SIT Meeting Notes
November 13, 2013
Mrs. Turner and Mrs. Demolina have created a Google Docs checklist to organize their accommodations
Separating and organizing student accommodations was found to be asked by and helpful for many of the SIT representatives at the meeting
The EC department will make this formatting transition next school year 2014-15
A trial run was suggested for this year
Fixed Lab
Noble will be losing Lab 35 and Lab 19 in the Spring of 2014
In total we will have 4 HP laptop carts and 2 iPad carts
A survey will go out to see if teachers would be willing to donate some of their student station computers to meet the need of giving technology 60 computers. This measure could save us from losing Lab 35.
Please discuss this in your department meetings.
Keep EC population in the elective rotation like last year
The county required the STAE lessons last year and most likely will do the same this year
We will remediate at least once per week, could go up to four times a week
Add students to the Probability list that Mr. Smith sent out who are not on there but you feel would benefit from remediation services
What should we do with the non remediated students? Social Studies classes (Historical Fiction studies), extra Science enrichment and CTE enrichment and other elective enrichment?
Please discuss in department meetings what remediation and enrichment should look like. We would like your input!
Grading Procedures- Late Work
Late policy varies throughout the school
All teachers need to post their late policy on their teacher webpage ASAP. Please put this in an easy place to see
Please participate in a survey to be sent out regarding the way you handle late work
Other Concerns
Should we use a Google Doc for better organization and communication?
What should we do with the pink slips?
Please discuss this in your grade level
Parent Concerns
Some teachers are not responding to parent e-mails
Please respond in a timely manner. If you are unable to fulfill the request at the moment, please get back to the parent and tell them that you have received their email and will get to them ASAP
Privacy concerns for students in the front office who are being reprimanded
Lunch room unassigned seating request
Grade Level Topics for your next meeting
Google doc and Pink Slips for ASD
Department Level Topics for your next meeting
Student computers in your room for donation
Enrichment/Remediation ideas
Please ask Syndy Kevitz for any clarifications if needed.