Curriculum Vitae

Ramona June Grey

Political Science Department

University of Montana

Missoula, MT 59812-1040

Office: (406) 243-2105 email:


1986-1991 University of California, Riverside

Ph.D., 1991

Major: Political Science

1983-1985 California State University, Sacramento

B.A. with honors, 1985

M.A. with honors, 1986

Major: Government

Academic Employment

Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Montana, Fall 2000-present (tenure granted Spring 2001)

Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Montana, Fall 1997-Spring 2000

Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Western State College, Gunnison, Colorado, 1996-1997

Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Colorado State University, 1992-1996

Lecturer, Department of Political Science, University of California, Riverside, 1991-1992

Lecturer, Department of Political Science, California State University, San Bernardino, 1991-1992

Teaching Experience

University of Montana: PSCI U250E Introduction to Political Theory; PSCI UG452 Utopianism & Its Critics; PSCI UG352 American Political Thought; PSCI UG450 Ancient & Medieval Theory; PSCI UG453 Modern Political Theory, PSCI UG354 Contemporary Political Thought; PSCI G550 Graduate Seminar in Political Theory

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Western State College: Fall 1996- Spring 1997, American Government, Constitutional Law, Ancient Political Philosophy, American Government and Contemporary Political Theory, Civil Liberties, Modern Political Theory, Special Topics: Utopianism & Its Critics

Colorado State University: Fall 1992-Spring 1995, Western Political Theory, American Government, Civil Liberties, American Political Thought, Constitutional Law, Ancient Political Theory, Modern Political Theory

University of California, Riverside: 1991-1998, American Government, Introduction to Political Ideologies, American Political Thought


Political Theory and the Human Predicament: An Introduction to Major Political Thinkers, (preliminary edition of edited primary works only), San Diego: Cognella Inc., 2013, (pp.393) ISBN: 9781621315247.

“Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1860-1935),” The International Encyclopedia of Political Science, edited by Geoffrey Garrett, Margaret Levi, Paula D. McClain, James E. Alt, and Simone Chambers, Washington D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Press, 2011, vol. 1, p. 673.

“Louis Hartz (1919-1986),” The International Encyclopedia of Political Science, edited by Geoffrey Garrett, Margaret Levi, Paula D. McClain, James E. Alt, and Simone Chambers, Washington D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Press, 2011, vol. 3, p. 714.

“Harold Laski (1893-1950),” The International Encyclopedia of Political Science, edited by Geoffrey Garrett, Margaret Levi, Paula D. McClain, James E. Alt, and Simone Chambers, Washington D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Press, 2011, vol. 3, pp. 910-911.

“James Mill (1773-1836),” The International Encyclopedia of Political Science, edited by Geoffrey Garrett, Margaret Levi, Paula D. McClain, James E. Alt, and Simone Chambers, Washington D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Press, 2011, vol. 3, pp. 1038-1039.

“George Orwell (1903-1950),” The International Encyclopedia of Political Science, edited by Geoffrey Garrett, Margaret Levi, Paula D. McClain, James E. Alt, and Simone Chambers, Congressional Quarterly Press, 2011, vol. 4, p.1161-1162.

“Michael Joseph Oakeshott (1901-1990),” The International Encyclopedia of Political Science, edited by Geoffrey Garrett, Margaret Levi, Paula D. McClain, James E. Alt, and Simone Chambers, Washington D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Press, 2011, vol. 4, p.1137.

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“Robert Owen (1771-1858),” The International Encyclopedia of Political Science, edited by Geoffrey Garrett, Margaret Levi, Paula D. McClain, James E. Alt, and Simone Chambers, Washington D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Press, 2011, vol. 4, p. 1164.

“Thomas Paine (1737-1809),” The International Encyclopedia of Political Science, edited by Geoffrey Garrett, Margaret Levi, Paula D. McClain, James E. Alt, and Simone Chambers, Washington D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Press, 2011, vol. 4, pp. 1166-1167.

“John Rawls (1921-2002),” The International Encyclopedia of Political Science, edited by Geoffrey Garrett, Margaret Levi, Paula D. McClain, James E. Alt, and Simone Chambers, Washington D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Press, 2011, vol. 5, pp. 1426-1427.

“Bertrand Russell (1872-1970),” The International Encyclopedia of Political Science, edited by Geoffrey Garrett, Margaret Levi, Paula D. McClain, James E. Alt, and Simone Chambers, Washington D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Press, 2011, vol. 5, p. 1499.

“George Holland Sabine (1880-1961),” The International Encyclopedia of Political Science, edited by Geoffrey Garrett, Margaret Levi, Paula D. McClain, James E. Alt, and Simone Chambers, Washington D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Press, 2011, vol.5, p. 1505.

“Burrhus Fredrick Skinner (1904-1990),” The International Encyclopedia of Political Science, edited by Geoffrey Garrett, Margaret Levi, Paula D. McClain, James E. Alt, and Simone Chambers, Congressional Quarterly Press (with sponsorship from the American Political Science Association), 2011, vol. 5, p. 1541.

"The Pilgrimage of Joseph Wood Krutch," American Studies, vol.38, no. 1 (Spring 1997):81-96.

(Co-authored with T. L. Putterman), “The Aesthetic Vision of Joseph Wood Krutch,” World & I, (July 2001), vol. 16, no. 7: 258-271.

(Co-authored with T.L. Putterman) “The Fiddler’s Prerogative: Politics and the Purpose of Art,” Antioch Review, vol. 60, no.2 (Spring 2002): 250-266.

Conference Papers

Presented paper title, Political Theory & the Search for Standards: From Plato to Gunnell, at the Pacific Northwestern Political Science Association, Seattle, Washington, October 13-17, 2011.

Moderated & Participated in “Interdisciplinary Perspectives on C.P. Gilman in the Classroom: A Roundtable,” 5th International Conference on Charlotte Perkins Gilman, University of Montana, June 16-19, 2011.

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Presented paper titled, “Approaches to the Study and Practice of Political Theory: The Search for Standards,” at the Western Social Science Conference at the Grand Hyatt Denver, Colorado, April 24-26, 2008.

Presented a paper, “Freedom as Idea and Ideal,” for the annual Paul Lowdenslager Memorial Lecture series, Western State College, Gunnison, Colorado, September 8, 2004.

“The Pilgrimage of Joseph Wood Krutch," American Studies, 38 (Spring 1997)

(Co-authored with T. L. Putterman), “The Aesthetic Vision of Joseph Wood Krutch,” World & I, (July 2001), vol. 16, no. 7: 258-271.

(Co-authored with T. Putterman), “The Fiddler’s Prerogative: Politics and the Purpose of Art,” Antioch Review (Spring 2002), vol. 60, no. 2: 250-266.

Presenting paper, “The Fiddler’s Prerogative,” (co-authored) at the Pacific Northwestern Political Science Association Conference, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, October 18-20, 2001

Presenting a paper, "Erich Fromm & His Critics: Resuming the Dialogue," at the Western Political Science Association Conference, San Jose, California, March 24-26, 2000

Presented paper entitled "Erich Fromm & His Critics Resuming the Dialogue," at the Pacific Northwestern Political Science Association Conference, Victoria, Canada, October 22-24, 1998

Presented paper entitled "Joseph Wood Krutch in Tucson: Nature's Patron & Society's Critic," at the Annual Western Social Science Conference, Denver, Colorado, April 15-18, 1998

Works In Progress

Manuscript in progress: A Preface to Political Theory: A Search for Standards

Article, “Political Theory: Its Traditions & Practices”


Awarded a Sabbatical for Spring 2009

UM Distinguished Teaching Award, 2004

Pi Sigma Alpha’s National Advisor Award, 2004

Pi Sigma Alpha’s Best Chapter Award for 2000-2001; 2001-2002; 2002-2003; 2003-2004, Academic Advisor

Pi Sigma Alpha’s Best Chapter Award for 2004-2005; 2005-2006 (Co-advisor with Professor Lopach

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Paoli Faculty Development Grant, 2002

University Research Grant, University of Montana, Missoula, 1998-1999

Tom Paine Faculty Development Grant, 1998

Resident Fellowship, Center for Ideas & Society, University of

California, Riverside, Fall 1990

Professional Activities

Editorial Board Member & Article Reviewer for The International Journal of American Studies

Presented lecture titled, “3 Writers You Should Know: Paine, Emerson, Bellamy,” at the Montana Educators Association Conference at UM College of Technology, October 16-17, 2008.

Participated in the National Conference on Democratic Dialogue, San Francisco, California, August 3-6, 2006. Provided Dean Fetz with a report on the information gathered.

Participated in KUFM radio roundtable discussion on “Leo Strauss and the Neo-Conservatives,” for In Other Words, taped October 2005.

Participated in KUFM radio roundtable discussion on “Christian fundamentalism and politics,” for In Other Words, taped June 11, 2005.

Panel Chair in Political Theory for the Annual Western Political Theory Association Conference, Denver, Colorado, March 27-29, 2003

Organized and chaired a panel, "Freedom As Idea & Ideal," for the Annual Western Political Science Association Conference, San Jose, California, March 24-26, 2000

Panel chair for "Skeptics & Fools: From Hobbes to Oakeshott" at the Western Political Science Association Conference, Cathedral Hill Hotel, San Francisco, March 14-16, 1996

Participated in an inaugural symposium, "Hall of Justice to Halls of Ivy: Courts in Higher Education," sponsored by the Colorado Supreme Court Committee on Public Education, Denver, Colorado, September 30-October 1, 1994

Departmental Service

July 2013-Present- Political Science Department Chair

Fall 2009-present, Co-directing Masters of Arts program (with Professor Muste): consulting on new applications, advising current and graduation graduate students, checking and approving graduation applications before they are sent to the Graduate Dean.

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Fall 2005-Spring 2009, Director of the Masters of Arts program. Director reviews all applications for admissions, meets and corresponds with prospective students, coordinates the MA committee meetings as needed, advises current graduate students, checks and approves graduation applications before they are sent to the graduate school.

Fall 2006-2008, Political Science Department Awards Committee (with Dr. Peter Koehn): identifying and nominating political science faculty for university and community awards

Fall 2004- Spring 2007, Pi Sigma Alpha co-advisor with Professor Jim Lopach..

Fall 2000-Spring 2004, Pi Sigma Alpha adviser, assisted the political science honor society students with planning events, contacting potential speakers, reviewing the grant proposals, and wrote the end-year reports for the national office. PSA has won a National Chapter Award

each of these years (except in 2004 when I received a National Advisor Award.)

Fall 2002-Spring 2003, Member of M.A. Committee, reviewed graduate applications for admissions and teaching assistance awards; faculty advisor to Pi Sigma Alpha, political science honorary society;

subcommittee member to review Political Science Scholarship applications; provided reference letters for 8 students

University Service

Fall 2007-present, member, Ethics Perspective Course Review Committee, proving written assessment on course syllabi designed to satisfy the G.E. Ethics requirement.

Fall 2005-Spring 2006, served on the search committee for the Dean of Mansfield Library. Duties included reviewing applications, meeting regularly to discuss candidate pool, conducting phone interviews, attending campus visits by candidates and follow up interviews. Providing final reports to the Dean of CAS.

Fall 2005-2006, served as a board member of the Center for Teaching Excellence. Primary duties involved reviewing nominations for outstanding teacher and advisor awards.

Fall 2003-2004, served on the search committee for the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. Duties included reviewing applications, meeting regularly to narrow down the pool of candidates, writing interview questions, conducting phone interviews, coordinating campus visits by candidates and follow up interviews. Provided final written reports to the Provost.

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Fall 2002-2004, served on the Teacher’s Education Council, reviewing teacher education requirements in the social sciences.

Fall 2001-Spring 2003, appointed co-director (with G.G. Weix) of Women’s Studies for a three year term, with annual review. Duties

include organizing WS Retreat at Lubrecht Forest Lodge, attending chairs/directors meetings, advising WS students, supervising internships, overseeing program budge, coordinating WS Steering Committee and Sub-Committee activities/meetings, and hiring new administrative assistant (see attached).

Community Service

Fall 2008-present, Certified Water Aerobic Instructor for Missoula City Parks & Recreation
