Meeting Minutes
September 28h, 2013
List of Attendees
Name / OrganizationJason Huart / Saratoga NHP
Tim Holmes / Friends of the Saratoga Battlefield
Joe Durkin / Rensselaer Land Trust
Devin Lander / Assemblyman Englebright
Kate Jeanson / Senator Marchione
Nelson Ronsvalle / Proxy, Town of Halfmoon
Bill Reynolds / Senate Majority Appointee
Lauren Stevens / Hoosic River Watershed Alliance
Dennis Morreale / Village of Corinth
Julie Stokes / Governor’s Appointee
John A. Hayes / Prospect Hill Cemetery
Charles Vandrei / NYS DEC
David Bullard / Marshall House
Andrew Alberti / Lakes to Locks Passage
Bob Radliff / Erie Canalway National Heritage Area
Alane Chinian / NYS OPRHP
John Sherman / Village of Schuylerville
Tom Wood / Town of Saratoga
Kay Tomasi / Senate Majority Appointee
Tom Richardson / City of Mechanicville
Carmella Mantello / Barton & Loguidice
Tom Richardson called the meeting to order at 10:08am and began with introductions
Acceptance of meeting minutes from August 26th, 2013 meeting
· John Sherman proposed passage of minutes
· Tom Wood seconded the passing of the minutes, unanimous passage
Visitor Center Update
Tom Wood informed the Partnership that the RFP for demolition of the building and site preparation has been awarded and the removal of asbestos and other material will begin as soon as possible. He also noted that a contract between the Town of Saratoga and OPRHP for the purchase of the land is being finalized.
Jason Huart informed the Partnership that he worked with Joe Finan and Devin Lander in preparing a comprehensive budget for the entire project noting where all the funding sources have come from and estimated costs for various parts of the project. Money will be tight, but he thinks Phase 1 will be completed as desired.
Mighty Waters Conference Update
Tom Richardson noted that he and Devin Lander attended Congressman Paul Tonko’s annual Mighty Waters conference and was impressed with the ideas shared by Congressman Tonko and Congressman Cruz from San Antonio. Congressman Cruz made special note of the genesis of the San Antonio River Walk and how it now generates billions of tourism related dollars annually for the city and state. The Congressman also noted that New York State has more natural beauty and assets to work with than San Antonio did when it began the project.
Other Business
Tom Richardson announced that the Erie Canalway National Heritage Area has hired Bob Radliff as its new Executive Director.
Bob Radliff spoke about his excitement in joining the Erie Canalway and that he would like to continue working closely with the Partnership on various projects that continue to benefit both organizations.
Julie Stokes noted that the EPA Dredging project is going faster than expected and that it is very important that river communities continue to identify projects in the flood plain that must be mitigated by GE.
Tom Richardson explained that these projects don’t have to be shovel ready and can take place 10-20 years down the road.
Julie Stokes noted that the Dix Bridge project is nearing completion and that final decking will be going on very soon. She said that it is estimated that the project will be completed the first or second week in November.
Tom Richardson mentioned that Dave Perkins and the Washington County Association of Snowmobile Clubs was very instrumental in getting the Dix Bridge project done.
Tim Holmes noted that Hudson Crossing Park and the Snowmobile Clubs bought a special covering for the Dix Bridge that will protect the tiles long-term.
Tom Wood mentioned that a Veterans 5K race is taking place November 9th, 2013 that will utilize the bridge.
Tom Richardson suggested that perhaps an re-opening ribbon cutting ceremony could take place at the Dix Bridge in early November.
Andrew Alberti mentioned that the Lakes to Locks Passage Annual Meeting will take place October 10th, 2013 at the Crandle Library in Glens Falls.
Alane Chinian noted that the Bennington Battlefield will be having capital planning done this winter and will include a strategic plan for the 400+ acres of the site.
Next Meeting will be held at 10AM, October 28th at the Town of Saratoga Schuyler Room.
John Sherman motioned for Adjournment, seconded by Tom Wood, unanimous passage.