unit 2 and 3

1. Complete the text with the words below. There are more words than you need. victim ¿ damages ¿ court ¿ throw ¿ colourful ¿ hoodies ¿ police officer ¿ expensive ¿ whales ¿ pretty ¿ judge ¿ waste ¿ lorries ¿ weapon ¿ clean up ¿ tigers

In many countries, it’s a crime to 1. …………………… rubbish on the ground. If
a 2. …………………… catches you, you will pay a penalty. And if you don’t pay, you will probably appear in 3. …………………… in front of a 4. …………………… ! But people still leave bags, bottles and other rubbish on the ground. Rubbish also falls from 5. …………………… and other moving vehicles. This rubbish 6. …………………… our environment. It also washes into the oceans and harms birds, fish, dolphins and
7. …………………… . When these animals see 8. …………………… plastic rubbish, they think it’s food and eat it! Rubbish is also a very 9. …………………… problem.
It costs governments a lot of money every year to 10. …………………… all of it!

2. Put the words in the correct order to write sentences. Use used to, will, be going to and the First Conditional.

1. go / children / in 2070 / to school / ?

2. the weather / many plants and animals / if / become / die / warmer / .

3. vegetables / this spring / plant / we / some / .

4. not use / people / to heat their homes / solar energy / .

5. now / not survive / if / humans / we / not act / on this planet / .

6. go / Bob / to school / next year / where / ?

3. Write questions according to the answers in bold.

1. Q:

A: They’re going to plant trees in the forest next week.

2. Q:

A: The fire destroyed hundreds of trees.

3. Q:

A: The prison is 100 kilometres from the city.

4. Q:

A: People will live under the sea in the future.

5. Q:

A: We see our cousins twice a year.

6. Q:

A: I put a litre of oil in the car.

4. Write words to match the definitions.

1. not formal: ……………………

2. Judges and lawyers work here: ……………………

3. This vehicle carries furniture: ……………………

4. He / She investigates crimes: ……………………

5. This keeps your trousers up: ……………………

6. This person steals things: ……………………

5. Write sentences with the words below. Use the Past Continuous or the Past Simple.

1. the criminal / not eat / when / the police / arrest / him / .

2. your dad / come / from Scotland / ?

3. we / not have / a test / yesterday / .

4. what / you / do / at 8 o’clock last night / ?

5. when / the accident / happen / a yacht / sail / into the port / .

6. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the future tenses or conditionals.
There may be more than one correct answer.

1. I promise I …………………… (not be) late.

2. Where you …………………… (live) after university?

3. If the weather …………………… (be) good, we …………………… (go) to the beach.

4. We …………………… (visit) Pete in hospital later today.

5. Unless the jury …………………… (reach) a guilty verdict, the criminal …………………… (not go) to prison.

7. Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the correct form of used to.

live ¿ use ¿ return ¿ call ¿ wear

1. People ……………………………… Al Capone, the Chicago gangster, “Public enemy number one”!

2. Many art forgers ……………………………… the original paintings after copying them. They gave back the forged copy instead.

3. In the 1830s, British policemen ……………………………… blue coats, with tall hats and white trousers.

4. Seventy years ago, the police ……………………………… computers to solve crimes.

5. Where ……………………………… Sherlock Holmes ……………………………… ?

8. Correct the mistakes in the sentences below.

1. We haven’t got some sports competitions this week.

2. While we walked to school, the bus passed us.

3. How many milk do you put in your tea?

4. If the police had more evidence, they will catch the criminal.

5. I think Pete is going to become a detective in the future.