August 2008 Chapter 50 – Classic Thunderbird Club International Volume 36 Number 08

The Early Bird Fan is the monthly newsletter of the Santa Clara Valley Thunderbirds, SCVT. SCVT is dedicated the enjoyment of the classic 1955, 1956, and 1957 Ford Thunderbirds.

AddressSanta ClaraValley Thunderbirds

P.O. Box 26103

San Jose, CA95159

Web Sites

MeetingsMeetings are held on the second Friday of each month at West Valley College 14000 Fruitvale Ave. Saratoga, CA. The meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. in the school board room.

EventsSCVT members participate in parades, displays, homecomings, regional and national

meets, local cars shows, and driving events.

Membership Dues are $25.00 per year per family and are due by January 31 of each year. SCVT is chapter 50 of the Classic Thunderbird Club International, CTCI. Membership in CTCI is mandatory to participate in parades and displays sponsored by SCVT. See for CTCI membership requirements.

2008 SCVT Board MembersSCVT Items for sale

Contact Bernie Epolite -

PresidentJoe Ryan650-344-3038Magnetic signs$5.00

Vice PresidentDennis KayVisors$8.00

SecretaryDon ReisingerBaseball mesh caps$8.00

TreasurerRay DelgadoBaseball Cotton Hats$15.00

EditorLarry ManessSummer Jacket$21.00

ParadesJerry DanceWinter Jacket$39.50

DisplaysMontgomery RoachLarge Patch$10.00

ActivitiesGene CoxName Badge$8.50

FundraisingAl ThomasLicense plate frame$12.00

HistorianJoan PetersonPersonalized tote$10.00

CTCI RepCarl EpoliteLogo T-Shirts$15.00

SCVT Chairs$15.00

3-Piece Luggage Set$25.00

Caravan tipsParts Boxes

Maintain your car.Box 1Delgado

Gas up and check fluids/tires.Box 2Charlie

Know who your leader is and follow.Box 3Reisinger

Turn CB to channel 11.6-VoltWilliams

Turn FRS to channel 7-11.TentsKirk

Leave enough space for merging traffic.

Gas up at scheduled pit stops.

Generic cars at the end of the caravan.

News Letter

Deadline:25th of each month.

Send to:Larry Maness

3822 Whinney Place Way

San Jose, CA95121


Presidents Page

Ryan’s Ramblings

We want to wish Jerry Schwab a speedy recovery. He was taken to the Peninsula hospital by ambulance after his return from LakeShasta with a high temperature. He spent a few days in ICU and is now working with physical therapy to get his strength back so he can return home. If you have time, drop him and Jill a card.

Two very important changes for August our August meeting. The meeting date is changed to Friday, August 15th, and the location has been changed to the University Arts building at 456 Meridian Ave. in San Jose.

August is going to be the clubs busiest so far this year. We have Hot August Nights, Aug 6 – 10, the meeting on the 15th, the San Mateo Car Show & BBQ on the 16th, the Overbird-Underbird on the 17th, (with visitors from the Australian TBird Club) and the Giants game on the 23rd. We’re going to need to rest before the 2 overnighters in September! Don’t forget that the Olympics are also this month.

The designs are in for the club grill badge. I want to thank everyone that submitted a design. The rough designs are in this months Fan. Each member will be allowed 1 vote, this includes spouses or significant others. You can either vote at the August meeting, send me an email, call me (650) 483-6256 or send your vote with your name to our new PO Box. All votes must be in by the August 15th meeting. The votes will be tallied and there will be a run off for the top 2 vote getters. The second voting will in the September Fan and at the September meeting. Remember, the grill badge will be your participant’s gift for the year. If you haven’t hosted an event or brought refreshments, etc., you still have a chance with the homecoming season coming up. Make sure you let Jerry Dance know you want to participate in a homecoming so you will be eligible for this gift.

There has been an issue with WestValleyCollege over the room rental and parking fee increases. The club voted to put together a committee to look into other alternatives. I want to thank Bill Croxton for volunteering to head up this very important committee. If you have any suggestions please give Bill a call.

By the time you read this we will have had the Kirk Annual Picnic. If you did not attend you will have to wait until next months Fan to see who won the Bocce tournament. I want to thank, in advance, Don Reisinger and his committee for their hard work at the picnic. They always make it special.

Doc is doing the final check, with Bill Mann, on the ‘Chick Magnet’ before he leave on July 24th for the 48 in 08 tour. There are several SCVT members that will be going with Doc to the first 3 Capitals before going to the CTCI Convention in Oregon. You will want to read about Doc’s, his co-pilot, Paul Lynch, and Lucy’s adventures at They will be updating this site during their 60 day trip. We all wish Doc, Paul & Lucy a great trip.

Your Prez,

Joe Ryan

SEE YOU FRIDAY, August 15th

Meeting Minutes, July 11th, 2008

President: President Joe Ryan called the meeting to order at 7:32 PM. Officers present were Joe Ryan, Dennis Kay, Ray Delgado and Don Reisinger. Next month’s meeting is going to be on August 15th, the 3rd Friday of the month, due to Hot August Nights. The family of Elmer Kidder requested that we try to locate some pictures of him in our archives. Due to Jerry Schwab’s illness, he has asked for a temporary CTCI rep and Carl Epolite has volunteered to fill this role.

Vice President: Dennis Kay thanked the Hamblin’s and the Affrunti’s for providing the refreshments and drinks for the evening. Membership is now at 104 with the addition of Dean Hert. The anniversaries for the month were read. Of note, the Spence’s, the Schwab’s & the Hickey’s with 11 years, Charlie Ryan with 18 years, the Reisinger’s with 23 & the Lindsey’s with 35 years. The buy/sell board was passed.

Secretary: Minutes from the June meeting were published in the Fan; questions and/or corrections were discussed at the break as there were none required the minutes were approved.

Treasurer: Treasurer Ray Delgado read the treasurer’s report. The Club treasury is still low. It was necessary to withdraw funds from the Club CD’s to meet current obligations due to the rent that needed to be paid for both 2007 (Paid at the end of the year) and 2008 (to be paid in advance). There are issues in regards to the rent both in the amount that the college is asking for and the fact that it is now due in advance. Discussions were held in regards to moving our meeting site. A motion was made and approved to name a committee to look into the move. Bill Croxton will head the committee. As a result of the situation, the August meeting will be held at the University Art store in San Jose.

Activities: Activities Chair Gene Cox discussed the reports of prior events and the events scheduled for the upcoming months. Doc reported on the BATOC 50th Anniversary party. Doc discussed the 49 in 08 tour and how the event is coming together. Doc and Lucy head off on the 24th of July. The group will hook up at the SycamoreValleyRoadPark and Ride and head off to Sacramento. The SCVT Kirk Family Picnic is set for July 19th, a sign up sheet was passed around and the committee announced that all preparations have been made and it should be a great time. Club attendees heading to Portland for the International are all flying unless they are joining the 48 in 08 Tour. Plans for Hot August Nights were discussed including co-ordination of the days that attendees are arriving in Reno. The San Mateo Car Show is on August 16th and SCVT always gets a good place at this show. Overbird/Underbird is scheduled for the 17th of August at Bogie’s Pizza on Almaden. This date was selected as guests from the Australian Club - which SCVT members met during the recent trip to Australia and New Zealand - will be joining us for that event. The now annual SCVT to the Giants game is scheduled for August on Saturday the 23rd. The tickets have been purchased and the sign up was passed around one final time to remind members to reimburse the Club. Fun Ford Sunday is September 7th and plans are being made to make this an overnighter with a Saturday tour in the wine country and a shopping trip for the ladies in Napa on Sunday. The Ironstone Concourse & Birds on the Wharf are on the same weekend this year. A number of SCVT members have plans to attend. This event is being hosted by the Pierson’s. A sign up sheet was passed around for MBTC’s T-Birds on the Wharf event on September 27th. SCVT will be hosting a Clam Bake as we did last year for the event attendee’s who chose to join us.

Displays:Mont reported on the Capital Mall display held on June 19th. Doc discussed the Sunrise Assisted Living Display that took place on June 28th.

Parades: Jerry advised that we have had feedback from a number of high schools that are looking for cars for their homecomings.

Editor: Larry & Georgette reminded those who are submitting articles for the Fan that will be published at the end of July for the August Fan; that the materials need to be in July 19th.

CTCI: CTCI rep Jerry Schwab was absent as previously noted. Carl Epolite will be filling this roll until Jerry is feeling better.

Historian: Joan Peterson advised that the most recent historical information was at the back of the room for inspection during the break.

Fund Raising: Al & Jenny covered the theme for July raffle and ticket prices.

Old Business: The grill badge contest was covered. The time for entries has passed. New PO Box information was passed around. The reprinted Club business cards were available.

New Business: Russ Chinn discussed the possibilities of plans for a European Cruise as the Club trip in 2009, possibly in September.

Tech Talk: Paul Perry asked about sparkplugs and the consensus was to now use Autolites. Don Reisinger discussed a new product he has developed for use in older cars. The issue of the ZDDP in motor oil was discussed again with the ZDDP now available as an additive.

Buy/Sell: The Buy/Sell information was read.

Announcements: The after meeting group will be meeting at Carrows on Saratoga.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned upon the completion of business.

Respectfully submitted, Don Reisinger, Secretary

Lifetime Members

Pete and Marge Gray

Bill and Diana Mann

Charlie and Isabell Vincent

2008 SCVT Snacks and Beverage Signup


Jan 11PedonePetersonJul 11HamblinAffrunti

Feb 08KayLynchAug 15ManessRoach

Mar 14HillEpoliteSep 12HernandezMann

Apr 11ReisingerReisingerOct 10KelleyLerma

May 09CoxDockterNov 14DyeMiller

Jun 13SchwabPerry

2008 Santa ClaraValley Thunderbird Events
By Gene Cox


Jan 26Awards DinnerReisinger

Feb 24Canepa Design TourDeutsch

Mar 15SouthCounty Hold UmEpolite/Delgado

Mar 24Australia TripChinn

Apr 27Dream MachinesSchwab

May 10Gil’s Tech SessionCroxton

May 16-18American Graffiti - PetalumaCox

May 18Tbird Migration

Jun 8-9Capitola Rod & Custom ShowAffrunti/Mann

Jun 21-22BATOC’s 50th AnniversaryHickey

July 19SCVT Annual PicnicReisinger

July 2448 in 08Doc

July 28CTCI Convention – PortlandDoc

Aug 7Hot August NightsKay

Aug 16San Mateo BBQ & Car ShowRyan

Aug 17Overbird/UnderbirdEichenbaum/Jenson

Aug 23Giants GameReisinger

Sep 6-7Fun Ford SundayReisinger

Sep 26-27IronstonePierson

Sep 27Birds on the WharfPerry

Oct 26Guglielmo Wine TourSchuette

Dec 13Holiday PartyEichenbaum

Jan 24Awards BanquetRyan

August 2008 Membership Anniversaries


Frank & Linda Marino31

Larry & Georgette Maness26

Paul & Kathy Kelley16

Mike & Deb Ternus11

Steve & Virginia Wildblood10

Russell Chinn09

Gene & Eddi Cox06

Leif & Stephanie Kiewlich05

Parades Chairman Message

Jerry Dance

Fall Parades: October & November 2008

We’ve already received confirmation from two High Schools for the Homecoming Season. Cancel all vacations and stay alert for your parade call!

To sign up for a parade, please contact: Jerry Dance 408-314-1632 (cell) 408-268-4355 (home)

Display Chairman Message

Montgomery Roach

Nothing at this time

Editors Message

Larry Maness

Thank you everyone for sending your articles in early. I will see ya all when I return from the Convention in Portland.

48 in 08

July 24 – September 22, 2008

Doc Dockter

Wow, it has been almost a year since my owner, Doc Dockter, took me cross country to Kansas, North Dakota then to Chicago to travel Route 66 from Chicago to Santa Monica. There I met Betsy Bird, owned by Lucy Clark. Betsy Bird decided to go on the Dream Run with me and we renamed it 48 in 08. Kind of catchy, don’t you think? For those of you that don’t know, 48 in 08 is a driving trip to all 48 capitals in the lower 48 contiguous states.

Life hasn’t been the same since. A lot of work has gone into planning the trip, writing articles for the Fan and the CTCI Early Bird magazine, sending mass emails to CTCI directors, officers, chapter presidents and interested individuals. Potential sponsors have been contacted, a few have responded favorably. A schedule has been developed that sets the trip at around 14,000 miles in 60 days. Hotel and motel sites have been researched, reservations made and even a line of apparel has been designed by the Backus Group, aka Al & Jenny, to be sold by them with a portion of the proceeds going to the McPherson College Classic and Vintage Car Restoration Department.

The decision was made to take in the week long CTCI convention in Portland and a few other days have been set aside for rest and sightseeing in attractive locations. We have even registered for the quad-state (Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois} annual get-together of Classic TBirds called “Birds in the Dells”. This event is hosted by a different state chapter each year and is being held in Madison, the capital of Wisconsin this year. Our schedule for Madison just happens to hit while “Birds in the Dells” is going on.

So, Lucy and Doc are almost finished with their planning. They are scheduled, at the last count, to meet up with 27 different CTCI chapters through out the U. S. and 97 CTCI members have expressed an interest in driving along part way, having a potluck or a picnic or what ever. Sounds like a 60 day party to me.

Yes, Lucy and Doc have been busy but on July 24 Betsy Bird and the Chick Magnet take over. We think we are fit and ready and “champing at the bit”. Once we are on the road, you can keep track of us through the daily and weekly journal on our website, google 48in08or go directly to

Keep Cruzin,

The Chick Magnet


July 28 – August 3, 2008

The CTCI convention is being held in PortlandOregon by the Rose City Thunderbirds. If you are planning on attending you need to obtain your registration form in the CTCI JAN/FEB Early Bird Magazine.

There are several people from SCVT joining the 48 in 08 group for the first leg of their trip and ending at the Convention in Portland. If you are interested in this trip check out the website, to help plan your trip. You can also contact Doc Dockter at 650-591-5939.

Hot August Nights is coming up fast. We are looking forward to another great

event. We understand a number of club members are going to the regional

convention and then going right to Reno. For those leaving from the Bay Area,

we will again orgainze a caravan for those going up on Wednesday, Aug. 6th and

Thursday, Aug. 7th. In order to arrange the meeting place and time please email

us at or phone us at 650-341-6868 and let us know when you plan

to go up. Please let us know where you will be staying and the phone number if

you have it so we can put together a master list for everyone. If you have an

email address, please include it as well.

During Hot August Nights we like to all get together for dinner one evening. As

in the past, the best time to do so is Friday night at the Nugget's buffet. So,

please let us know if you think you will be joining the club for dinner at 5:30

and we will arrange to have the space needed for everyone. If you have friends joining you we'd love to meet them

as well so be sure to include them in the count. Afterwards we will be able to

watch the cruise or enjoy the free concert across the street.

We look forward to hearing from you with all of the information. See you soon.

Sandie and Dennis Kay

Sandie Kay

13th Annual Car Show & BBQ

Saturday, August 16th

It's not too late to sign up for a great local car show that is held in San Mateo. Your entry fee includes a great BBQ lunch and the proceeds go to Benefiting Children with Special Needs. There are always over 300 cars that are part of the show. You can download the application at You can also give me a call and I can fax or mailyou a copy. The application states RSVP by July 12, but the show reserves SCVT special parking (in the shade) so it will not be an issue. You can also register the day of the show, but the fees goes up to $35.

We will meet at 8:15 in the Safeway parking lot on El Camino Real, 1 block north of highway 92. There is a Starbucks across the street. We will leave promptly at 8:30 and drive the mile to the show.