Camp Knutson Volunteers
Job Description - 2017
Purpose /brief description:
Shall convene all regularly scheduled meetings, shall preside or arrange for members of the Executive Committee to preside at each meeting in the following order: vice president, secretary, treasurer, marketing/communications chair,. The president shall also work directly with the Committee chairs to ensure the mission of the organization is maintained. Review By Laws with Board of Directors to remain up to date. Per Camp Knutson Volunteer By laws.
Term: One year.
A passion for Camp Knutson and the campers who attend.
•Communication skills
•Organization skills
•Familiar with reading a financial report
•Computer skills/comfortable with using a computer
•Management skills
•Leadership and analytical skills
Each Month:
•Work with Camp Knutson Directors and staff to fulfill CKV mission statement
•Work and keep Vice president abreast of activities/meetings/new business
•Periodically check website to be sure it has accurate and necessary information
•Send e blasts if necessary
•Support and check in with committee chairs/activity leaders and help when needed.
CKV President job descriptionPage 2
Month by month guidelines:
August: (beginning of term)
•Take office after the August/Fall General membership fall meeting.
•Schedule fall board meeting & send out notice w/secretary
•Help out/assist outgoing president with ALL Volunteer picnic at Camp K
•Read over NUTS post event notes
•Monitor ALL fundraising activities and progress
•Notify Camp K director of the elected board members(contact information) for new year.(Director forwards this to LSS for approval).
•Get the “Black Box” from outgoing president.
•Send reminder for Fall All Volunteer picnic at Camp K. (if not already done by outgoing president).
•Participate in some way at All Volunteer picnic.
•Hold first Board meeting
•Meet with Camp K director and set dates for next year.
- Spring general meeting/new volunteer meeting (first week of June).
- Spring board meeting(usually in early June when members return)
- Night Under the Stars event (already set from previous NUTS)
- Fall general meeting
- All Volunteer picnic - host w/ past president/CK directors
- Identify Fundraising Chairs for following year
•Participate in fundraising activities as needed/desire
•Contact Past President anytime if needed.
•Consult with NUTS chairs regarding theme, Silent Auction chair etc.
•Work with Marketing/Comm. chair to update website with new dates, pictures, other events, take off old information etc
December- March:Page 3
•Assist NUTS chair if needed. Be aware of progress, NUTS invites, posters, solicitation packets
•check with V. P. to be sure they are working on Spring newsletter. Articles need to be turned in by April 1st.
•Check In with other Fundraising chairs
•Check in with V.P. on newsletter status
•Make sure newsletter gets posted on website
•Work with NUTS chairs if needed
•Check in with Membership chair so they are prepared to receive membership dues, registrations, updates
•Monitor NUTS and other fundraising progress
•Set agenda for Spring membership and new volunteer meeting in early June.
•Set agenda for board meeting
•Confirm with Volunteer Coordinator that all leadership positions are filled i.e.: Card making, Gardening, cleaning, beading, etc.
•Plan new volunteer orientation activity with Membership Coordinator, sign up sheets, staffing of leaders for activities.
•Hold Spring meeting. (Arrive early, set chairs, sign ups, mic. etc.)
- Share information on CKV
- Encourage new members to sign up.
- Introduce board members
- Suggest they review the CKV website. Ask for nominees for Election
- Ask for Election committee nominee’s -early in program/agenda
•Monitor progress of NUTS and other Fundraising activies.
•Hold board meeting. (Select Election committee from nominee’s at Spring meeting).
•Meet with Election Committee for new slate nominees
•NUTS - check in with chairs- regarding program
July:Page 4
•Attend NUTS meetings, etc. Crunch time!
•Meet with Election committee if needed
•Check in with Volunteer Coordinator to see if Activities Leaders need anything, (Gardening, Beading, Cards, etc).
•Review role you are asked to play in NUTS - M.C.?
•Attend NUTS
•Follow up on funds raised at NUTS
August: (end of term as outgoing president)
•Review and finalize NUTS post event notes & file in black box
•Plan All Volunteer picnic (Date already determined)
- Send out E Blast “Save the Date”
- Send out invites
3. Review invite list with CK director’s to cross reference guest list
•Hold fall membership general meeting - introduce new president and officers. Thank the outgoing board.
•Attend Board meeting Aug/Sept. (now as past-president- non voting member)
•Give the “black box” to newly elected President