HUMAN NATURE (violence and lust for power + the tripartite: body, soul, spirit)
Authority must be tempered by forgiveness and compassion.
Power is a performance – rulers must be seen to rule, and to be feared.
A brutal master begets brutal and rebellious slaves.
We all long for freedom and innocence but the inescapable nature of our world is of power and hierarchy.
Viewing the natural world as supremely benevolent and abundant is naïve.
Viewing human civilisation as intrinsically.
It is human nature to seek power, violently.
We must gain control over our visceral bodies, over our baser, greedier, more lustful natures.
The theatre has a wonderful power to impose order and sense on the chaos of life – to help us regain what we lose in life and connect us to our higher ‘spirits’.
Life is temporal, insubstantial, impermanent.
When a master is just and a servant gracefully submissive, or co-operative, a master-slave relationship can be functional and purposeful.
To relinquish power, and forgo revenge is a noble act.
Theatre offers a safe experience of the more terrifying aspects of life. It is both thrillingly physical, and highly artificial.
Humans are physical, rational, and spiritual beings – we must acknowledge and embrace each aspect in order for balance to be maintained.
Human civilisation is filled with vice and corruption.
Love is a graceful kind of bondage or slavery.
Exotic, freakish views of the New World are no doubt greatly exaggerated. The ‘natives’ are most likely much more like the Europeans than not.
Inhabitants of the New World have been exploited and treated very cruelly by many colonialists.
It is neither wise to ignore the physical nor the political world.
In order to be redeemed, we must suffer.
When life has become unbalanced, balance may restore itself violently.
We cannot judge people by their appearances – appearances are deceptive.
Patience is rewarded.
Whilst order may be restored to life, chaos and violence will always threaten.