King’s Meadow P.T.A. News
Welcome to the very first edition of our P.T.A. newsletter!
What is the King’s Meadow P.T.A?
King’s MeadowPrimary School’s Parent Teacher Association is a very friendly bunch of volunteer parents and carers who, together with a staff representative, organise a series of fun social events and activities throughout the school academic year with the purpose of raising valuable funds for the school. All the money we raise goes towards fabulous resources, school trips and fun learning experiences which directly benefit the children from P4 through to P7.
How can I get involved?
Please come along to our next meeting – it really is a case of the more the merrier! Not only will you get involved in fantastic fundraising activities, it’s a great way to make new friends and get more involved in school life. Any level of support is much appreciated – you don’t have to commit to every event and every meeting.
Next P.T.A. Meeting: Tuesday 4th October 2016, 6:30pm in the Music Room, King’s Meadow
If you can’t make this meeting but would like to be involved, please e-mail
Upcoming P.T.A. Events
1. P4 Hallowe’en Disco: Evening of Tuesday 1st November (more details to follow in schoolbags soon)
This promises to be the social event of the year for our P4’s – fancy-dress, lots of games and dancing galore! To make this event possible we need help with preparations beforehand, as well as the set-up and running of the disco on the night. Anyone able to help should e-mail . Many thanks!
2. Christmas Fair: Date in December to be advertised soon
Did you know that whenever you shop online, be it for a hat or a holiday, packed lunches or pencil cases, you could be raising a free donation for King’s Meadow P.T.A. at no extra cost to you?
Simply sign up for free at - it's as easy as 1, 2, 3! All you have to do is:
1. Go to
2.Sign up for free
3.Get shopping- your donations will be collected by easyfundraising and automatically sent toKing’s Meadow School P.T.A. It couldn't be easier!
There are no catches or hidden charges and King’s Meadow P.T.A. will be really grateful for your donations. To date, we have raised a healthy £216 with only 13 members. With your support, especially with Christmas shopping on the horizon, it could be much, much more! Thank you for your support.