Project / Research Data Collections Project
Title / Communication Strategy
Version / 1.0
Date effective / 5 November 2010
Last updated / 5 November 2010
Scope note / Provides a template for documenting channels, messages and responsibilities for communicating with different groups of project stakeholders. Covers both internal and external communications.
Authorship / Research Data Collections Project Team
Contact / URL:
Licensing /
This document is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.
Project acknowledgement / This project is supported by the Australian National Data Service (ANDS) through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy Program and by Monash University Library.



/ Research Data Collections Project


/ Sam Searle, RDCP Project Manager


/ Sue Clarke, Director, Information Resources


/ See project plan objectives.


/ See project page:

Target audiences

/ See attached table of stakeholders, channels and activities.


/ April 2010 - June 2011

Communication channels/activities

/ See attached table of stakeholders, channels and activities.

Contact person for inquiries

/ Sam Searle (ext 52080, )

Cost to advertise / communicate $

(include cost of printing) / Costs are mainly associated with salaries of staff with outreach responsibilities.


(how this communication strategy will be evaluated and by whom) / The success of the communications strategy will be measured by:
·  Attendance at events; positive evaluation
·  High participation rates in the project from researchers and Library staff
·  Positive feedback from Library staff and researchers
·  Positive feedback from staff at ANDS and other organisations involved in similar projects
·  Statistics for resources (e.g. page views or downloads from websites)

Director’s approval*




Communication within Monash University

/ Stakeholder / Channel / Frequency / Communications Objective / Target Audience/
Stakeholder Group / Lead / Priority /
1.  / Monash Research Committee / Email/letter from University Librarian / Once only – at start of project / Alert Associate Deans of Research (ADRs) to the Research Data Collection Project and engage support for the project.
Inform ADRs that researchers in their faculty will be approached by project team, and ask them to encourage their staff to participate. / ADRs
Faculty research management, via ADRs
Researchers, via ADRs / University Librarian, or delegate / High
Meetings / Monthly / As above, plus progress report and final report
2.  / Other ANDS-funded projects at Monash / ANDS Working Group meetings / Fortnightly / Identify and resolve cross-project issues
Coordinate communication with ANDS / Data Capture team in Monash e-Research Centre
Parties & Activities team in ITS Integrated Admin Systems / Director, Information Resources Division (IRD)
Project Manager
Res Data Librarians
Repository Manager
Metadata Librarian / High
Cross-project ‘all hands’ meetings / Quarterly / Progress reports
Share documents, processes, tools, instruments, and lessons learned
Problem solve and troubleshoot operational issues collectively
Coordinate communication with ANDS
Other meetings / As required
Confluence wiki / Ongoing
3.  / Researchers – participants in the projects / Phone / On demand / Outline project goals
Outline criteria for selection
Invite participation
Arrange interview / Researchers / Res Data Librarians / High
Interview / On demand / Gather information required for creating collection records
If willing to share, assess collection
Provide overview of data management tools and services / Researchers / Res Data Librarians / High
4.  / Research Data Mgt Subcommittee / Meetings / Quarterly / Progress reports and final report / Senior staff / Project Manager / Medium
5.  / Research Data Mgt Advisory Group / Meetings / Quarterly / Progress reports and final report / Faculty office staff and researchers / Project Manager / Medium

Communication within the Library

/ Stakeholder / Channel / Frequency / Communications Objective / Target Audience/
Stakeholder Group / Lead / Priority /
1.  / Client Services / Dare meetings[1]
Dare emails / As required / Progress reports
Facilitate participation of contact librarians in the project with regard to both faculty and campus based opportunities / Client Services staff / Res Data Librarians / High
Faculty team meetings
Campus based meetings / Various
2.  / All Library staff / Library intranet / As documents are finalised / Share processes, tools and instruments developed by the project team during the life of the project.
Formal feedback on the progress of the project over its twelve month lifespan. / All staff / Metadata Librarian / High
Library Bulletin / By arrangement with Library comms team / Introduction to the project and new Research Data Librarian roles
Final report - project outcomes / Res Data Librarians / Medium
3.  / Information Resources and Services Committee / Meetings [attend or report] / Monthly / Progress reports / Senior library staff
Contact Librarians / Library Directors of IRD and Client Services / High
4.  / Information Resources Division / Meetings
Email / Monthly
As required / Progress reports
Facilitate participation in the project (where possible) / IRD staff
Cataloguers Group / Project Manager
Repository Manager
Metadata Librarian / Medium
Intranet page about metadata / As required / Information about metadata / IRD staff, esp. those in the Cataloguers Group / Metadata Librarian / Medium
5.  / Library Management Committee / Meetings / Ongoing / Progress reports / University Librarian
Directors / Director, IRD / Medium
6.  / Library Strategy Group
Largely covered by Dare / Meetings / As required / Progress reports / Senior library staff
Contact Librarians / Project Manager / Low

External communications

Stakeholder / Channel / Frequency / Communications Objective / Audience / Lead / Priority
1.  / ANDS / Project reports
Meetings / As set out in project plan, with additional communication as needed. / Formal progress updates
Informal updates
Maintain good relationship with ANDS
Meet project objectives and deliverables
Seek and share information about lessons learned / ANDS partners
Data management community / Project Manager / High – but will take place as part of business as usual
2.  / Other research organisations involved in similar projects / Visits
Audio/teleconf / As needed / Share documents, processes, tools, instruments, and lessons learned
Build peer networks / Other research data librarians / All members of project team / High
3.  / ANDS community / data management community of practice / / Research Data Mgt Website / As needed / Share documents, processes, tools, instruments, and lessons learned
Build peer networks / ANDS community / All members of project team / High
Seminars etc
eResearch Australasia / November 2010 / Share documents, processes, tools, instruments, and lessons learned
Build peer networks
Showcase project successes and highlight lessons learned / National / international data management community of practice / All members of project team should make contributions to professional events and publications / Medium
Articles and case studies / As needed
4.  / Library profession / Conferences, e.g. Educause / As needed / Showcase project successes and highlight lessons learned
Highlight professional/career issues in librarianship and university libraries relating to data management
Share documents, processes, tools, instruments, and lessons learned / National / international library community / All members of project team should make contributions to professional events and publications / Medium
Publications e.g. AARL
Meetings, e.g. VALA


[1] Dare is Monash University Library’s professional development initiative for Library staff. Dare provides a forum for staff – in particular, contact librarians in faculty teams – to learn about data management through attending regular meetings and seminars that encourage staff to engage with researchers to improve the way research data is stored and managed. Library staff are also encouraged to present at and participate in related events such as the Victorian eResearch Strategic Initiative (VeRSI) fortnightly eCoffee seminars, the Monash e-Research Centre's annual e-XPO, at which a booth was staffed by volunteers from across the Library, and one-off events such as a seminar by the visiting Data Librarian from the University of Edinburgh.