Minutes of the last meeting held at Parc Cwm Darran Visitor’s Centre, Deri, of the above Community Council on Thursday 7th September 2017 at 6.30 pm.


Cllr. H. Holifield(In the Chair)Cllr. P. Thomas

Cllr. P. RobertsCllr. K. O’Hagan

Cllr. D. NicholasCllr. D. Hardacre


Cllr. R. ChapmanCllr. G. Matthews

Absence not notified

Cllr. C. R. Roberts

In Attendance

Mr. G. O. WilliamsClerk

PCSO. James GodwinGwent Police

37Minutes and Apologies

One amendment to the minutes of the last meeting of Council held on Thursday 6th July 2017 was notified. The below amendment agreed toMinute Number 25.01. 13_2017/18. Gwent Police.

The Clerk advised Council that owing to apology and absence no update from last meeting had been received.

The Clerk advised that the meeting scheduled at the Feeder Pond had been postponed and a new date was still to be agreed.

The Clerk updated Council on the Speed Awareness Campaign (See Minute 26. Gwent Police).

Cllr. O’Hagan highlighted there had been an improvement in car parking associated with activities at Deri RFC, although confirmed that no information on events / meetings likely to exacerbate this issue had been shared with Gwent Police.

Apologies for absence were received from Cllr. R. Chapman and Cllr. G. Matthews.

38Declarations of Interest

38.01Councillor D. Hardacre declared an interest in the Section 137 Grant Aid application received from Friends of Deri Primary School.

Moved. Noted on file.

39Matters Arising

39.01Minute No. 98.04_2016/17 and 25.05_2017/18. Email from Local Resident_Mrs. D. Brown, Corelle House, Cefn Road Upper, Deri, CF81 9GW.

The Clerk advised Council that following a further site meeting, a report provided by Mr. Dave Matthews Traffic Management Advisor at Gwent Police and additional educational activity, this issue appears to be resolved.

Moved. Noted on file.

39.02Minute No. 30.02_2017/18Aneurin Bevan University Health Board

Status of Fochriw Clinic.

The Clerk advised Council the Clinic is being marketed for disposal, with Aneurin Bevan University Health Board hopeful of a sale within 3 months. Aneurin Bevan University Health Board confirmed they had received a report of minor damage to the chain link fencing but no further reports of damage to the property, therefore no additional estates work is considered necessary at this time.

Aneurin Bevan University Health Board also confirmed information regarding the opening times and coverage provided by the network of local surgeries.

Moved. Noted on file.

39.03Minute No. 30.03_2017/18 Caerphilly CBC

Code of Conduct Training

The Clerk confirmed that no further sessions would be offered, although advised he would circulate a link to the video prepared by the Ombudsman which was played at the start of the training session.

The Clerk also confirmed the Interim Head of Legal Services has advised she will deliver the presentation to camera which will be shared in due course.

39.04Minute No. 32 Land at Ogilvie Terrace, Deri.

The Clerk confirmed the following response from Mr. James Perry from Natural Resources Wales.

With reference to the complaints regarding the activities behind Ogilvie Terrace, I can confirm that Natural Resources Wales (NRW) do not intend to take any enforcement action against Alex and Johan Shenkerov, owners of the land in questionwhich is part ofYsgwydd Gwyn Uchaf Farm.
The farm has U1 and U10 exemptions registered, details of which I provide below via the hyperlink.

By registering an exemption with us the Shenkerovs are not being granted any sort of ‘certificate’ or ‘licence’. When registering an exemption, an individual is notifying NRW of waste activities that are exempt from permitting regulations. As long as the conditions of the exemption are abided by, there is no intervention from NRW. Regarding the alleged lack of planning permission, this is not in NRW’s remit, this is the responsibility of the individual registering the exemption (as stated in the application guidance given when registering).

Moved. Noted on file.

39.05Minute No. 34_2017/18 Presentation. WHQS Environmental Project.

The Clerk confirmed the cancellation of Cheque No. 001796 as GAVO did not require funding to support the community consultation undertaken on July 31st.

Moved. The Clerk to write-back cheque no. 001796 - £200.00

Moved. The Clerk to write to Mrs Anna Lewis to thank her and her team for their hard work and effort associated with the recent consultation exercise.

39.06Minute No. 35_2017/18 Summer Scheme 2017

The Clerk reported receipt of the following evaluation narrative from Mr. Danny Thomas of Caerphilly CBC. It was acknowledged that participation numbers relating to areas should be reversed, although this cannot be confirmed as Mr. Thomas has since left his position with Caerphilly CBC.

At Fochriw there were 143 children throughout the week with an average of 29 per day. Deri had 59 throughout the week at an average of 12 per week. The outdoor activities were popular especially at Fochriw. However, the activity only allowed 6 children to take part at once which meant others were waiting around. Maybe we could look at a different activity next year. (137 in total last year).

Moved. Noted on file.

Moved. Clerk to prepare Council’s grant application to the High Sheriffs Fund to support the Summer Scheme in 2018.

39.07Council Budget 2017/18

The Clerk confirmed that whilst Council was yet to be invoiced that election costs would be £1,624.91, £2,375.09 less than originally profiled.

Moved. Clerk to update / amend Council’s budget as appropriate.

40Gwent Police

PCSO James Godwin provided Council with a brief update of developments throughout the Community Council area and answered questions from Councillors. The discussion included:

-The recent move back to Rhymney Police Station.

-The appointment of two additional PCSOs (Emily and Chris) who will start on Monday 11th September 2017.

-Notification of a Pumpkin Carving event at Rhymney Library.

-The issue of nuisance vehicles at the Church in Pentwyn.

-The issue of nuisance parking at the junction of Ysgwyddgwyn to Bailey Street and an associated issue with a line painting vehicle.

Moved. PCSO Godwin agreed to continue to establish contact with the driver / owner for educational purposes.

-The issue of parking at the junction of New Road to Hill Street.

Moved. PCSO Godwin agreed to address through an educational Social Media campaign.

-The issue of parking at the junction to Plantation Terrace, Fochriw and in particular a nuisance Transit Van.

Moved. PCSO Godwin was provided with the registration number and agreed to pursue.

-The issue of dumped tyres and vehicles on the common above Fochriw.

Moved. PCSO Godwin to investigate and report.

-The issue of excessive speed on Pontlottyn Road Fochriw.

-A report of Anti-Social behaviour in Fochriw and the subsequent action taken to resolve, including praise for Denzel (no surname / role available).

-The continued issue of nuisance parking at Deri RFC, particularly on match days and event evenings.

Moved. PCSO Godwin / PCSO Mahoney to attend the Rugby Club to discuss the issue with the Rugby Club Committee. Cllr. Hardacre confirmed Committee meetings are held on Monday evenings from 7.30pm.

Speed Awareness Competition

Council agreed that both Primary Schools should be included, with both benefitting from vouchers for winners / runners up and a banner to include the artwork of the winning submission.

Moved. Clerk to arrange the purchase of £200.00 worth of Amazon Vouchers in £5.00 denominations.

Moved. Clerk to agenda the judging for the October meeting of Council between 6 and 6:30pm.

Cllr. H. Holifield thanked PCSO Godwin for his report and for attending the meeting.

41Planning Applications

The Clerk confirmed thattwoapplications for planning had been received since the last meeting of Council.

Case Ref. 17/0706/COU

Location. 32 New Road

Proposal. Change the use from shop with flats above to shop with flat on the first floor and additional accommodation on the second and third floors by the creation of space within a raised roof and raised terrace and steps to the rear.

Applicant. Mr. A. Jones 18 New Road, Deri, Bargoed, CF81 9GJ.

Moved. Clerk to respond to question whether this development would be in-keeping with other properties in the area.

Case Ref. 17/0631/RET

Location. Wind Turbine at Grid ref 313668 201131 Groesfaen Farm, Groesfaen Terrace, Bargoed.

Proposal. Retain embankment and widened carriageway section to the approved access track, formed as part of a wind turbine development granted under planning application 15/0316/FULL.

Applicant. G2 Energy Renewable Developments Ltd, Mr. C. Breaban, 235 Old Marylebone Road, London, NW1 5QT.

Moved. Council raise no objections to the proposal.

42Approval of Community Council Cheques

The attached list of Community Council cheques was approved by members and amounted to £4,949.66.

43Report of Cllr. D. Hardacre County Borough Councillor

Cllr. D. Hardacre provided Council with a verbal update of developments within the Darran Valley and invited questions both on his report and / or other subjects. Cllr. Hardacre then answered questions from Councillors. Within his report, Cllr. Hardacre updated Council on:


-A large bulge has appeared in the wall structure of the retaining wall between Deri and Groesfaen. Caerphilly CBC Highways have notified Natural Resources Wales of this issue. A site visit has taken place and an outcome on action is awaited.

-Speed control at Groesfaen indicates that the eastern end of the village requires some form of traffic calming measure.


-Speed control data at New Road and Upper Bailey Street is yet to be shared formally.

-Cllr Hardacre has requested the log yard at the bottom of Parc Cwm Darran be removed as it is no longer serving a purpose. A response from the newly appointed Officer is yet to be provided.

-The triangle section of Prices Yard is following a lengthy dispute being sold to Prices. Caerphilly CBC consider this to be the most suitable form of resolution owing to the potential for adverse possession.

-The Coke Ovens on Prices Land are not to be protected (this was reported in the July meeting of Council).

Cllr. O’Hagan queried whether walk in access would be allowed to view these ovens. Cllr. Hardacre confirmed that permission to access would be required. A discussion regarding signage and a potential link to the History Group to promote their presence ensued.

-Rear of Glynmarch Street is to be tarmacked during w/c 11th September 2017.

Fochriw / Pentwyn.

-Request has been made for some form of traffic calming measure at the Cattle Grid in Pentwyn, chiefly associated with vehicles travelling South.

-Request made for some form of traffic calming measure at the Fish Shop in Fochriw has been rejected as recent speed measurements not meeting risk related requirements.

-Community Centre improvements should be complete within the next couple of weeks.

-A plaque commemorating service personnel who lost their lives in the great war has been recovered by Mr. Philip Price. The Community Centre Committee has agreed for it to be mounted in the centre, hopefully prior to and in readiness for Armistice Day 2017.

-Sheep. Council Officers are continually looking at ways of improving and repairing fences around the village. Cllr. Hardacre has been in touch with Mr. Ron Jones of the Commoners Association to request material support in addressing this issue. This request will be put to their next meeting. Mr. Lyndon Ross of Caerphilly CBC has arranged for the installation of some temporary fencing at the MUGA as this appears to be one of the main ingress routes – Mr. P. Griffiths of Caerphilly CBC is responsible for the permanent solution.

-A possible solution to the drainage issue at the rear of Ael-y-bryn is being explored.

-Once complete the Community Centre will be fitted with CCTV cameras to protect the property.

-Mr. Davies of Pentwyn Church has complained regarding cars causing a nuisance. Colleagues from Gwent Police have been informed.

Cllr. H. Holifield thanked Cllr. D. Hardacre for his report.


44.01Information Commissioners Office

Payment acknowledgement.

Moved. Noted on file.

44.02Gwent Police. Commissioner for Gwent

Invitation to attend an event focussed on the future of community safety in Wales, to be held at Rodney Parade, Newport, on Wednesday 27th September 2017 between 12noon and 15:30.

Moved. Noted on file.

44.03Wales Audit Office – End of Year Audit

Completion and Certification of the Annual Audit for the year ended 31st March 2017.

The Clerk advised Council that the external auditor’s report stated that on the basis of their review, the information contained in the annual return is in accordance with the Auditor General for Wales’ requirements and no matters of concern have been highlighted.

Moved. Noted on file.

Moved. Clerk to conclude associated activities, including the completion of the satisfaction survey and notification of audit timescale for 2017/18 – Council’s preference being for 30 June 2018, owing to quarterly banking statements.

44.04Darran Valley History Group

Invitation for all Councillors to attend the dedication of a new War Memorial in Deri on Friday 29th September 2017 commencing at 10am.

Moved. Noted on file. Councillors to attend as invited.

44.05Gwent Now

Notification of the appointment of Mr. Julian Williams as the new Chief Constable of Gwent Police.

Moved. Noted on file.

44.06Caerphilly CBC

Invoice for Summer Scheme July / August 2017.

Moved. Payment - £4,000.00

44.07Wales Audit Office

Invoice for Audit of Accounts for year ending 31st March 2017.

Moved. Payment - £190.80.

44.08Caerphilly CBC

Notification of second Precept payment.

Moved. Noted in Financial File. Received £6,240.00

44.09Dawn Bowden AM / AC

Notification of Surgery Dates for September 2017.

Moved. Noted on file.

45Caerphilly CBC Countryside.

To receive report from Peter Lewis Senior Ranger Parc Cwm Darran.

A written report was accepted from Mr. Peter Lewis. Within his report, Mr. Lewis highlighted:

Visitor Centre / Café / Campsite

The interchangeable weather we have experience this summer has resulted in visitor numbers going up and down on a daily basis but the early nice weather has resulted in figures being on par with last year.

Site works

-Ongoing litter picking in the park and on the cycle-route

-Re-pointing to the patio wall

-Hedges have been cut back

-Lakeside verges have been cut

-Woodland paths have been cut

-High pruning to trees around centre

-Fence repairs

-Cut back banking between car parks

-Cut back subway path

-Litter pick and cut back overhanging vegetation at rear of Bailey Street

-We have removed some of our Ogilvie Olympics health trail activity stations recently but orders have been placed for replacements so will be fitted when delivered

-Our Dragonfly metal sculpture has been delivered and is ready for fitting

-Our Coot benches should be with us for fitting in the next two weeks

Nature Conversation

-We have cut and collected several of our wild flower meadows

-We have sheep grazing in our Yellow Meadow

-Sections of rough grassland / scrub along the riverside path have been cut back to promote wild flower growth and to attract butterflies to the area.


-Bargoed Rotary Club held their annual Duck Race in the park on July 12th.

-The events on the patio went well this summer apart from the fact that quite a few people that booked onto the event did not turn up for the activity. For next season, all events will have to be paid for in advance.

-We are doing the ’10 Stone Walk’ on the 16th September as part pf the Valleys Walking Festival and on the 23rd September we have organised a Food Festival to be held here.


-12th July. Ysgol Gymraeg Trelyn were in the park with 30 pupils.

-Home School Group also visited the park with 20 pupils and 15 adults.

46Grant Aid Section 137 2017/18

The Clerk read out loud the list of Grant Aid applications to all members.

After discussion it was proposed, seconded and agreed that successful organisations from Deri and Fochriw be awarded £100.00 each, with outside organisations receiving £50.00 each.

Deri & Fochriw08 organisations= £0,800.00

-Deri Crafters

-Deri Indoor Short Mat Bowling

-Deri Regeneration Group

-Church in wales. St Marys & St Andrews

-Darran Valley 55 Club

-Darran Valley History Society

-Friends of Deri Primary School

-Ysgwyddgwyn CM Chapel

Outside Organisations02 organisations=£0,100.00

-The Right Foundation

-Mayors Charity Appeal

Total Grant Aid awarded=£0,900.00

*£100.00 previously awarded to Fochriw AFC Minis=£1,000.00

Moved. Clerk to prepare letters and chequesin readiness for the October meeting of Council.

Moved. Clerk to advertise a second round of Grant Aid (new applications only) in January 2018 and for consideration in February 2018.

47Christmas Lighting 2016-17

Clerk to arrange with Elsbury Platforms Ltd, that the following Christmas lights be installed:

-Dressing of Tree in Deri Square; and

-10 figurines in Fochriw, Pentwyn and Groesfaen.

Clerk to arrange with Mr. Richard James that lights be illuminated daily from 1st December 2017 and until 3rd January 2018, between the hours of 16:00 and Midnight.

Moved. Clerk to arrange the purchase of the following additional lighting for the tree in Deri, at a cost of £966.00 plus VAT:

-2x 20m length – Max Led Ultrabright Small Globe (34mm diameter – golf ball size); and

-1x Transformer.

Moved. Clerk to report progress at the October meeting of Council.

Moved. Clerk to update Council’s budget to accommodate this purchase.

48Armistice Day. Sunday 12th November 2017

Following discussion, it was agreed that Council should coordinate attendance at all local Armistice Day Remembrance Services. Council to agree representation at the October meeting of Council.

Moved. Clerk to coordinate the purchase of two wreaths for distribution at the November meeting of Council.

49Community Benefit Fund

The Clerk updated Council on an increasing confused picture regarding the ownership of both wind turbines and the associated agreement in principle to provide a Community Benefit Fund.

Turbine at Groesfaen Farm. £2,500.00 received from G2 Energy in October 2016. This turbine has since changed ownership to Bluemerang Ltd. The Clerk has written to establish whether ongoing Community Benefit Funding will be provided.

Turbine at Cefn Bach Farm. No funding has yet been received. This turbine has recently changed ownership from Temporis Wind to G2 Energy. The Clerk has written to establish whether Community Benefit Funding will be offered.