Yearbook Accolade Form: Due November 29, 2010
Step 1: Pick a Size
Check abox below / Size / Dimensions / Photo Limit / Rate
1 page / 10” x 7 ¼ “ / 12 / $350
½ page / 6 ½“ x 4 ¼ “ / 6 / $200
¼ page / 4 ½ “ x 3 ¼” / 3 / $100
Step 2: Design Options
A. Parents who have photos, but do not want to create the advertisement.
All you need to do is submit the photos and a message for the ad. You need to submit photos, either in print or digital (.jpg or .gif) format. Once we have the photos and message, we design the ad for you.
B. Parents who have photos and have an idea of how they want the ad to look, but do not want to create the ad.
Please submit photos, the message, and a sketch of the proposed layout.
You need to submit photos, either in print or digital (.jpg or .gif) format.
C. Parents who are able to create the ad using their own software.
The yearbook is only able to accept a .jpg or .gif of your completed ad.
Digital photos must be submitted on a CD with your last name penned in permanent ink on the top side of the disk. Each digital photo must be at least 1MB in size to achieve quality resolution.
Printed photos must be labeled with your child’s name on the back of each photo.
All accolades will appear in black and white when printed in the yearbook.
Step 3: The Details
Child’s Name: ______Your Name: ______
All 8th and 9th grade students receive one copy of the yearbook.
For Ad: $ ______
For extra yearbook: $ ______Additional books cost $35 each
Total : $ ______
Checks are due when ads are submitted. Checks are payable to The Pike School Yearbook. You may return this form, necessary materials, and payment in an envelope with Attn: Sue Dunn to the front desk. The deadline is firm. All ads and payment are due by November 29, 2010, by the end of the school day.
Pike is not responsible for lost or damaged photos.