Health and Safety Annual Plan 2014/15
Priority / Commentary / Performance indicator / Responsibility / Status/Outcome1. / Draft Faculty and Services hazard risk registers in place by June 2015 / To manage Health and Safety the identification of hazards and their risks are essential. By establishing risk registers faculties and services can identify the main health and safety risks effecting staff and students. / Draft risk registers to be in place by June 2015 Health and Safety Committee / Health and Safety Manager with Deans of Faculty and Heads of Service
2. / Brief each Dean twice a year on Health and Safety / To ensure Deans are clear about their roles and responsibilities and current health and safety issues. / Completion of twice yearly briefing with be reported in annual Health and Safety Report / Health and Safety Manager
3. / Develop and start to deliver Health and Safety Briefings for Heads of Department and All New Heads of Department starting / Ensure Heads of Department are clear on their roles and responsibilities when it comes to Health and Safety / Briefing is developed and as a minimum 30% of Heads have been briefed by July 2014 to be reported in Health and Safety annual report / Health and Safety Manager and team
4. / Develop and Health and Safety training programme for Executive and Directorate and Senior Managers / It is essential that the senior team and senior managers have a understanding of their health and safety responsibilities. / Develop and programme and to have delivered training to Executive and Directorate by end of July 2015 / Health and Safety Manager with Associate Director of Valuing and Engaging People
5 / Health and Safety Communication
- Ensure the Health and Safety Policy is communicated to staff and students
- Produce a Health and Safety booklet
- Communication of Key Polices Control of Physical Risk and Risk Assessment procedure
- Annual Risk Road Show
- Road show event for Cheshire
- Health and Safety Policy has been communicated
- Health and Safety Booklet has been produced
- Polices have been communicated
- Road Show had taken place
6. / Fire Risk assessment review / To ensure compliance with the fire policy ensure high risk buildings fire risk assessment are reviewed.
These are John Dalton and Benzy building / Risk assessments are reviewed and reported back as complete by June 2015 Health and Safety Committee / Health and Safety Manager
7. / Single subject compliance audit on Permit to Work / To undertake an audit on the permit to work system and report back to December 2015 Health and Safety Committee / Audit to take place in Summer Term 2015 and report completed for December 2015 Health and Safety Committee / Health and Safety Manager
8. / Complete annual Health and Safety Report which will contain the following areas
- Review of annual accidents
- Review of Policies and procedures and updates and production of new policies
- Training and Induction
- Web Page
- Fire Marshal numbers up by 10%
- First aiders
- DSE compliance
Specifically on polices
review the Health and Safety Policy, Accident Reporting and Investigation and Fire
Update Stress Procedure
Produce a slips and trips procedure / Annual report for 2014/15 presented to December 2015 Health and Safety Committee / Health and Safety Manager
9 / New Health and Safety and Accident Reporting System is available to all staff / Embed the new accident reporting system and develop the system to allow on line DSE self-assessments / New Accident reporting system available to all staff by December 2014
DSE On line assessments available to staff by March 2015 / Health and Safety Manager
10 / Ensure systems and policies are in place to effectively manage stress and psychological risk within the workplace / In conjunction with HR have in place a Mental Well Being Strategy by June 2015 supported by updated Stress Procedures and guidance / Mental Well Being Strategy In Place with Stress Procedures by June 2015 / Health and Safety Manager with HR Business Partners and Equality and Diversity Manager
11. / Work with the faculty of Public Health and our occupational Health Provider around key health promotions for staff and students and develop a programme / Good Health is key to having a Healthy work force and supports the wider Health and Safety agenda. / To have a programme in place by March 2015. / Health and Safety Manager with Assistant Director of Student Health and Well Being and faculty of Public Health
12 / Coordinate the production of Fire Safety podcasts or Videos for all faculties and buildings by December 2015 / Getting the message across about the evacuation of a building is one of the fundamental strands of our fire strategy. To get the message across in different mediums is key / To have 75% of Buildings completed by July 2015 / Health and Safety Manager
13 / Develop and start to develop a programme of basic life support for staff and students. / The skills of emergency life support (ELS) are simple, can save lives and be learnt in a an hour or two
They can be performed by anyone to keep someone alive whilst the ambulance is on its way
This is of benefit to the university community as a whole and can be applied in people’s personal life. / To have delivered as a minimum 6 sessions and trained as a minimum 60 staff and students in basic life support by June 2015 / Health and Safety Manager
14 / Deliver the annual faculty and services Health and Safety Audit / It is essential that the university health and safety unit
- Reviews the health and safety management systems within faculties and services to identify strengths and weakness
- Ensures compliance with legal standards
- Assesses conformity with the University’s health and safety policy
- Makes recommendations considered necessary to achieve adequate control over risks and improve health and safety performance
16 / Continue the work started in 2013/14 around health surveillance for staff and students. This is a continuous process / Health surveillance is a procedure for monitoring risk control measures by detecting early signs of work related ill health amongst staff and students /
- Identification of work related ill health risks within the University
- Identify staff and students who may be a risk
- Implement a procedure for monitoring the health of relevant staff and students