Nativity BVM Religious Education 2016-2017 Family Registration Form
Student Name(s): ______Grade this Fall:______M or F
Last First
Student Name(s): ______Grade this Fall:______M or F
Last First
Student Name(s): ______Grade this Fall:______M or F
Last First
Parent Guardian Contact Information
Parents/Guardians: ______Daytime Work or Cell:______
Last First (for emergency use only)
Parents/Guardians: ______Daytime Work or Cell:______
Last First
EMAIL:______Home Phone:______
Street or PO Box Town Zip
(Other than parent/self) Name / Relationship to student Phone Number
Name / Relationship to student Phone Number
Please list any health concerns we need to know about your child(ren): (include their names and any special medications, allergies, health conditions etc). ______
The following person/people will provide transportation for my child(ren) after classes:
Name(s): Phone Number(s):
Mass Attendance Convenant
I understand the impact and importance of faith and spirituality in my child’s or children’s lives. Thus, I agree to do my utmost to attend Mass every weekend either here or at another Catholic Church, with my child or children whom I have registered for CCD. I understand that weekly Mass attendance is a pre-requisite for the CCD program, because the grace received at Mass is a necessary component of my child’s or children’s spiritual formation.
Parent Signature Date
First Grade & New Students Only!!
Child lives with: ______
Name / Relationship to child Address Phone #
Child’s Date of Birth: ______Place of Birth: ______
Father’s Name: ______Mother’s Maiden Name: ______
Child’s Date of Baptism: ______Place of Baptism: ______
Date of 1st Communion ______Place of First Communion: ______
Volunteers Are Needed
Our program is volunteer run, prayerfully consider assisting us in of the following roles:
___ Classroom Teacher ___ Classroom Assistant
___ One on One Support ___ Substitute Teacher
___ Office Help ___ Youth Ministry Coordinator
___ Christmas Pageant Director ___ All Saints Carnival Planning
___ Help with Transportation ___ Children’s Liturgy of the Word ___ Snack Coordinator Grade ______Children’s Choir Director
___ Chaperone for Teen Events (Middle School Youth Rally, Youth Congress etc.)
___ Other (if you have a talent or workshop specialty in the Catholic Faith that you would like to share please specify)______
Tuition & Fees
► The suggested tuition rates are below; Please pay what you can. If the cost causes a burden to your family please contact us. No one will ever be turned away due to inability to pay. Tuition covers the cost of student work books and learning materials only. The rest of the program is supported by the parish.
Single Rate: $40.00 per student
Family Rate: $80.00 per family
Make Checks payable to: Nativity BVM-St. Louis Parish
►This form with your payment is due back by June 1, 2016
Please return both by the above date using one of the methods below:
1. Deliver to the parish and leave with parish secretary.
2. Mail to: Nativity BVM-St.Louis Church, 65 Canada Street, Swanton, VT 05488
3. Place in the offertory collection at Mass in an envelope marked: CCD Registration