To: Prospective Dual Enrollment Students
From: Ann Kelley-Spence,
Enterprise State Community College Dual Enrollment Contact
Thank you for your interest in dual enrollment courses offered by Enterprise State Community College (ESCC). Your decision to pursue college credit while in high school will give you a “jump start” on your postsecondary education and your career.
Enclosed with this memorandum are several forms that you will need to complete before you can participate in a dual enrollment class:
· Accelerated Credit/Dual Enrollment Application for Admission
· Authorization for Release of Records
· Certification of Eligibility for In-State Residency
· Dual Enrollment Agreement: Students and Parents/Guardians
· Statement of Eligibility
Also, please include a photo ID and an official transcript.
For high school students to enroll in dual enrollment courses students must meet admission requirements in accordance with Board policy.
Requirements are:
· 3.0 GPA and maintain for academic courses
· 2.5 GPA and maintain for technical courses
· All students must take the COMPASS test or have taken the ACT and meet the minimum cut scores. COMPASS can be taken at any ESCC/AAC location by appointment.
Please return completed forms to your high school counselor or mail to:
Bryant Career Technical Center
C/O Mrs. Mico Lucious
8950 Padgett Switch Road
Irvington, AL 36544
I look forward to having you as a dual enrollment student with our college. Please call (334) 347-2623, extension 2208 if you have questions or need any assistance. • (334)347-2623 • 600 Plaza Dr • Enterprise, AL 36330 • • @EnterpriseState
Enterprise State Community College
Alabama Aviation Center
Accelerated Credit/Dual Enrollment Application
This application is for accelerated credit or dual enrollment purposes. Once you have graduated high school,
you must complete ESCC’s regular Application for Admission to be admitted as a college student.
Today’s Date: ____/_____/______
mm dd yyyy Last Name First Name Middle
______--__ ___--______
<------Social Security Number Date of Birth
Mailing Address
City County State ZIP
(______) ______-______(______) ______-______Home Phone Home Phone Cell Phone
What term do you plan to enroll?
Fall Spring Summer Year ______
If you will be attending dual enrollment classes at our campus instead of at your high school, check or list location below:
__Albertville __Andalusia __Headland __Mobile __Other______
High School you attend: ______
Anticipated High School Graduation YEAR______
Are you a United States Citizen? yes no
Are you a resident of the State of Alabama: yes no
Selective Service: I certify that I comply with the provisions of the United States Military Selective Service Act (50 U.S.C. APP 453) by having registered with the Selective Service board, or that I am not yet 18 years of age and will register when required, or that I am not by law required to register.Gender: / Male / Female
Ethnicity: / Are you Hispanic or Latino? / Yes / No
Please choose one or more of the categories listed below:
Race: / Black / Asian / American Indian/Alaska Native
White / Hispanic / Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
Emergency Contact: ______
Emergency Phone: (______) ______--______
Your Employer: ______
Work Phone: (______) ______--______
Enterprise State Community College Equal Opportunity in Education
It is the official policy of the Alabama State Department of Postsecondary Education and Enterprise State Community College that no person in Alabama shall, on the grounds of race, color, disability, sex, religion, creed, national origin, or age, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any program or activity. Enterprise State Community College complies with non-discriminatory regulations under Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act; Title IX Educational Amendment; section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act; Americans with Disabilities Act. Any student requiring special accommodations under ADA should contact the College ADA Coordinator.
I certify that the information contained in this application is true and correct. I understand any misstatement of facts may result in disapproval of this application or expulsion from Enterprise State Community College if discovered after admission.
Signature of Applicant Date
For Office UseStudent #______Staff:______Date______Campus Code ______Paid: CA CK MO CC PACT
Photo Identification Current Transcript Statement of Dual Enrollment Eligibility Student/Parent Agreement
Accelerated Credit or Dual Enrollment
Authorization for Release of Records
According to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), all rights of Access to students’ educational records transfer from the parents to the students when the students become 18 years of age OR are enrolled in a postsecondary education institution. To comply with the requirements of FERPA, Enterprise State Community College shall obtain written consent from students before disclosing any personally identifiable information from their education records.
As a participant in the accelerated credit or dual enrollment programs, I understand that it is the responsibility of Enterprise State Community College to release this information. My signature further verifies my understanding that, as a student at Enterprise State Community College, I am subject to the same FERPA policies as other students at the College and that I understand the policy as outlined below:
Enterprise State Community College shall obtain written consent from students before disclosing any personally identifiable information from their education records. Directory information will be released to inquiring individuals or agencies unless students sign a “Do Not Release Directory Information” form in the Admissions/Records Office during the first two weeks of the term. This form must be resubmitted annually. Directory information includes:
(a) name
(b) address
(c) telephone listing
(d) participation in officially recognized activities and sports
(e) major field of study
(f) weight and height of an athletic team member
(g) dates of attendance
(h) degrees/awards received
(i) date of birth
(j) most recent educational institution attended
(k) photographs
(l) enrollment status
(m) e-mail address
Student’s Signature Date
Student Name______SSN______
Street Address______City______State______Zip______
Home/Cell Phone ______Birthday____/____/____ Semester Fall Spring Summer Year______
In order to be eligible for in-state tuition, you MUST complete this form and fall into ONE or more of the following categories:
I (or my non-estranged spouse) have lived in the State of Alabama for at least 12 months immediately preceding my application for admission.
I am a dependent student and my parent/legal guardian has lived in the State of Alabama for at least 12 months.
I am applying for consideration of in-state tuition for the following reasons:
I (or my supporting spouse or parent) am a member of the United States Military on full-time active duty and is stationed in Alabama under orders for duties other than attending school.
I (or my supporting spouse or parent) am an accredited member of a consular staff assigned to duties in Alabama.
I (or my supporting spouse or parent) have full-time employment in Alabama and will start said employment within 90 days of my registration.
I (or my spouse) am a full-time permanent employee of this institution.
I reside in a county of a state which is within the 50-mile radius of the designated campus of this institution.
Enterprise/Ft Rucker: FL Jackson Holmes Okaloosa Walton Washington Early (GA)
Ozark: GA Early Clay Miller Quitman Randolph Seminole
Ozark: FL Holmes Jackson Walton Washington
Mobile: MS George Green Harrison Jackson Stone Perry
Mobile: FL Escambia Santa Rosa
I have more substantial connections with the State of Alabama than with any other state. Check all that apply:
I attended/graduated from an Alabama High School.
I or my spouse/parents have paid Alabama State income taxes as a resident.
I or my spouse/parents own a residence or other real estate in Alabama and have paid ad valorem taxes in the state.
I am employed full time in the State of Alabama
I have previous periods of residency in t he state continuing for one year or more.
I am a registered voter and have voted in Alabama.
I possess a state or local license to do business or practice a profession in Alabama.
I possess an Alabama license plate.
I have maintained continuous physical presence in Alabama for a purpose other than attending school, excluding temporary absences for travel, military service, and temporary employment.
I have membership in religious, professional, business, civic, or social organizations in Alabama
I have maintained a checking account, saving account, investment account, or safe deposit boxes in Alabama.
I have an in-state address shown on one or more of the following:
Selective Service Registration Hunting or Fishing License Retirement Plan
Driver’s License Insurance Policies Stock/Bond Registrations
Last Will and Testament Annuities Auto Title Registration
I understand that I may be asked to provide documentation to ENTERPRISE STATE COMMUNITY COLLEGE for items that I have checked. I agree to notify the college if there are any changes in the information submitted with this form. I understand that an out-of-state student cannot attain resident student status simply by attending school for 12 months in the State of Alabama.
Signature______Date: ______
The student and his/her parent or legal guardian must sign this agreement before the student is eligible to enroll in accelerated credit or dual enrollment courses offered by Enterprise State Community College (ESCC). Signing this agreement does not obligate the student to enroll in the accelerated and dual enrollment programs.
The signing parties understand and agree with the following as it relates to accelerated courses offered by ESCC.
1. Accelerated credit and dual enrollment courses are collegiate-level courses. Students are responsible for ensuring they have the academic background and experiences needed to be successful in accelerated courses.
2. Students enrolled in accelerated and dual enrollment courses must follow the applicable policies and conduct codes established by the school board and the College. Students are responsible for knowing the policies and conduct codes of the school board and the College. The College reserves the right to refuse readmission to any student who is found to be in violation of college policies (academic standards of progress, Student Code of Conduct, etc.).
3. Students are responsible for knowing policies relative to accelerated credit of the colleges or universities to which they plan to transfer credit.
4. Transportation to and from the accelerated credit or dual enrollment course site is the responsibility of the student unless otherwise stated by the school board.
5. Tuition and fees are the responsibility of the student and must be paid in accordance with College policies and procedures.
6. Once a student enrolls in and attends an accelerated or dual enrollment class, the student is obligated to complete the class. An accelerated or dually enrolled student who becomes ineligible to attend a class (e.g., violation of Student Code of Conduct), or for other reasons stops attending the class, MUST WITHDRAWAL OR will receive a failing grade in the class and no college credit. Students who stop attending or become ineligible to attend the class will not be allowed to attend as an accelerated or dual enrollment student.
7. Students must abide by attendance policies established by the School Board.
Student’s Full Name (Print): ______
Student's Signature______Date______
Parent’s/Guardian’s Name (Print): ______
Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature______Date______
Statement of Eligibility
Acceptance to the Academic and technical education dual enrollment or accelerated credit programs at ESCC will be official upon receipt of this completed form and application for admission to the College.
Student Information:
Social Security Number______
Last First Middle
E-mail address______
To Be Completed By High School Principal:
This student is enrolled in or has completed the 10th grade at ______ High School and has a minimum cumulative “B” average point average on a 4.0 scale in high school courses or in career/technical education courses directly related to the postsecondary technical courses in which the student intends to earn dual credit, if applicable. (Note: State Board of Education policy requires that Dual Enrollment or Accelerated Credit students be enrolled in grades 10, 11, or 12.) I hereby recommend that this student be admitted to the Dual Enrollment or Accelerated Credit program at Enterprise State Community College for technical education courses.
Principal’s Signature______
Superintendent’s Signature______
College President’s Signature______
Date form received______
Processed by______Date______