Impulsports PD/H/PE 2016 TEXTS

***‘next day’ delivery******guaranteed cheapest!*** **FREIGHT @ ½ COST ( minimum 6 texts)

(please add 10% GST to all orders) All texts are ‘IN STOCK’ NOTE: Publishers increase prices from March-we hold ’old’ prices a.l.a.p.


‘Outcomes 1 & eGuide plus–Prelim’ (4e) $53.45 ($68.14 retail)

‘Outcomes 2 & eGuide plus–HSC’ (5e) $53.40 ($68.14 retail)

‘Outcomes 1’ TEACHER eGuidePLUS (4e) (R.Ruskin) $94.95 *NEW*‘Outcomes 2’ T. eGuide+ (5e) $94.90 ($104.50r. ea)

‘Cambridge HSC PDHPE’ $52.65 ($67.25 retail) *NEW* Teacher Resource Pack $126.95 ($136.35r) *NEW*

‘Cambridge Preliminary PDHPE’ $49.65 ($63.60 retail) *NEW* Teacher Resource Pack $126.90 NEW

‘Application & Inquiry-HSC’ (2nd edn) $56.75 ($72.70 retail)

‘Application & Inquiry-Prelim’ (2nd edn) $56.70 ($72.70 retail)

‘PD/H/PE in FOCUS –HSC’ +CD (A Boyd et al –McGrawHill) $51.75 ($66.32 retail)

‘PD/H/PE in FOCUS –Prelim’ +CD (A Boyd et al –McGrawHill) $51.70 ($66.32 retail)

‘Peak Performance PD/H/PE –HSC’ +CD (Buchanan –MacMillan) $62.55 ($71.85 retail)

‘Peak Performance PD/H/PE –Preliminary’ +CD (Buchanan –MacMillan) $60.95 ($71.81retail)

‘Titan Ed ‘PDHPE HSC TRB’ $129. ($159 r) ‘Titan Ed ‘PDHPE Prelim TRB’ $129. ($159 r)

Dotpoint PDHPE–HSC’ $35.45 ($45.45r)

Dotpoint PDHPE –Prelim’ $35.50 ($45.45r)

HSC StudyOn & booklet (student online learning) PDHPE (R Ruskin) $29.85 ($36.35 retail)

HSC StudyOn PDHPE TEACHER EDN (R Ruskin) (need student StudyOn copy) $94.95 ($104.50 retail)

‘Sport, Lifestyle & Recreation’ (A.Stasos et al -NELSON) $49.95 ($62.70 retail) NEW Edition

‘Sport, Lifestyle & Recreation’ (A.Stasos et al -Heinemann) $55.95 ($62.70 retail) limited stock

Exploring ‘Sport, Lifestyle & Recreation’ (S.Bultitude et al -Titan) $46.95 ($60.00 retail) NEW

‘Titan Ed. Sport, Lifestyle & Recreation’ TRBs (2nd edn) (x3 TRBs in set) $129.95 ($159. r)

Titan Educn PUZZLE PACK BLMs (dozens of photocopiable BLM activity sheets for teachers & substitute lessons):

‘PD/H/PE (HSC) Puzzle Pack BLM’ $54.95 –‘PD/H/PE (Prelim) Puzzle Pack BLM’ $54.95 –‘SLR Puzzle Pack BLM’ $54.95


‘Nelson Community & Family Studies’ (HSC/Pre)(2nd edn) (Beattie et al) $48.45 ($61.77r) *new syllabus*

‘Exploring CAFS’ (HSC/Pre) (2nd edn) (A de Haan –Titan Press) $46.85 ($60.retail) *new syllabus*

‘Titan Educ’n CAFS -HSC TRBs (3rd edn) (A de Haan) (x2 TRBs in set) $129.90 ($159. retail)*new syllabus*

‘Titan Educ’n CAFS -Prelim TRB (3rd edn) (A de Haan) $129.95 ($159. retail) *new syllabus*

‘Community & Family Studies’ (HSC) (Mitchell et al –McGrawHill) $49.65 ($63.60r)

‘Community & Family Studies’ (Prelim) (Mitchell et al –McGrawHill) $49.60 ($63.60r)

‘Community & Family Studies’ (HSC/Pre)(2nd edn) (Weihen et al –Pearson) $51.45 ($62.70 retail)

‘CAFS TEACHER RESOURCE & CD (HSC/Pre)(2e) (Weihen et al –Pearson) $119.95 ($136.40 retail)

‘Nelson Community & Family Studies’ (HSC/Pre)(1st edn) (Beattie et al) $41.45 ($52.70r)

‘Exploring Early Childhood’ (L.Weihen -Hein) $56.95 ($65.41r)


NEW Polar ‘FT1’ HEART RATE MONITOR $66 ($99 retail) (full range of Polar Heart Rate Monitors available on request)

‘Little Anne’ CPR MANIKIN $279 ( $312 retail) L.A. accessories: airways $3.50ea; faceshields $169 per 6 rolls (216 shields)

‘Human’ SKELETON $498 ($550 retail) (other anatomical models available on request)

‘BEEP’ TEST (shuttle run) $42 CD BLOOD PRESSURE MONITOR (digital) $108


quickest order by e-mail to OR FAX to (02) 4567 7633 p.1/2

$30,000+ each year ($400,000 in 2000/16) is given to the Children’s Cancer Institute

-for scientific research into the early detection of relapse in children with leukemia

–see website


Impulsports PD/H/PE 2016 TEXTS

***‘next day’ delivery****** guaranteed cheapest! **FREIGHT @ ½ COST (minimum 6 texts)

(please add 10% GST to all orders) All texts are ‘IN STOCK’ NOTE: Publishers increase prices from April-we hold ’old’ prices a.l.a.p.

Year 7-10 PD/H/PE TEXTS: (current syllabus)

‘Active Outcomes 1 (St. 4)’ text +eBook (2nd edn) (Jaca) (R.Ruskin) $55.95 ($70.86 retail)

‘Active Outcomes 2 (St. 5)’ text +eBook (2nd edn) (Jaca) (R.Ruskin) $55.90 ($70.86 retail)

‘Active Outcomes 1 (St. 4)’ eGuidePLUS (Teacher Edn) (Jaca) (R.Ruskin) $94.95 ($104.50 retail)

‘Active Outcomes 2 (St. 5)’ eGuidePLUS (Teacher Edn) (Jaca) (R.Ruskin) $94.95 ($104.50 retail)


‘PDHPE Stage 4 TRB Titan Ed $129.95 ($159r) ‘PDHPE Stage 5 TRB Titan Ed $129.90 ($159r)


‘PASS ‘Exploring Physical Activity & Sport’ (3e) Titan Ed (A.Boyd et al) $42.65 ($54.55r) *NEW*

‘PASS ‘Physical Activity & Sports Studies’ Titan Ed TRBs (x3 TRBs in set) $79.95 ($99.00 retail)

‘Move into PASS’ +CD (D.Clarke -MacMillan) $50.95 ($65.45)


‘PD, H & PE’ –TEXTBOOK 1-3rd edn (R.&A.Lees) $40.45 ($51.80 retail)

‘PD, H & PE’ –TEXTBOOK 2-3rd edn (R.&A.Lees) $40.45 ($51.80 retail)

‘PD, H & PE’ –TEXTBOOK 3-3rd edn (R.&A.Lees) $40.45 ($51.80 retail)

‘PD, H & PE’ –TEXTBOOK 4-3rd edn (R.&A.Lees) $40.45 ($51.80 retail)

Lees TEACHER RESOURCE & CD-rom -book 1 (3rd edn) (+TRM 1&2 folder) $112.95 ($114.50 retail)

Lees TEACHER RESOURCE & CD-rom -book 2 (3rd edn) $79.95 ($80.90 retail)

Lees TEACHER RESOURCE & CD-rom -book 3 (3rd edn) (+TRM 3&4 folder) $112.95 ($114.50 retail)

Lees TEACHER RESOURCE & CD-rom -book 4 (3rd edn) $79.95 ($80.90 retail)

STUDENT WORKBOOK (3rd edn):book 1 @$14.95 ($19.05 ret) STUDENT WORKBOOK (3rd edn):book 2 @$14.25


‘PD/H/PE Zone Stage 4’ Texts (4x yr 7/8 topic books)(Hein) (S.Cox et al) $52.45 ($62.70 retail)

‘PD/H/PE Zone Stage 5’ Texts (4x yr 9/10 topic books)(Hein) (S.Cox et al) $52.50 ($62.70 retail)


‘JUMP INTO PDHPE’ –BK 1 +CD (3rd edn) (A.Watt et al) $57.75 ($66.35 retail)

‘JUMP INTO PDHPE’ –BK 2 +CD (3rd edn) (A.Watt et al) $57.70 ($66.35 retail)

‘JUMP INTO PDHPE’ –TRB +CD (3rd edn) $198.95 ($209.10r)


‘Physical Education bk.1’ BLM -Titan Ed $79.95 ($99r) ‘Physical Education bk.2’ BLM -Titan Ed $79.90

-rules, skills, skills tests, etc of various sports & games

‘PE to 16’ text (3e) $29.95 ($31.80r) –for Sports Science elective

‘DANCE –Count Me In’ (B.Snook) $36.45 ($45.40 retail) –specific to Stages 4 & 5 in ‘Dance’ syllabus

‘INSIDE & OUT’ –text 3rd edn (ACHPER)–text $43.25 ($52.70 retail) –workbook $23.45 ($28.15 retail)

‘SUPERSUBS PHYSICAL EDUCATION’ (TRB) $49.95 -practical & theory lessons with activity sheets for teachers

Titan Educn PUZZLE PACK BLMs (dozens of photocopiable BLM activity sheets for teachers & substitute lessons):

‘PD/H/PE (stage 4) Puzzle Pack BLM’ $54.95 –‘PD/H/PE (stage 5) Puzzle Pack BLM’ $54.95 –‘PASS Puzzle Pack BLM’ $54.95

$30,000+ each year ($400,000 in 2000/16) is given to the Children’s Cancer Institute

-for scientific research into the early detection of relapse in children with leukemia

–see website

(’30 day invoice’ is mailed direct to accounts)

quickest order by e-mail to:

OR FAX to (02) 4567 7633

-thanks for your continued support, Lindsay Carrucan