Special Projects Guidelines and Application

The Lincoln K-8 School Program Planning Team (PPT), through its auction, provides our school with a source of funding for special school projects. This is money over and above the amount necessary to support the PPT budget and is due to the fantastic efforts of the auction committee, culminating in a very successful auction in October.

We are looking for everyone’s ideas – staff, students, parents and grandparents– for special projects, and encourage everyone to consider an application!

Please consider the following guidelines when filling out this application.

General Guidelines for Special Projects The project should impact as many students as possible. The project should have long-term positive implications. The project should be completed or implemented within one school year. The project should fall within the budget set aside for special projects. The primary author for an application must be Lincoln staff, a Lincoln parent/guardian/grandparent, or a student. The project should reflect the unique spirit of Lincoln K-8 School.

All applications will be reviewed by a PPT subcommittee (the Special Projects workgroup) and then put through an open consensus decision process for a funding recommendation. The consensus meeting is open to all Lincoln parents/guardians, staff, and the student government president and vice president, who have prepared by reading all applications submitted. The funding recommendation is presented to PPT for final approval.

If you have questions regarding the Special Projects process or need assistance completing an application, please contact one of the Special Projects chairpersons,

Cinnamon Marxen, cell: 507-250-4527 / email:

Melissa Fichtinger, email:

Timeline for 2017-2018Special Project Applications:

January4, 2018: Applications will be available through the Lincoln E-files and the Lincoln Blog site

February 14, 2018:Completed applications need to be submitted to or to Amy in the school office by 3pm

February 22, 2018: pdf of the applications available through Lincoln E-files and on the Blog site

February27, 2018:Special Projects Consensus meeting, there will be time available for authors to provide a brief description of project

Special Project Application2017-2018

A. Project Title ______

1. Total cost of the project $______

2. Project cost per stage (if possible)

stage 1: $ ______stage 2: $ ______stage 3: $ ______

3. Partial funding options (if possible)

$______would purchase what part______

$______would purchase what part ______

$______would purchase what part ______

B. Brief Project Description:

C. Benefits to Lincoln:

  1. How will this project enhance student learning and benefit Lincoln?
  1. Identify staff, students and/or parents concerned and describe how they will be involved in planning and execution (i.e., who supports and also knows how to use/execute project):

D. Timetable:

The project should be completed (or in place) in one school year. Please outline a timetable

for the project’s completion, including beginning and ending date.

E. Budget:

  1. Please provide a detailed budget for the project (attach additional pages if necessary). It should fall within the amount available for the school year for which you are applying. List vendors and costs for each item and remember to include any applicable taxes, shipping, etc. Please note that additional money will not be available through PPT to cover any costs over the submitted budget
  1. If the partial funding is an option and you want to provide more detail, please add here:

F. Please provide any additional information that will help evaluate this project:

Date of submission: ______(applications due on February 14, 2018)

Person(s) submitting application (demonstrate staff, parent and student support if possible)

1. ______3. ______

2. ______4. ______

Primary Author: ______Phone: ______

Email: ______

*The primary author, or a representative for the project, should be prepared to provide a brief description of the project at the February27, 2018Consensus Meeting.

Please return the completed application by email to Cinnamon or give to Amy in the school office by 3pm on February 14, 2018. Thank you!

If you have questions, contact Cinnamon Marxen at 507-250-4527/

Melissa Fichtinger at