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Exercises Proposed for teaching in (July – Dec, 2016 Semester)

1.  Name of the Teacher : Dr. M. Momocha Singh

2.  Department : M.Tech

3.  Course Title : Entrepreneurship Development & Micro Enterprise Management

4.  Course code : M.TECH ATEP 903

5.  Course Hands out (in reference to framed & approved syllabus) (maximum 500 words)

6.  Course Structure

Total no. of classes=32

Day / Topic / Contents
Day -1 / Introduction to Entrepreneurship / Meaning, Role of Entrepreneur
Day -2 / Entrepreneur Process: different approaches
Day-3 / Motivation for becoming an Entrepreneur
Day-4 / SME Concept, its role, status
Day -5 / prospects and policies for promotion of SMEs
Day-6 / Importance of Entrepreneurship / innovations, Qualities of successful Entrepreneur, Functions of an Entrepreneur
Day-7 / Types of Entrepreneur
Day-8 / Issues & Problems Entrepreneurial Practices
Day-9 / Contribution of Entrepreneurs: Towards R&D, creates Wealth of Nation & Self prospect with Challenge
Day-10 / Entrepreneur Carrier: Different Stages, Entrepreneur Development Programmers (EDPs)
Day-11 / Characteristics of Entrepreneurship / Risk taker, Perceptive, Curious, Imaginative, Persistent,
Day-12 / Goal setting, Hardworking,
Day-13 / Research & Management Skill, Organizing & Controlling,
Day-14 / Soft skills and Feasibility, Women
Day-15 / Entrepreneurship: Opportunities, promotion Hurdles and Prospects of women Entrepreneurs
Day-16 / Factors & Models of Entrepreneurial Development, Social Entrepreneurial Initiative: Solving
Day-17 / social Problems, Business plan, Strategic Plan vs Business Plan, Forest based Industries:
Day-18 / Mobilization of resources from NTFP products, Processing units, Technical and Financial
Day-19 / Feasibility study and analysis of projects under self employment scheme including small
entrepreneur. The World of Opportunity, Business Plan and
Day-20 / Entrepreneurial Support System The opportunity, Idea versus Opportunity, sources of ideas and idea generation techniques, sources of opportunities, identification and selection of opportunities, the Business Plan, Components of a business plan,
Day-21 / How to develop a good business plan?, Role of Entrepreneurial Institutions in Entrepreneurship Development,
Day-22 / Director of Industries; DIC; SIDO; SIDBI; Small Industries Development Corporation (SIDC); SISI; NSIC; NISBUD; State Financial Corporation SIC, Various Schemes and Incentives.
Day-23 / Farm based enterprises for production and post production of Agri-produce: / Crops: Cereals, Legumes, Oilseeds; Horticulture crops : Fruits and vegetables;
Day-24 / Livestock production: Poultry, Fishery, Medicinal and Aromatic plants.
Day-25 / Handlooms & Sericulture; Handicraft, coir, jute & leather Agro-Eco Tourism,
Day-26 / Micro entrepreneurial skills development and good production practices,
Day-27 / Role of Ministry of MSME, Registration Process of MSME, Emerging Technologies & Business Opportunities in India.
Day-28 / Risk Management / Risk Factor, Sensitivity Analysis,
Day-29 / External Risk, Internal Risk Environmental Risk. Financial planning Forecasting inputs and Forecasting inputs and outputs Vulnerability Analysis,
Day-30 / Components of the financial plan, Bootstrapping ,Venture and Growth Capital,
Day-31 / Managing a Micro Enterprise, Micro-Enterprise Development and Microfinance,
Day-32 / Human resource development for enterprise growth; delegation, motivation and leadership in microenterprises

Books/Literature to be followed:

(a)  Books (Min. 2 texts + 3 references)

(i)  Title Entrepreneurship

Author Hisrich,

Publisher Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,

Edition 2001

(ii)  Title How to Write a Great business Plan

Author Sahlman, W.A,

Publisher Harvard Business Review,

Edition July-Aug. 1997

(iii)  Title Entrepreneurship Management

Author Kaulgud, Aruna

Publisher Vikas Publishing House, Delhi

Edition 2003

(iv)  Title Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship Learning EMEA

Author David R. Stokes, Nicholas Wilson Cengage

Publisher Business & Economics

Edition 2006

(b) Magazines/Journals (Minimum 5)

1.  Enterprise & Industry Magazine

2.  Home Business Magazine

3.  Entrepreneur

4.  Review of Economics and Statistics

5.  Small Business Economics

6.  Business Week

7.  Journal of Labour Research

8.  Entrepreneur

9.  Journal of World Intellectual Property.

10.  Journal of Business Venturing

7. Mode of Teaching: J.C Bose/S. N. Bose (please tick).

a.  S. N .Bose

8. If the course is of practices, list the experiments to be offered. N.A

Are the manuals ready for the experiments to be conducted? NA

If “No”, the reasons there of and fixing responsibility



Remarks/ Endorsement by the H.o.D
With his /her signature with date / Name of the Teacher: Dr. M. Momocha Singh
Designation: Assistant Professor
Signature with Date: 15.06.2016