"The Recovery Revolution:
Peer Specialists on the Front Line”
Last year's Peer Specialist Conference was a huge success. This year, we are expecting at least 400 peer specialists and others interested in the peer support movement to attend.
The 2008 conference is scheduled for August20-22in Philadelphia at the Sheraton Society Hill Hotel. It is an easy walk to the Liberty Bell,museums, Independence Hall, restaurants, and other attractions.
This year's conferencehas been expanded to 2 1/2 daysand will feature many workshops, a peer art exhibit, keynotes, a screening of the film Canvas, and fun evening events.
The registration fee for the full conference will be $200 for members and $215 for non-members(early bird-before July 15, 2008) and $275 and $290 after July 15. Note that you can save $5 by becoming a NAPS member and enjoy all member benefits for a year!More information, including discounts on lodging, will be available soon. A discount rate for rooms will be $159 + tax per night double occupancy.
Join us for an educational, fun event and a chance to learn about what peer specialists are doing across the country.
More information will be posted as it becomes available. Save the dates!
This year's conference is in cooperation with:
National Consumers Self-Help Clearinghouse
Institute for Recovery and Community Integration of
MHA of Southeastern Pennsylvania
The schedule for the 2008 NAPS conference will be posted in June 2008. We are seeking workshop proposals. If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please note that a Call for Workshop Proposals is posted below. You may find it easiest to print the form, complete it and mail it to the address listed on the bottom.
The schedule for the 2008 NAPS conference will be posted in June 2008. We are seeking workshop proposals. If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please note that a Call for Workshop Proposals is posted below. You may find it easiest to print the form, complete it and mail it to the address listed on the bottom.
2008 Conference Information
Strategies for Promoting Community Integration and Evaluating the Outcomes of Peer Specialist Supports
An Institute offered by the University of Pennsylvania’s Collaborative on Community Integration
August 19, 2008
In conjunction with the
National Association of Peer Specialists’ annual conference
Looking for an in-depth session on vital issues affecting peer specialists? This institute will focus on ways peer specialists and other providers can promote community integration for those they serve.
The session will also examine ways to evaluate peer specialist programs.
The University of Pennsylvania is a recognized, national leader in mental health research and the session is certain to provide all attendees with valuable information they can take back to their organizations.
The cost of this institute (held one day prior to the start of the NAPS conference) is $55 for NAPS members and $65 for non-members. The institute will be held at the same site of the NAPS conference: Sheraton Society Hill Hotel in Philadelphia.
Participants may register for this institute by using the conference registration form.
NAPS Board Nominations
Nominations are being accepted for the National Association of Peer Specialists Board of Directors. To qualify for one of these positions, one must be a current or former consumer of mental health services. It is not required that one currently be employed as a peer specialist.
Nominations will be accepted until July 31, 2008. To nominate yourself or someone you know, send the following information to: Nomination Committee, NAPS, 755 Alta Dale, Ada, MI 49301 or e-mail to:
· Name
· Address, including e-mail address
· Description of involvement in peer specialist/peer support (1 page limit)
· Why you (or person being nominated) would like to join NAPS board
· Resume
Award Nominations
At the second annual peer specialist conference, three persons will be recognized for their contributions to recovery and peer support advocacy and to a peer specialist who has made exemplary contributions to mental health services. Nominations may be made by anyone familiar with the individual or by self-nomination.
Freedom Fighter--Recovery Advocate of the Year: This award recognizes a person (peer, peer specialist or mental health professional or both) who has made extraordinary efforts to promote recovery in their own lives and in the lives of others.
Bridge Builder--Peer Support Advocate of the Year: This award recognizes a person (could be any person) who has promoted peer support on a local, state or national level.
Go-Getter—Peer Specialist of the Year: This award recognizes a peer specialist who has made exemplary contributions to the profession and who, through their position, has helped foster growth of peer specialists in mental health systems.
To nominate a person for any (no limit on nominations or awards) of these awards, provide the following and send to: Award Committee, NAPS, 755 Alta Dale, Ada, MI 49301 or e-mail:
· Name and address of nominee
· Name, address and phone number of person making nomination (including e-mail address)
· Brief description of why this person should receive award (2 page limit) including description of efforts and outcomes
The deadline for nominations is July 31, 2008.
Conference Lodging Information
Sheraton Society Hill Hotel
One Dock St.
Philadelphia, PA 19106
The Sheraton Society Hill Hotel, the site of the peer specialist conference, is within easy walking distance of the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, Constitution Hall and a host of museums and historical sites. The hotel features a restaurant, Internet access, an indoor heated pool and whirlpool and other features to make your stay comfortable.
Reservations should be made early to take advantage of the conference group discount. The group rate is $159 per night, double occupancy plus 14% taxes subject to availability. Reservations must be made no later than July 19, 2008 to take advantage of this special rate. There are two ways to make reservations:
By Phone: Call 1-800-325-3535. Be sure to mention you are attending the National Association of Peer Specialists’ conference for the best rate.
By Website: A dedicated website has been established for hotel reservations. The website also features photos and descriptions of hotel amenities. The website address is: www.starwoodmeeting.com/Book/naops2008
The Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) is served by all major airlines.
Lady Liberty Shuttle Service provides transportation from the Philadelphia International Airport to the hotel. The number of the shuttle service is: (215) 724-8888.
Parking is available in a ramp across the street from the hotel and costs approximately $15 per day.
Philadelphia is served by Amtrak (800) 872-7245 and bus services.
A limited number of exhibit space will be available at the conference. Tables will be provided but there will be no access to electricity. The cost per table is $50 for the entire conference period. Refreshment breaks will occur in the exhibit area.
Exhibitors may distribute information about their programs and/or sell products and services. To reserve exhibit space, e-mail:
Registration Form
Recovery Revolution:
Peer Specialists on the Front Line
August 20-22, 2008
Sheraton Society Hill Hotel—Philadelphia
Sponsored by: National Association of Peer Specialists
Conference Registration Form
To register, complete this form and payment information (note: payment must accompany registration). Complete a separate registration form for each attendee.
State Zip Code Telephone #
Do you have any special needs (including linguistic needs)? If so, please
Circle fee options
Full Conference
(2 ½ days) Early bird (before July 15, 2008) / Full Conference
After July 15 / One day attendance / Institute
(Aug. 19) / Exhibit fee / Annual
NAPS Membership / Total
$200 – member / $275-member / $125-member / $60-member / $50 / $10
$215- non-member / $290-non-member / $135-non-member / $70-non-member / $55
Note: You may join NAPS now and receive the conference registration discount.
Payment must accompany registration.
Check or money order enclosed made payable to “NAPS.”
Please charge to my credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, PayPal, AmEx)
Name as it appears on credit card: ______
Credit Card # ______Exp. Date: ______
Security Code: ______
Authorized Signature: ______
The National Association of Peer Specialists is a non-profit organization. Fed. I.D. # 30-0293174
Questions? Consult the NAPS Website at: www.naops.org or call Steve Harrington (616) 676-9230. A confirmation and additional details will be sent to you upon receipt of registration.
Mail completed form to: NAPS, 755 Alta Dale, Ada, MI 49301
National Association of Peer Specialists
The Recovery Revolution:
Peer Specialists on the Front Line
August 20-22, 2008
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2008 NAPS Conference Workshop Presenter Application
We are seeking workshop presentations that are innovative and basically answer the question: “What do you have to offer peer specialists to help them do their jobs better?” Consistent with the theme of this year’s conference, we are especially interested in workshops that address advocacy issues—for individuals, organizations, and among government entities. We are also interested in workshops that address issues related to peer specialists working in psychiatric hospital settings. But workshop topics are not limited to these two areas. Any workshop that provides valuable, practical information for peer specialists is desired. Also, we are looking for a “mix” of both seasoned and novice presenters.
Please type or clearly print. Note: If you are submitting more than one workshop proposal, you must send separate applications for each submission. All workshop presenters must be paid registrants of the conference but workshop presenters will enjoy a 50 percent discount of registration fees plus a one-year membership to NAPS. Lodging, transportation, and meals are the responsibility of presenters.
1. Primary Contact/Presenter
Name: ______
Agency (if applicable):______
Street: ______
City, State/Province ______
Zip & Country ______
Day Phone: ______Email: ______
Please complete reverse
Who would be presenting with you (if applicable)?
2. Title of Workshop: ______
3. Description (30 words maximum):
4. Learning Objectives: (Please list at least three learning objectives and state them as skills. For example, it is preferable to say: “Participants will be able to communicate effectively with homeless persons,” as opposed to: “Participants will learn how to communicate with homeless persons.” This is necessary for CEU granting entities).
5. Have you made workshop presentations before? If so, where and what were the topic(s)?
Workshop proposals must be postmarked or e-mailed no later than May 20, 2008. If accepted, you will be contacted by the conference committee for more details. A decision on workshop proposals will be made by June 5. All those submitting proposals will be contacted regarding the decisions of the conference committee.
This promises to be an exciting and useful event. Your contributions are appreciated.
Please return this document to: NAPS
755 Alta Dale SE
Ada, MI 49301 USA
(616) 676-9230
The Recovery Revolution