The Emerald City

Membership/Subscription Application and Renewal

(Please print all information legibly in ink)

Mailing Name/Information:

First: Last:

Feminine Name (if different than above): ______



Check one: New MemberRenewalSubscriber

Sponsor Member Name (New members only):

Amount Paid: $ Cash Check Check Number

Member’s Signature:Date:

The following information is optional. Enter this information only if you want to be contacted by this method.

Phone Number ( )Name to Ask for:

E-mail address:Email Name:______

For Board Use Only: Actions by the Board

Date application received:

Approved for Membership/Subscriber Application Rejected

Reason for rejection:

Date of board action: Date Data Entered: ______

Please read information on reverse side

Optional Social Contact Information:, Provide the method by which you wish to be contacted about social events. This information may be deleted from the files if you are renewing and leave it out. Do not put any information on this form if you do not want it to be used to contact you. Emerald City does not sell or exchange email lists with other organizations. These emails are sent out as group emails, which do make your email address available to those receiving the emails. EC assumes no responsibility for what others may do with these email addresses. Do not sign up for any of these email lists if this is a concern. EC does not sponsor nor does it control the email lists.

Phone Number ( )Name to Ask for:

E-mail address:Email Name:

□Social Activities List – this list is used to inform you of social activities that may or may not be announced at the meetings or in the News Letter.

□Dance List – several of the girls like to go out dancing, usually on Thursday and Saturday nights. Sign up for this list if you would like to go dancing at one of the local dance clubs.

□ Dinner/Cocktail List – many girls gather together for cocktails or dinner before the first Thursday general membership meeting. Sign up for this if you would like to know the time and place of the cocktail hour each month.

The Emerald City

Post Office Box 31318

Seattle, Washington 98103

(425) 827-9494

Membership/Subscription Application and Renewal

CONFIDENTIALITY:Privacy and security are founding principles of "The Emerald City”. The Information on your application is confidential. Only a few elected officers will have access to this critical information and. once you leave the club, it is destroyed. You should ask for your name to be removed from social email lists by replying to the sender requesting that you be removed from the list.

SUBSCRIBER OR MEMBER? Subscribers and Members receive The Newsletter. Members are able to attend all club activities. Subscribers are welcome to attend as guests when escorted by a member.

Membership in "The Emerald City” is a privilege extended to those who share our purposes. When you become a Member, you must conduct yourself according to By-laws and the Code of Conduct for the club. These documents will be sent to you when your application is approved at the officers meeting. Please read and make sure you understand them. If you have any questions please mention them when you first attend a meeting, or call us (see phone number above).

MAILING NAME AND ADDRESS:This information is used for our mailing list. It is used to send the newsletter. The By-laws, the Code of Conduct, ballots, and other information. Access to this information is very limited. You do not need to use your legal name. The return address on our correspondence is The Emerald City with our address.

ASSUMED NAME: You have lots of choices. Typically this is the name you wish to be called when you are in your femme role. It may also be the same name as your mailing name. This name is used toform the membership list that we use to insure that only members and escorted spouses, significant others, and guests attend our activities.

COST: Dues and subscriptions are $40 per fiscal year (starting July 1 each year) for renewals. For new members only the dues or subscriptions are pro-rated at $4.00 per month for periods of less than ten months.

SPONSOR: You must have a sponsor if you wish to apply to be a member. Your sponsor must be a current member of “The Emerald City”. If you do not know a member, we will ask someone within your area to contact you.Renewals do not require a sponsor.

YOUR SIGNATURE: When you sign the form, you assure us that you will read and abide by the By-Laws and the Code of Conduct after you receive them.

BOARD ACTION: The Board usually meets the second Thursday of each month. The action on your application should be sent to you shortly thereafter. The Board does not act on renewals.

OPTIONAL SOCIAL INFORMATION: The information you enter here is optional. Do not enter any information you do not want to be used to contact you. Otherwise, this information can be used by any board member or any social email list chairman to contact you. You can request contact information for another EC member by sending a request to a member of the board or mail your request to the club’s mailing address. The board will then forward your request to that member. EC does not sell or exchange email lists with other organizations. These emails are sent out as group emails. This does make your email address available to those receiving the emails. EC assumes no responsibility; implied, inferred or actual, for what others may do with these email addresses. Do not sign up for any of these email lists if this is a concern.

Revised: 10/24/2018