M/J Civics Test #2 Test Prep M/J Civics Test #2 Test Prep

Articles of Confederation

(Wanted: Just Right Government worksheet, 14 SeP)

Why are the Articles of Confederation important?

Branches of government for Articles of Confederation:

Branches of government for with U.S. Constitution:

How is the legislative branch divided?

Preamble matching

(Directions for democracy notes, 18 Sep)

What do these five lines mean in modern English?

establish Justice,

insure domestic Tranquility,

provide for the common defense,

promote the general Welfare,

and secure the Blessings of Liberty

Separation of powers: Which branch …

(Constitution Day worksheets, 17 Sep)

Which branch (Executive, Judicial, or Legislative) does what things? Write down five examples five each branch.

Checks and Balances

(What’s For Lunch worksheet, 25 Sep)

What are the 5 steps between branches of government a bill follows to become a law?

The Federalism DBQ Project True / False

(DBQ, 02 - 12 Oct)

What is federalism?

What is a DBQ?

What is FEMA?

Rule of Law

(Rule of Law graphic organizer, 11 Oct)

What is order and security?

What is legitimacy mean?

What are checks and balances in the law?

What is an equal application of the law?

What is procedural fairness?

What does it mean to have access to justice?

Articles of Confederation

(Wanted: Just Right Government worksheet, 14 SeP)

Why are the Articles of Confederation important?

Branches of government for Articles of Confederation:

Branches of government for with U.S. Constitution:

How is the legislative branch divided?

Preamble matching

(Directions for democracy notes, 18 Sep)

What do these five lines mean in modern English?

establish Justice,

insure domestic Tranquility,

provide for the common defense,

promote the general Welfare,

and secure the Blessings of Liberty

Separation of powers: Which branch …

(Constitution Day worksheets, 17 Sep)

Which branch (Executive, Judicial, or Legislative) does what things? Write down five examples five each branch.

Checks and Balances

(What’s For Lunch worksheet, 25 Sep)

What are the 5 steps between branches of government a bill follows to become a law?

The Federalism DBQ Project True / False

(DBQ, 02 - 12 Oct)

What is federalism?

What is a DBQ?

What is FEMA?

Rule of Law

(Rule of Law graphic organizer, 11 Oct)

What is order and security?

What is legitimacy mean?

What are checks and balances in the law?

What is an equal application of the law?

What is procedural fairness?

What does it mean to have access to justice?

[M/J Civics] Test #2 Test Prep [M/J Civics] Test #2 Test Prep