Porterville College

College Learning Council


March 16, 2007

Present: Lori Barker, Donna Berry, Craig Britton, Michael Carley, Jim Carson, Rosa Carlson, Chris Craig, Virginia Gurrola, Jeff Keele, Val Lombardi, Richard Osborne, Susan Regier, Gary Wallace, Joel Wiens, Carol Wilkins, Jim Entz, Muriel Josten, Fozia Ferozali, John Nash, Rosemary Viotto, Kathie Gifford

I. Meeting called to order at 9:07 a.m. by Val Lombardi

II. Minutes Approved- By Consensus

III.  Agenda Approved- By Consensus

V. Old Business

a. Procedural Structure of College Learning Council- Rosa Carlson: Dr. Carlson said discussion was held about the correct wording and clarity of duties of College Learning Council and its subcommittees. It was agreed upon that the College Learning Council will make recommendations to the President based on information received from Subcommittees that review the recommendations from other committees. Dr. Carlson will update the structure and bring it back for review by the College Learning Council. This item will be listed as old business on the next agenda

VI. New Business

a. Proposed Mission Statement- Donna Berry: Mrs. Berry brought copies of a revised mission statement for review by College Learning Council. This item will be on the next CLC agenda for discussion , comments, and approval.

b. Position Ranking- Donna Berry: Mrs. Berry said the BEMAP committee recommended future position ranking be based on several criteria so it will be fair, equitable, and consistent: Program Reviews, Allocation, Productivity, Accreditation, reflect our current Community needs, and be in alignment with Strategic Plan & college goals. BMAP also recommended the Classified Ranking be reviewed and updated as it is two (2) years old.

c. Health Careers Opportunities – Valerie Lombardi: Val Lombardi reported she received a phone call from Kathy Glenn, Tulare County Health & Human Services. Ms. Glenn said there is a big need to provide mental health services to the community with funding for the programs provided by Proposition 63 monies. Porterville College will be included in discussions about beginning a Bachelors and maybe a Masters Degree program to educate Psychologists and Social Workers. Valerie told Ms. Glenn that Porterville College was very interested in participating in the program.

IV. Reports

a. President’s Report – Dr. Rosa Carlson: NONE.

Porterville College

College Learning Council

March 16, 2007

Page 2

IV. Reports cont.

b. Academic Senate – Craig Britton: Mr. Britton said that at the last Academic Senate meeting they discussed 3 major topics; Budget Allocation, Science Math Building Remodel, & Division Reorganization. There was also discussion about all three college’s discontinuance policy on Curriculum and becoming more consistent on procedures district wide. There will soon be a vote for a Porterville College Academic Senate President Elect to fill the position left vacant (currently being covered by David Bezayiff) when Craig Britton moved to the position of President.


d. Curriculum Committee- Craig Britton: Mr. Britton reported they are working on updating all course outlines to reflect Student Learning Outcomes.

e. CCA- Susan Regier: Mrs. Regier stated that she will be the campus chair next year.

f. IT- Jim Carson: Mr. Carson reported that Rickelle Syrdahl was elected as the new IT Committee chair for next year. The campus will be moving to Microsoft Office 2007 during the summer. In a year or so Window VISTA will come to Porterville College.

g. Grant Oversight Committee – Mike Carley: Mr. Carley reported they are developing a form to complete if there is a grant you want to peruse and working on procedures for perusing a grant. The Grant Oversight Committee will be polling the campus for a list of needs on campus. The committee is working on coordinating the college needs assessments and prioritizing requests.

h. Budget Report-Donna Berry: Mrs. Berry reported they are moving forward and working on the beginning phases of the budget. The budget will be presented at the June14, 2007 Board meeting. The campus will soon receive notification of deadlines for processing Purchase Orders, etc.


j. Title V-Mike Carley: Mr. Carley reported he received an email from the program manager advising he will be leaving his position. Mr. Carley is waiting to be informed about the new manager.

k. Title V/COS- Val Lombardi: Mrs. Lombardi said she was thought the smart classroom will be moving Health Careers room 2061. There was some discussion about moving the classroom in the Fall and if indeed it would be moved.

l. Facility Planning-Gary Wallace: Mr. Wallace stated the Library, Science Math Building remodel, and Deferred Maintenance projects are moving along well. Rooms SM101A and SM101B and the Forum will continue to be classrooms during the Science Math remodel.

m. Accreditation-NONE

n. Program Review- Donna Berry: Mrs. Berry requested all program reviews be updated from last year if there are changes that will affect budget.

o. Budget Enrollment Management and Planning – Donna Berry: Mrs. Berry reported they have been working on the Mission Statement, Allocation Model, College mandatory reserves, criteria for allocations, and position ranking. They are also working on sub committee reports; strategic planning, enrollment management, & reviewing classes with history of low enrollment.

VII. Future Agenda Items:

VIII. Meeting adjourned at 10:35 a.m.

Minutes submitted by Kathie Gifford