International Revenue Protection Training Seminar
DATE: JUNE 10 – 13, 2014
10100 International Drive
Orlando, Florida 32821
It is time to set your plans to attend our 2014 International Revenue Protection conference, which is scheduled for June 10th -13th 2014. This year's conference will be held at the
The 2014 planning committee is working hard to come up with some very interesting speakers and/or demonstrations. We will be updating the IURPA webpage with the tentative agenda soon.
The hotel room rate for a single or double is $129.00 per night plus applicable taxes. The rate will be honored 3 days prior and 3 days following the conference. To insure space and room rate availability, reservations should be made by Wednesday, May 21, 2014. Please make sure to state that you are with the SURPA group or use the link provided on the website.
Event Registration is $225.00 if receive by Friday, May 23, 2014. If sending after May 23rd registration fee is $250.00. In situations where one check is being sent for a group please send a registration form for each participant.
Please send a registration form for each individual participating, even if you will be attending as a group.
2014 IURPA/SURPA/SCRPA – International Revenue Protection Training Seminar
JUNE 10 – 13th, 2014 -- Orlando, Florida
/ Address:
/ If you have any items to donate for the gift bags/raffle please mail them to the below address. All contributions will be appreciated.
/ Donation / Yes / No
Phone: / Amount Enclosed
By Check or Money Order: $
Make Checks Payable To: SURPA
Mail Registration Forms & Payment To:
Susan Reinhardt – BAY71 – 727-523-4370
5225 Tech Data Dr, Clearwater, FL 33760