DDBA Merchant Meeting

DFIS, Donny Everhart

Thursday, April 3, 2014

8:30 am-9:30 am

The DDBA Merchant Meeting was called to order by President, Jill Orr at 8:45 am. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all members.

Agenda additions or deletions

Debra Dingman motioned to amend the agenda by adding #9, Nominations/Elections/Bylaws. Patti Sousa seconded the motion.

Financial Report

Treasurer, Donny Everhart, presented the Merchants with detailed account balances. The DDBA checking account has a new balance of $12,225.27. The savings account has a balance of $7,902.40.

Cattlemen’s Fundraiser

The First Annual DDBA Cattlemen’s Fundraiser will be held on Tuesday, May 20th, 4-9 pm. The tickets will be sold for $22, with $10 going to DDBA. Cattlemen’s will offer chicken, steak, raviolis or salmon with baked potatoes, beans and salad. Raffle prizes will be donated by Dixon businesses. Please contact Kathy King, 678-3500 with any questions.


Vice President, Kathy King is going thru the DDBA Merchant Member list and updating the information. Merchants will have thru April to pay their dues, if they do not, they will be removed from the Membership. The DDBA Board will also evaluate the retention of DDBA Members.

Spring Gala

Secretary, Amy Pretti, was excited to discuss the Spring Gala that was held on March 22nd. Many of the Downtown Dixon business owners participated in the 2nd Annual Gala. The Dixon Florist flagged the event for the second year. Foot traffic increased by at least 50% this year with sales increasing as well. California Poppy seeds were given out to celebrate the beginning of spring. The Merchants are looking forward to participating in the Spring Gala again next year!


President, Jill Orr, has spearheaded a proposal to buy new banners for Downtown and the surrounding downtown areas for Christmas and Spring/Summer. Jill has consulted with Mary Salabar, Glorie, about a victorian aesthetic for the banners. Jill will present the Board and Merchants with a detailed estimate for the new banners.

Jill Orr and Kathy King have chosen a Christmas tree for the park downtown. It will take a couple of years for the tree to grow to a tall beautiful tree, so Jill has proposed to ask Martin’s Metal to make a metal tree stance to build around the tree with lights. The metal tree will offer a larger statement while the real tree is growing.

May Fair Float

Joe Anderson has expressed interest in donating his “Award winning Float” in exchange for a 6-8 foot car or boat trailer. DDBA Members are looking into finding a trailer for the trade. The DDBA Members are very excited to decorate and enter the float in the “Best of Show” May Fair Parade!


Debra Dingman, DDBA Member, would like to ask a Committee to come together to review board term limits, bylaws and elections. Debra would like to ask Jan Hardy, DDBA Member and Vicki Azevedo, DDBA Merchant Member, to sit on the committee. Debra will meet with Jan and Vicki and report to the DDBA Board Members on April 17, with discussion items regarding the review.

Member Comments

Jarrod, the new Editor at the Dixon Tribune, was introduced to the DDBA Members. Jarrod spoke of his desire to bring the Dixon Tribune back to the “small town” greatness. Jarrod grew up in a small town and knows how important the Tribune is to the community. Jarrod has already shown great promise with amazing community articles, downtown publicity and fantastic pictures.

Breakfast with the Bunny signs have gone up around town as well as publicity. The Event will take place on Saturday, April 19, 8-11 am at the Olde Vets Hall.

Kiwanis/Key Club will host Goodbye Graffiti on Saturday, April 5th. Volunteers will be cleaning up graffiti throughout Dixon.

Patty Sousa, DDBA Merchant Member, Clip-N & Groom-N, asked DDBA Members to support her and attend the Dixon City Council Meeting on Tuesday, April 15, at 7 pm. The City Council will vote on approving Patty’s business license for her home business of dog and cat grooming.

See you at the next DDBA Merchant Meeting, Thursday, May 1st!