APRIL 24, 2006



7:30 PM

Board Members Present Superintendent Present

Tracy Cotterill Al Robinson

Patty Fountain

Russ Sumpter

Craig Roesler

Board Members Absent Student Rep Present

Charles Van Pelt Maura Raney

Staff Members Present: Tracey Prpich, Layne Anderson, Dede Babcock, Nick Hakiel

Visitors Present: None

Craig Roesler called the regular board meeting to order at 7:36 p.m.

A Certificate of recognition was presented to Lisa Barnhill, a Para Educator from Gold Bar Elementary School that has successfully passed the NCLB Highly Qualified Para Educators requirement test. Dede Babcock accepted the award on behalf of Lisa Barnhill.

Patty Fountain made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda:

6) Approval of Minutes of Regular, Public Input and Special Meetings 03/27/06, and 04/10/06

7) Approval of Certificated & Classified Personnel Report

8) Approval of General Fund Vouchers for April Nos. 16211

through 16379 in the total amount of $203,272.33; April ASB Fund Vouchers Nos. 5070 through 5107 in the total amount of $22,279.01; and April Capital Projects Vouchers Nos. 2247 through 2247 in the total amount of $15,678.25; April payroll in the estimated amount of $1,115,000.00.

9) Approval of $1000.00 donation from Gold Bar Elementary PTA to Gold Bar Elementary

10) Approval of $4000.00 donation from the Sultan Education Foundation to Gold Bar Elementary

11) Approval of donation –hospital bed from Bridge Ministries to Sultan School District

12) Approval of Certificated Administrator Salary Schedule for 2005-2006

Minutes of Regular Meeting

April 24, 2006

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Tracy Cotterill seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

GOLD BAR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Tutoring- during this year we have served 52 students in reading, math and/or writing in our before and after school program. WASL- we have completed the preparation booklets and the first week of administering the WASL for grades 3-5. Accelerated Math- our students are now able to access Accelerated Math in our second through fifth grade classrooms giving them additional practice in math at their own level of difficulty. Character Assembly- last month we honored 30 students for demonstrating acts of friendship. The choir, directed by Gail Bowers, entertained us with two special numbers. Being polite and demonstrating manners is our character trait for next month. Band Instruments- our new band instruments have arrived! This will enable students who cannot afford to purchase their own to participate in our band activities.

SULTAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Sultan 5th grade students have raised over $3000 for this upcoming camp experience. Monies raised went directly towards the cost of camp. Students who sold 25 tubs or more of cookie dough paid for their own camp experience. Additional funds will be used directly for 5th grade expenses and for students that cannot fund camp through their family’s means. WASL is underway. Planning for this three grade level (3rd 4th and 5th) event has been challenging to say the least. Sultan Elementary staff, from classroom teachers to para-educators have taken this challenge head on and worked diligently to provide the best testing environment possible for every child. It has definitely required a lot of patience and work from all the staff proctoring and coordinating the test AND grade levels NOT testing who switched their planning times. Special mention needs to be made to those individuals providing accommodations for our special needs and 504 students. They have filled a tremendous need with their willingness and professionalism. It also should be noted that the maintenance crew has intently monitored their mowing and other activities in order to maintain the best possible testing environment without interruption or disruption. It is a great example of an overall team effort for the students at SES. Sultan Elementary hosted Nina Laden (LAY-den), a local children’s author, as our keynote speaker for Young Author’s day. Each grade level had a time devoted to activities and presentations specific to their developmental abilities. The day was exciting and meaningful for all involved. It was a great culminating activity for the overall Young Author’s efforts which included a parade around Sultan as its kick off event and classroom activities throughout the month.

SULTAN MIDDLE SCHOOL: Our librarian, Sharon Chapman, has cataloged over 350 new books and put them into circulation. WASL schedule, as put together by SALT is working very well. Students appear to be taking the WASL seriously. So far there have been no refusals from students and very few discipline issues.

Minutes of Regular Meeting

April 24, 2006

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The organ lady is scheduled to come and speak to our health classes in May. Our horticulture program is blooming thanks to the addition of a greenhouse.

SULTAN HIGH SCHOOL: Next year’s class schedule is complete and ready for registration. All students will register online. The Marching Band is practicing and getting ready for their Disneyland trip. Many thanks to Jill Sumpter and Debbie Copple for heading up this great adventure! Spring Sports are coming to an end of their seasons and are looking forward to playoffs. Check with the office for schedules and times. Seniors will be presenting their Culminating Experiences on Monday, May 1, starting at 9:00AM. There will be no high school that day due to the presentations. WASL testing went great! All tests are complete and will be scored by June 10th.

Student Representative Maura Raney reported to the Board that ASB are meeting weekly on Tuesdays under the direction of Layne Anderson. It is a busy time SHS just finished the Tolo fund raiser, it was a huge success, the 2nd annual Rock Concert will be held at Sultan High School to raise funds for the Senior trip and the prom is just around the corner on May 13, 2006; it will be held at the Everett Events Center. Monday, May 1, Senior projects will be presented to staff at SHS.

Al Robinson, Superintendent presented Resolution No. 05.06-11 Requesting a waiver for Grades 1-12 of the minimum 180-day school year to the Board of Directors for adoption. Tracy Cotterill asked how many years the waiver would be in effect and that the resolution be revised to include the years covered under the waiver application. Tracy Cotterill made a motion to approve Resolution No. 05.06-11 with recommended changes. Patty Fountain seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously

Al Robinson, Superintendent presented revised Policy/Procedure 6220 Bid Requirements to the board. The Board of Directors does not wish to adopt revised Policy/Procedure 6220.

Superintendent Al Robinson presented revised Policies 6800, 6881, 6882, 6883, 6890, 6900, 6910, 6920, 6921 and 6950 for 1st reading as per WSSDA recommendation. The Revised Policies will be presented for 2nd reading and adoption at the May 24, 2006 board meeting. Tracy Cotterill made a motion to approve revised Policies No. 6800, 6881, 6882, 6882, 6890, 6900, 6910, 6920, 6921 and 6950. Patty Fountain seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Al Robinson, Superintendent presented revised Policy/Procedure No. 4040 Public Access for district Records, Procedure No. 4120 School-Support Organizations, Policy/Procedure No. 5005 Employment: Disclosures, Certification Requirements, Assurances & Approval, and Policy Procedure No. 5281 Disciplinary Action & Discharge for 2nd reading and adoption.

Minutes of Regular Meeting

April 24, 2006

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Board Member Russ Sumpter requested that Policy No. 5005 Employment: Disclosures, Certification Requirements, Assurances and Approval have additional information added after Disclosure of Crime - section F; “and/or Felony will be added. Tracy Cotterill made a motion to adopt No. 4040 Public Access for district Records, Procedure No. 4120 School-Support Organizations, Policy/Procedure No. 5005 Employment: Disclosures, Certification Requirements, Assurances & Approval, and Policy Procedure No. 5281 Disciplinary Action & Discharge with additional language added. Russ Sumpter seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Al Robinson, Superintendent presented revised Policy No. 2255 and new Procedure No. 2255 Alternative Learning Experience Programs for 2nd reading and adoption. Tracy Cotterill made a motion to approve Revised Policy 2255 and New Procedure 2255 as presented. Patty Fountain seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Al Robinson, Superintendent presented revised Policy/Procedure No. 2410 for 2nd reading and adoption. Russ Sumpter made a motion to approve revised Policy/Procedure No. 2410 as presented. Patty Fountain seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Tracey Prpich, Director of Student Learning presented revised Procedure 3115 Homeless Student’s Rights & Services for 2nd reading and adoption. Tracy Cotterill made a motion to approve Procedure No. 3115 as presented. Patty Fountain seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Superintendent Al Robinson presented Cooperative Combine Programs with Skykomish School District for Football, Baseball and Fastpitch, and Monroe School District Boys and Girls Tennis 06/07 and 07/08. Tracy Cotterill made a motion to approve the combined cooperative programs with Skykomish and Monroe School Districts as presented. Patty Fountain seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Superintendent Al Robinson, presented blanket request for SHS spring sports teams to travel overnight for playoff competition if the teams are in a playoff status during the spring season. Tracy Cotterill made a motion to approve the travel as presented. Russ Sumpter seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Minutes of Regular Meeting

April 24, 2006

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Al Robinson, Superintendent presented the out-of-state travel request for the Sultan Twistie Twirlers to travel to Disneyland to attend the 2006 Baton Twirling Spectacular June 24 and 25, 2006 at Disneyland, in Anaheim, CA. Russ Sumpter made a motion to approve the out-of-state travel as presented. Tracy Cotterill seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


Director of Fiscal Services Layne Anderson presented the financial report to the Board of Directors.

Russ Sumpter moved and Patty Fountain seconded a motion to meet in executive session on Personnel at 8:31 p.m. for approximately one hour.

Tracy Cotterill moved and Patty Fountain seconded to reconvene the regular meeting at 9:39 p.m. No action was taken.

Being there was no further business Chairman Roesler adjourned the meeting at 9:40 p.m.

Jackie Whaley

Recording Secretary

Al Robinson, Superintendent Craig Roesler, Chairman