Name: ______Date: ______

Interview for Origin of Name Video Production

Hanscom Middle School Library Class

Ms. Rote, Librarian

Interviewing is a form of research where you find answers by asking pertinent questions.Your goal is the same as a television journalist’s: To discover facts and then write an accurate, interesting story for a TV production .

Your task for the second part of your script is to discover the “folkloric” origin of your name. Why did your family call you______?

Here are some helpful steps and an organizer to help you in this process:

1.  Tell your family member that you have an assignment to discover the origin of your name and that you have already researched reference books used electronic research tools. You now want to know why they named you what they did. Ask them if this is a convenient time to have a thoughtful discussion and if it is not, make an appointment to talk at another time. Be very polite and professional, just like a journalist would be!

2.  Start your interview with the simple and direct question, “Why did you name me______?” You will take notes on the answer.

3.  You may get a quick and direct answer like “You were named after your Uncle.”

4.  At this point you want to dig deeper for interesting details. “Why was I named after my Uncle?

5.  What if your family member says, “I don’t know, I just liked the name.” Politely, try to obtain more information. For example, did they like the sound of your name or the way the letters looked? Had they seen your name in a favorite book or movie? Was it different than anything they had ever heard before? Think up your own question so you can write an interesting script!

6.  Go over your notes with your family member to make sure they are accurate and thank them very much for such a fine interview.

7.  Bring your notes to library class and write the final paragraph of your script.

Great Job!!

Interview Notes

  1. Why did you name me ______?

Write your name here



  1. Was I named after someone in our family? YES NO

(circle one)

If yes, who? And why? ______


  1. Did you like the way that my name looked? YES NO

(circle one)

If yes, why? ______


  1. Did you like the way that my name sounded? YES NO

(circle one)

If yes, why? ______


  1. Did you see my name in your favorite book or movie? YES NO

(circle one)

If yes, what book or movie? ______


  1. Was my name something you had never heard or seen before?


(circle one)



I learned from my Mom/Dad that I was named ______



