From: Meiners, Catherine
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 3:24 PM
To: Meiners, Catherine; Posten, Michelle; Ott, Diana; Baum, Thomas; Wingerd, Glen
Cc: Satterfield, Hope; Brink, Kelly; Stanley, Michael; Katskee, Clayton; Ashbaugh, Jackie
Subject: RE: Error Transactions

TX SET discussed this issue today. It was agreed that this was a gap and they will be changing the 814_20 guides with the Mass Transition project to correct. Currently that project is estimated to be in production in July 2007.

Until then, it was suggested that the TDSP hold their 814_20s until they have all the required meter information. Another TDSP shared that they are currently holding theirs to work around this gap.

Please let me know if you have further questions.

Thanks, Catherine

From: Meiners, Catherine
Sent: Tue 4/11/2006 9:17 AM
To: Posten, Michelle; Ott, Diana; Baum, Thomas; Wingerd, Glen
Cc: Satterfield, Hope; Brink, Kelly; Stanley, Michael; Katskee, Clayton; Ashbaugh, Jackie
Subject: RE: Error Transactions

Our system will continue to reject the transactions as long as the REF~4P and REF~MT segments are missing. So the choices are to either populate those segments or make the changes manually.

As a note, to change ERCOT validation on this would require a code change that would need to follow our normal release cycle. Even if TX SET determines that the guide is in error and ERCOT should change validation, it will take time to implement that change.

Thanks, Catherine

From: Posten, Michelle
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 8:40 AM
To: Meiners, Catherine; Ott, Diana; Baum, Thomas; Wingerd, Glen
Cc: Satterfield, Hope; Brink, Kelly; Stanley, Michael; Katskee, Clayton; Ashbaugh, Jackie
Subject: RE: Error Transactions

As I said previously, I appreciate the update on this issue. However, 4/26 is 2 weeks away and we have an MP in need of help to get this issue resolved. Is there anyone who can assist here to get TXU's profile changes through? Is a manual change the only option here?

Thank you for your assistance.

Michelle Posten

From: Meiners, Catherine
Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 5:40 PM
To: Posten, Michelle; Ott, Diana; Baum, Thomas; Wingerd, Glen
Cc: Satterfield, Hope; Brink, Kelly; Stanley, Michael; Katskee, Clayton
Subject: RE: Error Transactions

There was a 4/5 meeting but it was specifically to discuss Mass Transition. Glen did request that they add this to the agenda, but since it was a special off cycle meeting to focus on preparing information on Mass Transition for the TAC meeting, they chose not to discuss this during that meeting. Kathy indicated that she would add it to the April 26th meeting.

Thanks, Catherine

From: Posten, Michelle
Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 5:25 PM
To: Meiners, Catherine; Ott, Diana; Baum, Thomas; Wingerd, Glen
Cc: Satterfield, Hope; Brink, Kelly; Stanley, Michael; Katskee, Clayton
Subject: RE: Error Transactions

From the email....I thought they had said itmay be taken up at the 4/5 meeting?????

Michelle Posten

From: Meiners, Catherine
Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 5:24 PM
To: Ott, Diana; Baum, Thomas; Wingerd, Glen; Posten, Michelle
Cc: Satterfield, Hope; Brink, Kelly; Stanley, Michael; Katskee, Clayton
Subject: RE: Error Transactions

TX SET will discuss at their next meeting.

Thanks, Catherine

From: Ott, Diana
Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 5:23 PM
To: Baum, Thomas; Wingerd, Glen; Posten, Michelle
Cc: Meiners, Catherine; Satterfield, Hope; Brink, Kelly; Stanley, Michael; Katskee, Clayton
Subject: RE: Error Transactions

Any word on the answer to the question in Thomas Baum e-mail?

Diana R Ott

Load Profiling Analyst

Electric Reliability Council of Texas


From: Baum, Thomas
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 8:50 AM
To: Wingerd, Glen; Posten, Michelle
Cc: Meiners, Catherine; Satterfield, Hope; Brink, Kelly; Ott, Diana; Stanley, Michael; Katskee, Clayton
Subject: RE: Error Transactions

Per 2.1 Changes, all Profile Code Changes require the REF~4P and REF~MT segments. They are rejecting for missing these segments. The outstanding question is what should they put in these fields if the “premises don't have a active meter.”

Sounds like a great question for TX SET. I included Glen on this thread since they have a SET meeting today.

Tom Baum


From: Stanley, Michael
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 8:14 AM
To: Katskee, Clayton
Cc: Meiners, Catherine; Satterfield, Hope; Baum, Thomas; Brink, Kelly; Ott, Diana
Subject: FW: Error Transactions

These sound like they may have rejected for mapping reasons so I am including Clay.

From: Posten, Michelle
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 8:10 AM
To: Meiners, Catherine; Satterfield, Hope; Baum, Thomas
Cc: Stanley, Michael; Brink, Kelly; Ott, Diana
Subject: FW: Error Transactions

Catherine,Hope,Tom and Michael,

I am soliciting your assistance on this one please!

Thank you and let me know if there is something further I can provide you.

Michelle Posten

From: Ott, Diana
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 5:11 PM
To: Posten, Michelle; Brink, Kelly
Subject: FW: Error Transactions

This is what he sent to me. Thanks for your help!

Diana R Ott

Load Profiling Analyst

Electric Reliability Council of Texas


From: [mailto:
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 5:08 PM
To: Ott, Diana
Subject: Error Transactions

<814-21 Error Trans.txt>

Diana, first thanks for your assistance in this matter.

The attached file contain 814_21 transactions that were errored because of the "All" in the meter number field.

When a 814_20 REFLO maintenance transaction is generated and "All" (MQ) is used in the NM1 segment, what should be put in REF*MT and REF*IX ?

I read in the 814_20 guide, the REF-IX segment is used only if changing the number of dials. The REF-MT segment is required. If there is not a meter on the premise, what should be populated in this filed.

Most of the transactions in the attached file is REFAV transactions. The premises don't have a active meter.

I realize this may not be clear. Please refer to the attached file for clarification.

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