US History

Fort Burrows

Chapter 6 Review with Answers



Olive Branch Petition - peace petition sent to King George by colonial delegates declaring their loyalty to the King and asking him to repeal the Intolerable Acts

Green Mountain Boys - led a surprise attack on Fort Ticonderoga which gave the

Americans control of a key route into Canada

Continental Army - army established by the second continental congress to fight

the British

Patriot - colonist who favored war against Britain;

one that supports all aspects of their country’s independence

Loyalist - colonist who remained loyal to Britain

Battle of Bunker Hill - 1775 - 1st major battle of the American Revolution

blockade - shutting of a port to keep people or supplies from moving in or out

mercenaries - soldiers who fights merely for pay, often for a foreign country

trespass – to go onto or into someone’s property without any right

bypass – to avoid by going around

scorned – rejected or dismissed as unworthy of respect

enlist – to enroll oneself in the armed forces

Unalienable Right {also known as natural rights}– right cannot be taken away without legal justice



Common Sense – 1776 essay written by Thomas Payne that urged the colonies to declare independence

radical – person who wants to make drastic changes in society

traitor – person who betrays his or her country

Declaration of Independence – 1776 document stating that the 13 English colonies were a free and independent nation

preamble – introduction to a declaration, constitution, or other official document

natural rights – rights that belong to all people from birth

allegiance – the loyalty owed by a subject to a monarch or a citizen to a government

impoverish – to make poor

ruffian – bully

resolution – a formal expression of opinion, will, or intent voted on by an official body or assembly

redress – to remove the cause of grievance or compliant


6.3 & 6.4 & 6.5

Battle of Long Island - a 1776 battle in New York in which more than 1,400

Americans were killed, wounded, or captured

Battle of Trenton - 1776 battle in New Jersey in which George Washington’s troops

capture a Hessian encampment in a surprise attack

Hessian - a German mercenary in the British Army in America during the Revolutionary War

Battle of Saratoga - 1st major American victory in Revolution; turning point of war; French became ally; ended the British threat to New England

ally - nation that works with another nation for a common purpose

cavalry - troops on horseback

Valley Forge - Pennsylvania site of Washington’s Continental Army encampment

during the winter of 1777-1778

Battle of Cowpens – a ‘tricky’ battle in South Carolina – American victory

guerrilla – soldier that uses hit-and-run tactics

siege – military blockade or bombardment of an enemy town or position to

force a surrender

Battle of Yorktown – in Virginia - was the final battle in the Revolution

Treaty of Paris – peace treaty between the United States and Britain, ratified

in 1783, that recognized the U.S. as an Independent Country

ratify – to approve

campaign – a connected series of military operations forming a distinct phase of a war

morale – the emotional state of a person or group toward a task or goal

volley – a simultaneous discharge of a number of weapons

Also Know these Individuals: ++ A Short Answer Quiz

Nathan Hale – spy for Washington during the New York campaign, he was captured and hung, “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country”

Haym Solomon – Jewish immigrant that secured loans {money} and provide his personal funds for the American revolutionary cause

Marquis de Lafayette – convinced France to send several thousand trained soldiers to help the Patriot cause; GW’s trusted French friend

Wentworth Cheswell – African American New Hampshire school teacher; he rode all night from Boston to warn his community Lexington and Concord, that the British were coming {like Paul Revere did}; he also fought at the Battle of Saratoga, 1777

James Armistead – African American spy for the Continental Army; told GW about British General Cornwallis’ decision to go to the peninsula of Yorktown

Bernardo de Galvez – Governor of New Spain [Florida-Louisiana-Texas] secretly supplied the Patriots with medicines, muskets, gunpowder, and cattle. He orchestrated the 1st cattle drive from Texas and delivered about 10,000 head of cattle for the Patriot Army’s food supply; Galveston was named after him.

John Paul Jones – Naval Captain from Philadelphia; he enjoyed raiding British ships and seaports; Captain of the Bonhomme Richard, became the winner of the ‘Greatest America Sea Victory’ of the American Revolution by capturing the powerful British warship Serapis in 1779 in the North Sea {England’s backyard}

1. What year did the British surrender at Yorktown ? 1781

2. The most important result of the Battle of Saratoga was that…

France officially recognized and formed an alliance with the U.S. government

3. Make a list describing Thomas Paine…

  1. immigrated to North America
  2. became a Revolutionary writer and philosopher
  3. wrote the influential pamphlet “Common Sense”
  4. wrote a series of essays titled Crisis

4. Benjamin Franklin convinced which country to lend military support to GW ?


5. Define ‘patriot’…

Colonists who supportedthe fight for American independence

6. Define‘unalienable right’…( also natural right or moral right )

right that cannot be taken away without due process

7. Why do you think theBonhomme Richardwas victorious over the Serapis ?

John Paul Jones refused to give up

8. What was an important effect of Common Sense…

persuaded ordinary people to support independence from Britain

9. What was the name of the winter camp for Washington’s Continental Army ?

Valley Forge

10. How were the British defeated by the Americans and French at the Battle of Yorktown ?

Washingtonsurrounded and trapped Cornwallis in Virginia

11. List three (3) terms of the Treaty of Paris between the U.S. and Britain ?

1. British recognized the US as an independent nation

2. the US territory extended from Atlantic Ocean to Mississippi River

3. Americans agreed to pay Loyalists for property they lost in the war

12. What step didCongresstake to try to achieve peace with Britain ?

sent the Olive Branch Petition to King George III declaring loyalty

13. Name three (3) factorsthat helped the Americans win the war against Britain ?

1. Washington’s military strategy and leadership

2. Foreign aid from Spain and France

3. Cornwallis’ mistake to retreat to the Yorktown peninsula

14. List three (3)advantages the patriots hadover the British when they entered the War ?

1. fought on home ground

2. owned rifles and they were good marksmen

3. committed to defend their homes and property

15. List three (3) advantages the British hadover the Patriotswhen they entered the War ?

1. very large navy

2. large numbers of troops

3. highly trained troops

16. Who was given ‘credit’ as the writer of the Declaration of Independence ?

Thomas Jefferson

17. What two (2) final steps did Congress take to declare independence ?

1. wrote a formal Declaration of Independence

2. Congress adopted (voted and approved) and signed it

18. What battles were fought in New York and New Jersey ?

New York - Long Island

New Jersey - Trenton

19. Make a list of things that Ethan Allen is known for…

1. leading the attack on Fort Ticonderoga

2. leader of the Green Mountain Boys

3. called the British General a ‘Fat Old Rat’

20. What are the three (3) main ideas of the Declaration of Independence ?

1. British Wrongs

2. Natural Rights

3. Independence

21. Find three (3) reasons why the Battle of Saratoga marked a turning point in the war…

1. boosted American morale due to the victory

2. convinced France to become an ally

3. ended British threat to New England

22. What three (3) choices did the African Americans have during the American Revolution ?

1. join the British army or navy

2. work on a Patriot plantation

3. join the American army

23. These famous words were said by whom ?

“I only regret that I have but 1 life to lose for my country”?Nathan Hale

24. List the ‘correct order’ of the following battles in the Revolutionary War…

Saratoga – Yorktown – Bunker Hill

1st– Bunker Hill Turning Point– SaratogaFinal– Yorktown

25. List some of the roles women played in the war ?

1. planted and harvested crops 2. cooked and washed clothes

3. made shoes 4. wove cloth for uniforms and blankets

5. served at the battle grounds 6. shot cannons

26. Which fort did the ‘Green Mountain Boys’ lead a surprise attack andwhich gainedthem valuable gunpowder and cannons? Fort Ticonderoga

Write the Important ‘Event’that corresponds to the correct ‘Description’ below:

27.first permanent English settlement

Jamestown, Virginia

28.agreement by Pilgrims for ruling Plymouth to ensure the general good of colony

Mayflower Compact

29.British document that stated citizens have basic rights and monarchs have to obey the law

Magna Carta

30.plan of government in Puritan colony which expanded idea of representative government

Fundamental Orders of Connecticut (FOC)

31.marked the beginning of representative government in the English colonies

House of Burgesses (HOB)

32. Put the list below in correct chronological order... Add the Year.

Magna CartaFundamental Orders of Connecticut ( FOC )

Mayflower CompactHouse of Burgesses ( HOB )

Declaration of Independence


1. Magna Carta / 1215
2. House of Burgesses ( HOB ) / 1619
3. Mayflower Compact / 1620
4. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut ( FOC ) / 1639
5. Declaration of Independence / 1776

33. Which colonies’ economy was based on rice, indigo and tobacco plantations ?

Southern Colonies

34. Which colonies’ economy was based on farming, ranching and skilled artisans/crafts ?

Middle Colonies

35. Which colonies’ economy was based on whaling, shipbuilding and sawmill ports ?

New England Colonies

36. List the advantages the minutemen had over the British at Concord / Lexington?

sharpshooters took cover in the woods, knew the local geography

37. The Green Mountain Boys fought in the Battle of Fort Ticonderoga.

What were the spoils of this battle?

1. they gained control of a key route into Canada

2. they confiscated the forts cannons

3. they collected a stockpile of gunpowder

38. During the beginning of the American Revolution, it appeared the colonist had divided into 3 distinct groups. Name the groups…

1. a Patriot

2. a Neutralist

3. the Loyalist

39. What would forming militias allow the colonies to do ?

this would allow them to respond with force against future British military action

40. Thomas Paine was born in England but moved to the colonies in 1774. He played a significant role in inspiring the American Revolution.

His influential pamphlet Common Sense encouraged what ?

colonist to revolt against the monarchy

41. John Hancock was one of the first rebels to sign the Declaration of Independence. Why, even to this day, do many people refer to their signature as their “John Hancock” ?

his signaturewas meant as a bold statement so that King George could not miss his name/signature

1 of Chapter 6 Review with Answers  July 2016