One hundred awards will be given to members of the Canadian Federation of University
Women who have made outstanding contributions within CFUW and/or to the wider
community; locally, nationally, or internationally in the fields of Education, Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Economics, Political Engagement, Organizational Leadership, Cultural Endeavours, or Social Innovation. The award will be given to each recipient in the form of a limited edition 100th anniversary gold pin.
Recipients shall be:
1) Women who are current members of CFUW.
2) Women who have made contributions within the aims and objectives of CFUW.
3) Women who have been recognized for sustained efforts over a period of time and have made a distinct and describable difference in their communities.
Distribution of Awards:
To endeavour to make the distribution of awards as equitable as possible throughout Canada, the number of awards will be proportionate to the number of members per Region. Detailed information regarding number of nominations per club is stated below.
Nomination Process:
Acknowledging that club sizes vary and statistically larger clubs may have more potential candidates, the nomination guide will be as follows:
1. Clubs with 1-50 members will be entitled to one nomination. For every 50 members
thereafter, each club will be eligible for another nomination. For instance a club with 100 members would be eligible for 2 nominations, a club of 150 members would be eligible for 3 nominations.
2. Completed nomination forms must be sent to the appropriate Regional Committee or VP Prairies by March 28, 2017. A Regional Committee will be made up of the Regional Council and VP Prairies (VP Prairies, VP Atlantic, VP Ontario, VP British Columbia, VP Quebec), one Regional Director and two club members from that region. (This Committee will vet the clubs' entries (April 2017- June 2017).
3. The VP Membership shall also nominate 15 women as per criteria from across the country. These names will be submitted directly to the national committee.
4. Each Regional Committee and VP Prairies is asked to submit no less than 5 and a maximum of 30 nominations to the national judging committee by September 30, 2017.
5. The National Awards will be announced and presented at the 2019 AGM.
Past National Presidents are exempt from nomination for this award due to a specific recognition process for this cohort.
Name of Nominee:______
Nominating Club:______
No. of years member of CFUW:______
Positions held in CFUW:
1. Local:______
2. Provincial:______
3. National:______
4. International:______
I authorize (name of club):______to nominate ______(myself) for a Notable Women award.
Name of nominating club:______
(Note: a woman may only be nominated once and by only one club even if she is a member of more than one club)
Email & Telephone # of nominating club:______
Name of Nominee______
Address of Nominee:______
Email & Telephone # of Nominee:______
No. of years nominee has been a member of nominating club:______
Current club executive or committee position held by nominee (if any):
In 100 words or less state reasons for this nomination. This statement is to be attached to nomination form:
Nomination must be signed by 2 of the following club executives: (signature and name printed)
1. Club President:______.
2. Club Secretary:______
3. Club Treasurer:______
4. Club Membership Chair:______
(Should one of the above be the nominee then nomination form should be signed in her stead by either the club Vice President or Treasurer.)
Signature of Nominee:______Date:______
Submission Deadline: March 28, 2017
Name of Nominee:______
Address of Nominee:______
Email & Telephone # of Nominee:______
No. of years nominee has been a member of CFUW:______
Current club executive or committee position held by nominee (if any):
In 100 words or less state reasons for this nomination. This statement is to be attached to nomination form.
Nomination must be signed by 2 members of the Membership Committee:
- VP Membership:______
- Membership Committee Member:______
(Should one of the above be the nominee then nomination form should be signed in her stead by another committee member)
Submission Deadline: January 30, 2018
Regional/Prairie Contacts
Clubs are asked to submit their nominations to the *contact person in their region as follows:
British Columbia
Ruth Mellor - VP British Columbia
*Barbara DuMoulin, RD for Vancouver Island
*Dominique Racanelli - VP Quebec -
Jane Cowell, Regional Director - MLUWC
Debra Christiansen -AFDU QUEBEC (French Regional Director)
Edna Oulette, SSUWC
Judy Hopps, Sherbrooke & District.
Sandra Thomson- VP Ontario
Wanda Crichton, CFUW Oakville
*Pat McCutcheon, CFUW Southport
Heather Foss, Regional Director Ontario South
Bilkies McKen - VP Prairies
*Margaret Hendry- Regional Director -
Patricia Elliott
Dale Wilkie
*Janet Willwerth, VP Atlantic
Heather Huestis, RD PEI
Judith Rau, CFUW Fredericton
Jennifer Jeans, CFUW St. John’s
*All nominations are to be sent to the contact person only
The National Committee to read and select the 100 nominations from all regions will be the 100th Anniversary Committee:
Cheryl Hayles - VP International Relations - Chair
*Doris Mae Oulton - Past President -
Gail Crawford - CFUW Mississauga
Fran Myles - CFUW Portage La Prairie
Judy Pagano - CFUW Edmonton
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