Chiho SongCurriculum Vitae

University of Washington School of Social
4101 15th Ave. NE
Seattle, WA 98105-6299


PhDUniversity of Washingtonexpected Fall2017

Dissertation: Period Changes in Intergenerational Income Mobility between South Korea and the United States and the Welfare State Context Chair: Gunnar Almgren, Ph.D.

QP: Assessing the Impact of the Great Recession on Estimates of Young Adult Poverty in Liberal Welfare State: The Role of Cohabitation Choice Chair: Gunnar Almgren, Ph.D.

MASeoul National University (SNU), Seoul, Republic of KoreaFebruary2007

Social Welfare (Thesis: Empirical Analysis on the Characteristics of the Chosun Social WorkAssociation during the Japanese Occupation) Chair: Sang-Kyun Kim, Ph.D.

BASeoul National University (SNU), Seoul, Republic of KoreaFebruary2005

Social Welfare (Minor: Korean History)

awards, honors, grants, &fellowships

Predoctoral RA (MSW Program competency assessment)
CSSS (Center for Statistics for Social Science) Certificate
SIPP (Survey of Income and Program Participation) Introductory Workshops Training Grants, University of Michigan
Predoctoral RA (BRFSS data analysis project)
Predoctoral TA (SOC 504 and 505, graduate level)
Boeing International Fellowship
Predoctoral RA (CSWE reaccreditation review)
GSFEI (Graduate School Fund for Excellence and Innovation) Fellowship / 09/2015-03/2017



Poverty, inequality, and social mobility;poverty measurement; anti-poverty policy; comparative social welfare policy; quantitative data analysis


Instructional Assessment Analysis – UW SSW
Research Assistant (Supervisor: Marcia Meyers, Ph.D.): Examinedthe fixed effects of taking mindfulness classes on students’ self-assessed competencies; Assisted with a plan for publication / 01/2017-03/2017
Program Evaluation Analysis (Updated) – UW SSW
Research Assistant (Supervisor: Emiko Tajima, Ph.D.): Conducted the competency data analysis to evaluate assessment for students; Assisted inZIPLINE application for IRB review; Assisted with a plan for publication / 09/2016-03/2017
Pain and Economic Hardship Research Project – UW SSW
Research Assistant (Supervisor: Gillian Marshall, Ph.D.): Analyzed the HRS (Health and Retirement Study) data; Performed cross-sectional multivariate logistic regressions of pain on hardship for US older men / 08/2016-12/2016
Program Evaluation Analysis – UW SSW
Research Assistant (Supervisor: Emiko Tajima, Ph.D.): Conducted the competency data analysis for all BASW and MSW students / 09/2015-06/2016
Seattle Minimum Wage Study – UW SSW & the City of Seattle
Research Assistant (Supervisor: Jennifer Romich, Ph.D.): Conducted data merging and cleaning, and making codebook of the survey data; Made basic descriptive tables for main analysis / 06/2015-09/2015
ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) Research Project – UW SSW
Research Assistant (Supervisor: Paula S. Nurius, Ph.D.): Analyzed the combined BRFSS (Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System) data; Performed data merging and model building (latent class analysis & structural equation model) on intergenerational transmission of adversity / 09/2013-06/2015
Admission Prediction and Program Evaluation Analysis – UW SSW
Research Assistant (Supervisor: Emiko Tajima, Ph.D.): Conducted admission prediction for EDP evening/weekend students; admission triage analysis for all MSW applications; program evaluation (competency assessment) analysis for all BASW and MSW students / 08/2014-01/2015
MSW Admission Prediction Modeling (Updated) – UW SSW
Research Assistant (Supervisor: Emiko Tajima, Ph.D.): Analyzed the admission data; Produced the working report to Admission Committee / 01/2014-03/2014
PSSTO (Paid Sick and Safe Time Ordinance) Evaluation Project – UW SSW & the City of Seattle
Research Assistant (Supervisor: Jennifer Romich, Ph.D.): Analyzed the Seattle Employer Survey data for producing the baseline survey report to the Seattle City Council / 02/2013-08/2013
MSW Admission Prediction Modeling – UW SSW
Research Assistant (Supervisor: Emiko Tajima, Ph.D.): Analyzed the admission data; Produced the working report to Admission Committee / 01/2012-03/2012
Minimum Living Cost Estimation & Korea Welfare Panel Study – Korea Institute for Health & Social Affairs (KIHASA), Seoul, Korea
Researcher (Supervisor: Mee-Gon Kim, Ph.D. & Eu-Gene Yeo, Ph.D.): Conducted study on the estimation of minimum living cost of the year 2010; Prepared the conference document for the Professional Commission under the Central Commission on Livelihood Security (CCLS) in Korea / 01/2010-06/2011
Minimum Living Cost Estimation & Korea Welfare Panel Study – KIHASA, Seoul, Korea
Researcher (Supervisor: Mee-Gon Kim, Ph.D. & Eu-Gene Yeo, Ph.D.): Conducted Korea Welfare Panel Study (KOWEPS); Conducted study on the estimation of minimum living cost of the year 2007 in Korea / 02/2007-01/2009
Korea Welfare State Dataset for Comparative Social Policy Study (CWSD-K) Project – Seoul National University (SNU), Seoul, Korea
Research Assistant (Supervisor: Sang-Hoon Ahn, Ph.D.): Constructed pooled cross-sectional and time-series dataset of Korea related to social welfare expenditure / 09/2005-08/2006



Poverty, inequality, and social mobility;anti-poverty policy; social welfare policy and history; social stratification; research methods of policy analysis and program evaluation; macro practice


SOCWF 320 Social Welfare Policy (BASW level) – UWSSW
Teaching Assistant (Instructor: Gunnar Almgren, Ph.D.): Assisting in attendance, grading, and facilitating group discussion
SOCW 501 Poverty & Inequality (MSW level) – UW SSW
Teaching Assistant (Instructor: JenniferRomich, Ph.D.): Delivered two mini-lectures on measuring inequality and on analytical tools to social welfare programs / Spring/2017
SOC 505 Intermediate Social Statistics (Graduate level) – UW Dept. of Sociology
Teaching Assistant (Instructor: Jerald Herting, Ph.D.): Managed course assignment (grading and STATA tutoring) / Winter/2013
SOC 504 Introduction to Applied Social Statistics (Graduate level) – UW Dept. of Sociology
Teaching Assistant (Instructor: Kyle Crowder, Ph.D.): Managed course assignment (grading and STATA tutoring) / Fall/2012


Peer-Reviewed Publications

Nurius, P., Green, S. ,Logan-Greene, P., Longhi, D., & Song, C. (2016). Stress pathways to health disparities: Embedding ACEs within social and behavioral contexts. International Journal of Child & Adolescent Health, 8(2), 241-256.

Nurius, P. S., Green, S., Logan-Greene, P., Longhi, D., & Song, C. (2015).Complex relationship of adverse childhood experiences with adult health outcomes. InPublic Health, Social Work and Health Inequalities.(pp. 179-198). Nova Science Publishers, Inc..

Song, C. & Yeo, E. (2010). Decomposing differences of poverty incidence between single-parent and two-parent households: A comparative analysis with the U.S. Korean Social Policy Review, 17(3), 223-255.

Yeo, E. & Song, C. (2010). Redistributive effects of public transfer programs: A cross-national analysis. Korean Social Security Studies, 26(4), 95-119.

Manuscripts Under Review

Song, C. (under review). Does Doubling Up Mask Poverty? Examining How Change in Household Cohabitation Contributes to Change in Estimates of Young Adult Poverty over the Great Recession. Social Service Review.

Marshall, G., Baker, T., Miller, D., & Song, C. (under review).Pain and Hardship among Older Men: Examining the Buffering Effect of Medicare Insurance Coverage. Journal of Gerontology.

Hajat, A., Nurius, P. S., & Song, C. (under review). Trajectories of adversity over the life course: Socioeconomic status, health and functioning. Social Science & Medicine.

Manuscripts In Progress

Song, C., & Marshall, G. (in progress). Racial disparities in pain and financial hardship among older men: Examining the buffering effect of Medicare Insurance Coverage. Target journal: Journal of Gerontology.

Nurius, P. S., Jones, T., Song, C., & Logan-Greene, P. (in progress). ACEs pathways to adultpsychopathology: A structural equation analysis. Target journal undecided.

Borja, S., Nurius, P., Song, C., & Lengua, L. (in progress). Adverse childhood experiences and life course trends: Socioeconomic, health, and intergenerational implications. Target journal: Child and Family Social Work.

Rothwell, D. &,Song, C. (in preparation). Child Poverty in the Recession (2007-2010) and Recovery (2010-2013): Comparing the United States and the United Kingdom. Target journal: Journal of Marriage and Family.

Tajima, E., & Song, C. (in preparation). Variation in Matched Student-Level Field, Classroom, and Student Competency. Target journal: Journal of Social Work Education.

Meyers, M., & Song, C. (in preparation). Examining the Impact of Mindfulness Practice Class on Student Competency. Target journal: Journal of Social Work Education.


Romich, J., Bignell, W., Brazg, T., Johnson, C., Mar, C., Morton, J., & Song, C. (2014).Implementation and early outcomes of the City of Seattle paid sick and safe time ordinance. Final Report.

Kim, T., Kim, M., Yoon, S., Song, C., Kim, S., & Lee, J. (2013). Analyzing the socioeconomic impact of cash and in-kind benefits of low-income families (KIHASA Research Paper No. 2013-15). Seoul, Korea: Korea Institute for Health & Social Affairs.

Kim, T., Choi, H., Kim, M., Yeo, E., Kim, M., Son, C., Lee, S., Woo, S., Shin, J., Lee, J., Jung. H., & Song, C. (2013). A study on the estimation of minimum living cost of the year 2013 (KIHASA Policy Paper No. 2013-32). Seoul, Korea: KIHASA.


Rothwell, D. &,Song, C. (2017, January). Child Poverty in the Recession (2007-2010) and Recovery (2010-2013): Comparing the United States and the United Kingdom. Presented at Society for Social Work and Research 21th Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Song, C. (2016, January). Changes in household structure, school enrollment, and poverty: Young adults before and after the Great Recession. Presented at Society for Social Work and Research 20th Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.

Kim, M., Song, C., & Oh, J. (2007, October). An exploratory study on the current status of regional poverty rates applied on the concept of estimated household income and the determinants of poverty. Presented at the Korean Social Security Association Conference, Seoul, Korea.


Professional Affiliations
Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management (APPAM) / 09/2014-Present
Society for Social Work & Research (SSWR) / 04/2014-Present
West Coast Poverty Center (WCPC), UW / 09/2011-Present
Center for the Study of Demography and Ecology (CSDE), UW / 09/2011-Present
Korean Association of Social Workers (KASW) / 02/2005-Present
Statistics Consulting for Doctoral Students, UW SSW / 04/2017-06/2017
Statistics Tutoring for First-year Doctoral Students, UW SSW / 01/2017-06/2017
The Graduate & Professional Student Senate Representative, UW SSW / 09/2015-06/2016
First-year Doctoral Student Mentor, UW SSW / 07/2014-06/2015
Statistics Tutoring for First-yearDoctoral Students, UW SSW / 09/2012-06/2014
Student Speaker’s Series Planning Committee, UW SSW / 04/2012-04/2013
Yeoksam Community Care Center for the Elderly (Seoul, Korea), MA Field Practicum / 12/2005-02/2006
The National Assembly (Seoul, Korea), BA Field Practicum / 07/2003-08/2003
Republic of Korea Army (Mandatory) / 12/2000-02/2003


Gunnar Almgren, Professor
UW School of Social Work
4101 15th Avenue NE
Seattle, WA 98105-6299
/ Taryn Lindhorst, Professor
UW School of Social Work
4101 15th Avenue NE
Seattle, WA 98105-6299

Jean Kruzich, Associate Professor
UW School of Social Work
4101 15th Avenue NE
Seattle, WA 98105-6299
/ Kyle Crowder, Professor
UW Department of Sociology
Savery Hall
Seattle, WA 98195-3340

Song, Chiho1