700hrs.


6.  Preparation. The effectiveness of the PJCC meeting is enhanced by the preparation of the delegates prior to arrival. Any presentations should be indicated to the chair along with the proposed time for the presentation to enable good time management of the meeting.

7.  Security. The meeting is expected to involve unclassified information only; the venue is not suitable for classified discussions.


8.  Hotel Accommodation. The meeting is being held in the Ala Moana Hotel, 410 Atkinson Drive Honolulu Hawaii, 96814. Accommodation is available at the Ala Moana hotel. Reservations are to be made direct with the hotel by calling +1 808 955-4811 or Fax +1 808 944-6839. Online bookings are encouraged and can be made at the following address:


9.  Travel. Arrival by air will be into the Honolulu International Airport which is approx 7 miles from the hotel or 15-30minutes. There are no hotel courtesy vehicles. Taxis are available in addition to a regular bus service. With drop off at most hotels.

10.  Conference Fee. A conference fee for attending the PJCC will be included in the fees for attending the entire USPACOM conference (23-27 July ). Those attendees who are only attending the PJCC on the 28th may be required to pay a small fee to cover the cost of the venue and admin support. This fee has yet to be confirmed however should not exceed US$40. The fee for attending the PJCC will be collected at registration on the day, cash only in $USD will be accepted, a receipt will be provided. The fee for the entire USPACOM conference (which will include attendance to the PJCC) can be paid on registration to that conference.

11.  Dress. Smart casual attire is permitted for all PJCC meeting participants (no ties required)

12.  Administration Queries. All administration queries on the PJCC meeting should be addressed to the chair, Mr Bruce Emirali at or by calling +64 4 4960189. Queries for the US PACOM Spectrum Management Conference should be addressed to Mr Bob Marcial at

Signed on original

Bruce Emirali

Chair PJCC


1. Draft agenda as at 18 June 2012.


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PJCC 02840/1

Dated 18 June 2012

Pacific JTIDS Coordination Committee (PJCC)

Working Group

Meeting #5 26th July 2012

Proposed Meeting Agenda

1. Opening Statements and Introductions Chair/NZ

2. Review Record of Discussion PJCC 11 Chair/NZ

- Notes

- Action Item Review

3. Charter Overview and Status Chair/NZ

4. Report on activities of MNWG 2012 Chair MNWG/US

- Spectrum Access Sub working group

- Frequency Clearance Experts group

5. Progress of Link 16 in the Pacific Nations

(Nations with an existing frequency clearance are encouraged

to provide a brief update (10 Mins) on the topics listed below)

- Link 16 Usage

- FCA Status/Star Chart

- FCA Initiatives and Testing Updates

Lunch 11:15 to 13:00

6. Deconfliction Server Demo/Tutorial Information (1310-1630) US

7. Action Item Review (1630) Chair

8. Any other Business All

9. Next Meeting Date All

10. Closing Remarks (1655) All


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