September 2015 Tracy Wagner, Principal -Tel 604.823.4408 | I http:/

Reminder: All future newsletters will be published online at the school website, on the first Friday of every month.
Principal’s Welcome
Welcome back, everyone! I hope you were all able to have a fun, yet relaxing summer, filled with love and laughter. It’s always nice seeing the students so keen to get back to school! We have a very exciting school year ahead that will include lots of learning and new friendships. We would like to extend a warm, Yarrow welcome to the many new families who have joined our school community.
Our school goal is: Yarrow Elementary is a community that fosters responsible citizenship, critical thinking and active learning. In support of this goal, we will continue to teach and positively reinforce our school-wide behaviour expectations. Please ask your child what they have learned about making strong choices at school and what BARKS looks like in different areas of the school.
B – Best Behaviour
A – Awesome Attitude
R – Respect and Responsibility
K – Kindness
S – Safety
In addition to our Positive Behaviour Support, we will also continue to place an emphasis on character building by highlighting and reinforcing an important character trait each month. The Character Trait for September is Self-Discipline. We will be teaching students that having self-discipline means:
·  I can speak and act calmly when I am hurt or angry
·  I can create routines for myself
·  I can do what is expected of me without people having to watch over me
·  I do things on time
Strong communication with parents and families will remain a priority throughout the school year. All newsletters and information about events and activities at the school will be posted on our website ( There is also a Yarrow Parent Facebook page that I have information posted on via our PAC President.
We are looking forward to all the great things that lie ahead as we work together for the benefit of our children.
Mrs. Tracy Wagner
Meet the Teacher Barbeque
We hope everyone will join us at the school on Wednesday September 16 from 5:00-6:30pm to share dinner, conversations and laughs. Staff will be serving up hamburgers and hot dogs and welcoming in another amazing year of schooling. Please watch for further information about this event closer to the date.
School Supplies
This year, school supplies have been pre-ordered by each classroom teacher to meet the needs of their students. Parents will be asked to purchase supply kits once final class lists have been confirmed for the year. The cost of the supplies will include the price of your child’s planner as well. The items that parents will need to purchase above and beyond these kits are: backpacks, lunch kits, and non-marking inside running shoes. Next year, in order to reduce costs to parents and think eco-friendly, we will be looking at reusing several of these supplies.
New Bell Schedule
We will be using the following new bell schedule for the 2015-2016 school year:
8:03 – warning bell
8:05 – School begins
8:05-9:45 – Classes in session
9:45-9:55 – Recess
9:55-11:35 – Classes in session
11:35-11:50 – Lunch, Eating Period
11:50-12:20 – Lunch, Play period
12:20-1:58 – Classes in session
1:58 – Dismissal
We realize that this new schedule means we will be starting our school day 10 minutes earlier than last year. We greatly appreciate your best effort in arriving at school on time. Late arrivals often create stress for students as they miss learning time, important instructions, and smooth transitions. Thank you in advance for your extra effort in supporting our students with arriving to school on time every day.
Late Arrivals
If your child arrives late to school, please have them check into the office for a late slip. This will help us with our attendance procedures and ensure that we do not call you in the morning.
Drop Off/Pick Up
If your child needs to leave before the end of the school day, please sign them out at the office. We want to ensure that we know where your child is at all times, so we appreciate your support with this. As well, if you need to get items to your child during the school day, please drop them off at the office. This will help us to ensure that there are minimal disruptions to teachers during their instructional time with students.
Nut/Peanut Aware School
Our school presently has quite a few students who have serious nut or peanut allergies. This allergy is very different than most other allergies. Reaction to contact (touch, ingestion or even smell) with nuts/peanuts (other than coconut) can be life threatening. A person could very quickly go into anaphylactic shock (difficulty breathing and possible loss of consciousness). Allergy to bee stings is similar but that caution is seasonal; this allergy is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please consult with your child’s teacher as to whether or not there is a child in their class with a nut/peanut allergy. Thank you for being "Nut Aware" and helping to ensure the safety of all of our children.
Criminal Record Searches/ Volunteering
We are always happy to welcome and accommodate anyone wishing to volunteer at Yarrow Community School. However, to ensure the safety of our students, we ask that any individuals wishing to volunteer complete a Criminal Record Search. There is no cost involved with getting this paperwork completed. Prior to going to the RCMP Detachment, you will need a letter from the school, which we will gladly provide for you, upon request. Please see Mrs. Emmons in the office for further information on how to start the process of having a Criminal Record Search completed. Thanks again for complying with this process, it is one further step in ensuring the safety and well being of our students.
Intramurals & Student Leadership:
Intramurals and Student Leadership will be starting up later this month. Student Leadership Application forms will be available by the end of next week.
Custody / Health Concerns
Please notify the school office and your child’s teacher if there are any custody or health issues of which we should be aware.
Bus Transportation
Many children at Yarrow Elementary take the bus to and from school. As bus transportation safety is our number one concern, we ask that you remind your child(ren) of the following expectations when riding the bus:
1. School rules are in effect
2. Always follow the driver’s instructions
3. Sit on the seat and talk at a low volume
4. Respectful behaviour is required at all times
Should you require any further information pertaining to pick-up, drop-off, or payments please contact the Transportation Department directly at 604-792-1255. Bus Evacuation procedures will be practiced by students in the next few weeks.
Staff News
Please join us in welcoming back Mrs. Rothermal as an Educational Assistant this year.
Yarrow Staff for 2015/2016
Mrs. T. Wagner – Principal
Mrs. D. Emmons – Administrative Assistant
Teaching Staff
Mrs. H. Bergen – Kindergarten
Mrs. Patterson – Kindergarten/Grade 1
Mrs. J. Chadwick – Grade 1
Mrs. K. Johnston – Grade 1/2
Mrs. A. Woods – Grade 2
Mrs. D. Motz – Grade 2/3
Ms. Wilson – Grade 3
Mrs. C. Blessin – Grade 3/4
Mrs. S. Gregory – Grade 4
Mr. T. Wickman – Grade 4/5
Mr. S. Gregory – Grade 5/6
Mrs. K. Hills – Grade 6
Mrs. D. Gillingham – Librarian, PE
Mrs. B. Johnson – L.A./RTI/Resource Teacher
Mrs. H. Hill – L.A./RTI/ESL/PE
Educational Assistants
Mrs. P. Vanderhelm – Education Assistant
Mrs. J. Cochrane – Education Assistant
Mrs. E. Andres – Education Assistant
Mrs. J. Dibblee – Education Assistant
Ms. J. Gutierrez – Aboriginal E.A.
Custodial Staff
Mr. D. Gillette – Custodian
Mr. L. Castro – Custodian
Community School
Mrs. S. Lum – Community School Facilitator
Parent Advisory Committee (PAC):
Every parent and guardian is automatically a member of our Yarrow Community School PAC. Our PAC meets on a monthly basis. This month our meeting will be on Thursday September 24 at 6:30 pm, in the Community Room, outside the gym. At this meeting, we will also hold PAC Executive Elections. We hope to see you there! J
Up and Coming:
Sept. 8 – First day of School 8:05-10:00am Sept. 18 – Primary classes – Blue Heron Reserve
Sept. 16 – Meet the Teacher BBQ 5:00-6:30 Sept. 25 – Student Assembly 1:15 & Spirit Day
Sept. 18 – Intermediate – Lindeman Lake Hike Sept. 30 – Terry Fox Run (Twoonies for Terry all week)