Moultonboro Snowmobile Club

P.O. Box 118Moultonboro, NH03254

Membership Application


Primary Membership

*Name & Mailing address / *Spouse/Significant Other
*Other Address(Local/Physical Address etc :)
*Home Phone / Work Phone / Cell Phone / *E-Mail Address

******Club Newsletter******

The Club is moving away from Mailing the Newsletter and using E-MAIL as the primary way ofdistributingit.

The Newsletter will be posted on our website in addition to itsmonthly distribution.

****Choose One for Newsletter****
*Newsletter Preference: Via E-Mail (X)___ *Mail Newsletter(X)___ / By-Monthly Club News Updates
* Via E-Mail (X)___
*Membership type:
New Member (X)____ Renewed Membership (X) ___ / *Additional Family Members Under 18

Trail work will begin on September 13th.Anyone wishing to help please show up at the Club Garage before 8:30 am on Saturday

morning. Typical work day starts at 8:30am.Please check the Club website and News Letters for up to

date information. In addition to the regular Saturday work parties we will be holding 2 or 3 LARGE Trail Days Work Parties.

*Membership DuesOf which $10.00 is for your mandatory NHSA membership plus Snow Traveler Magazine; Application must be received by the15thof each month to get Snow Traveler on time) Because of Insurance issues every club member must be an NHSA member.(Club $25.00, NHSA $10.00=$35.00) / $ 35.00
Please consider an additional exclusive donation for Trail Maintenance, Trail Grooming and Club Equipment. Our Grant in Aid funds were cut sharply this Spring. Any amount will be appreciated. / $
Order Trail MAP $5.00ea plus $1.00 Shipping and Handling. $6.00
------Order both and only pay $1.00 S/H
Order Club Decal $1.00ea plus $1.00 Shipping and Handling. $2.00

*Total due with application - Make check payable to Moultonboro Snowmobile Club (Membership, Trails, Grooming, Groomer and Map)

/ $

Please consider a donation to Easter Seals’ Camp Snow-Mo. Enclose a separate check payable to: Easter Seals.

About CampSnow-Mo: Easter Seals NH and the Daniel Webster Council, Boy Scouts of America work

together at their residential camp program, sponsored by the New Hampshire Snowmobile Association to create a life-changing

experience for campers with disabilities and special needs, ages 11-21. The Club will collect these checks and present them to

Easter Seals as part of its annual donation. Amount enclosed for Easter Seals $______

Upon becoming a Member, I promise to help advance the interest in, enjoyment of, and the safety ofSnowmobiling and to promote

favorable relations with the public in general. Also that I understand that many of our trails are onPrivate propertyand I will

observe posted signs and stay on all marked trails.

* Signature: ______Date: ______

Thank You for supporting the Moultonboro Snowmobile Club!!!!