Yves Schemeil +33 6 85 43 39 83Page 130/10/2018

Vitae, Yves SCHEMEIL, 2014

French, Born February 17, 1947; 404 cret de chaume, 38330 Saint-Ismier, France


Ph.D. in Political Science (Grenoble, 1976)

Master in Political Studies (Sciences Po Paris, 1971)

Masters in Economics (Grenoble, 1968)

Master in Sociology (Grenoble, 1968)

Bachelor in Arabic (Paris, 1975)

Professional Experience

Current positions

*Professor of Political Science and International Relations (Global and Comparative Politics),Institutd'ÉtudesPolitiques, BP 48, 38040, Grenoble Cedex 9 France. Tel: +33 6 85 43 39 83; e-mail:

*Head, research group on «cognitive processes»; head, research group on «international organizations» (Grenoble, PACTE Research Laboratory)

Former positions

*Lecturer, Beirut (1973-75); research fellow, the National Foundation for Political Science (FNSP, 1975-77); professor of political science, Grenoble (1977-89), Aix-en-Provence (1989-1997), and Grenoble again (1997 to the present)

*Past Vice-President, French Political Science Association (AFSP, 1995 to 2003),andInternational Political Science Association (IPSA, 2000-2003)

*Former Director, Institute for Political Studies, Grenoble (IEPG, 1981-1987)

*Chair, National Board for the recruitment of professors in Political Science (Concours national d’agrégation, 1994-1995)

*Member, EPSnet constitutional board (1999-2000), ECNA (European Chairs of National PSA) and EU’s Euromed Scientific Council (Cairo)

*Consultant, Ministry of Planning (1992-1993; 2003-2004)

*Consultant, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1986-2003)

*Consultant, Ministry of Higher Education (1999-2000)


*FondationMaison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris (2005 to the present, including the Scientific Committee and the Financial Committee of the Board)

*EcolePolytechnique, Paris (2002-2010, the Humanities and Social Sciences Committee)

*CNRS (1980-1995), committees 36, 40, and the Council

*Revue française de science politique (1991-2003); Negotiation (2014 -)

*EcoleNationaled’Administration (ENA), Paris (1982-1987)

*FondationNationale des Sciences Politiques, Paris (1984-1987)

Distinctions and awards


*Fulbright scholar, 1990, The Oriental Institute of The University of Chicago.

*Senior Member, InstitutUniversitaire de France (2000-2010).

*Prime d’ExcellenceScientifique (PES annual grant, from 1991 on)

*International Visitors Leadership Program, U.S.A, grant visitor (1985)

*National competitive recruitment as university professor (“agrégation”, 1976).

Recent Keynote speeches

*Ecole de Gouvernanceetd’Economie de Rabat, “A quoi sert la science politique”, conference de rentrée pour l’inauguration de l’annéeuniversitaire et du département de science politique, November 2013

*European Group of Organization Studies (EGOS) workshop, Abbaye des Vaulx de Cernay, 27 May 2011: “The Organizational Dynamics of IOs”

*Keio University (Tokyo), inaugural lecture of the new 5-yr. program of the Center on Civil Society on Comparative Perspective, February 10, 2009: “Deliberation and Political Judgment: Collecting Relevant and High Quality Data

*University of Nimegen, 20th anniversary of the Faculty of Management and Political Science, April 2008: ”Intergovernmental Organizations as Bureaucracies

*Stein Rokkan Lecture, ECPR joint sessions, Grenoble, 2001: “The Eastern Origins of Western Europe”

Creative Teaching and Teaching Assignments

*Innovative Teaching: three simulation designs in Political Theory, International Negotiations, and International Organizations respectively (French Political Science Review, 64, 3, 2013); role-playing (expert in an auditing cabinet; applications to a research program); an online master class with KeioUniversity (Tokyo), October 2014-January 2015

*MOOC in Global politics, Grenoble School of Management, April 2014

*7 new master programs (on IOs, Grenoble: 2002; the Middle East and the Mediterranean: Grenoble, 2010; Political science: Beirut, 2000;Comparative Politics: Aix en Provence 1991; Political Studies: Istanbul, 1988, and Minsk, 1991; Law:Ramallah, 1993).

*Courses in Epistemology (postgraduate) and Methodology (graduate), Political Science (introductory and advanced), Middle Eastern studies, International Relations, Intergovernmental organizations, International Negotiations, Management of International Organizations, Political Anthropology, Political Theory, Comparative Politics

*Lifelong Training (Thomson, Shell) and higher civil servants (Foreign Affairs, National Education, ENA), Chinese executives (WTO)

*Ph.D. supervised (25): 19 academics, among whom 6 were awarded with grants, awards and special distinctions, in: Sciences Po Paris, Bordeaux, Columbia university, NY, Stirling, Nashville, Grenoble, Aix-en-Provence; Casablanca, Montreal, Istanbul, Karachi, Ottawa, Oxford, Singapore); 3 are diplomats in Riyadh, Brussels and Bucharest. Thesis co-supervision with: Science Po Paris, the University of Geneva, the University Laval in Quebec, Canada, and the University Saint Joseph in Beirut; 4 to be defended in the next two years (all funded by grants)

*Defence Committees: more than 50, in four countries (France, Switzerland, Japan, Lebanon) and eight disciplines (political science, economics, sociology, history, psychology, pedagogy, literature, geography)

International experience

*Visiting Scholar, the University of Chicago, 1990;the University of Waseda, Tokyo, Japan, July-August 2006; CORD Research fellow, the University of Arizona at Phoenix.

*Visiting professor, UCLA (spring term, 1980); Berkeley (summer session, 1985), the American University of Paris (2d semester, 2005); the University of Sophia, Tokyo, (winter semester 2008-2009); The University of Geneva (2002-12) Saint-Joseph University (Beirut, 1972-1975; 2001-2013).

*Visits, meetings, and lectures at Austin, Berkeley, Chicago, Columbia, Harvard, Laval, Montreal, Princeton, Quebec, Philadelphia, San Antonio, San Francisco, Santiago Chile, Washington DC; Edinburgh, Exeter, Nuffield College (UK), Wilton Park (UK); Berlin, Brussels, Copenhagen, Hamburg, Jena, Leiden, Stockholm; Budapest, Cracow, Istanbul, The Hague, Ljubljana; Louvain; Catania, Florence, Madrid, Naples, Porto, Rome, Siena, Torino, Trieste; Alexandria, Jerusalem, Cairo, Damascus, Marrakech, Baghdad, Basra, Rabat; Durban; Seoul; Hokkaido, Tokyo (Chuo, Sophia, Waseda, Todai, Keio), Fukuoka.

*Residency in Egypt (5 years); Lebanon (8 years); Syria (18 months); the USA (8 months), Japan (7 months).


*Peer reviews: International Political Science Review, European Journal of Political science, International Journal of Middle East Studies, Journal of Political Science and Sociology (Tokyo), Etudes internationales, Canadian Journal of Political Science, Revue Française de Science Politique; History of International Organizations (Routledge, 2010), Malfunctioning Democracy in Japan (Rowlings, 2012); Centre National des Lettres.

*Applications: Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (2013-14); ULB (2014); the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (2012); Swiss National Fund for Scientific Research (2006-2007); Vanderbilt University, Nashville (2008); Center of Excellence in Comparative Politics, Tokyo/Keio (March 2007); AXA Research Fund, Paris (2008-9).

*Political science academic Journals:ranking and impact factor, AERES (Agenced’Evaluation de la Recherche et de l’EnseignementSupérieur, 2009-2011).

*Awards: MatteiDogan Prize, 2013; Innovative Teaching award, EPSNET, Ljubljana, 2007; Karl Deutsch award, IPSA, 1997 to 2003.

Recent Books (since 2002)

*2012 (with Masaharu Nakamura, eds.), EU to Higashiajia no Chiikikyodotai (The EU and East Asian Regional Community), Tokyo, Sophia University Press (in Japanese).

*2012 Introduction à la science politique:Objets, méthodes, résultats, Paris, Presses de Sciences po et Dalloz, « amphithéâtre », 2d edition, 605 p. (1st ed. 2010, 532 p.)

*2012 Le raisonnementpolitique: comment les citoyensjustifientleurschoix / Political Reasoning: How Ordinary Citizens Justify their Choices, Grenoble PACTE, 265 p. (to be published in 2015 in French, several papers in English in peer-review Journals to follow)

*2009, Normer le monde (with Wolf-Dieter Eberwein, eds.), Paris, L’Harmattan, «logiquespolitiques», 387 p.

*2007 Al siyasatfi-l-charq al-qadim (Politics in the Ancient Orient, translated by Mustapha Maher), Le Caire, Al majlis al aala al thaqafa, 610 p.

*2003 Etregouverné, Etudes en l’honneur de Jean Leca, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, with Pierre Favre and Jack Hayward, eds.

Selected recent peer-reviewed publications in international relations and organizations (since 2002)

*2013 “Bringing International Organization in: Global Institutions as Adaptive Hybrids”Organization Studies, 34(2) 219–252.

*2013 “Des négociationsinterculturelles? Cultures, calculs, cognitions”, Chapter 5 in D.Placidi-Frot and F.Petiteville, eds. Négociationsinternationales, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po.

*2012 “Valid comparisons between regional and world orders in the long run”, in M. Nakamura and& Y. Schemeil, eds.,Which Future for a Regional Community In Europe and Asia?, Tokyo, Sophia University Press (in Japanese).

*2012 (with E. Brousseau & J. Sgard) “Delegation without Borders: On Individual Rights, Constitution and the Global Order”, Global Constitutionalism, 1,3.

*2012 “Global Governance of the Information System Revisited: Evolution or Innovation in International Politics?” in E. Brousseau, M. Marzouki & C. Meadel, eds.,Governance, Regulations and Powers on the Internet, Cambridge UP, 186-208.

*2011 “Dynamism and Resilience of Intergovernmental Organizations in a World of Persisting State Power and Rising Non-State Actors”, 237-250 in B.Reinalda, ed., The Ashgate Companion to Non State Actors, London, Ashgate, 566 p.

*2010 (with E. Brousseau & J. Sgard) “Bargaining on Law and Bureaucracies: A Constitutional Theory of Development”, Journal of Comparative Economics, September.

*2009 “From Mutual denegation to Mutual Recognition: NGO / IGO Partnership in Trade and Atom”, Cosmopolis (Tokyo), June.

2009 (with Wolf-Dieter Eberwein) “Le mystère de l’énonciation: normesetnormalité en relations internationales”, 7-62 in Y. Schemeil & W.D. Eberwein, Normer le Monde Paris, L’Harmattan, 387 p.

*2009 “Estomper les frontières, institutionnaliser le monde”, in P. de Senarclens, Les frontièresdanstousleursétats: les relations internationales au défi de la mondialisation, Bruxelles, Bruylant.

*2004 “L’OMC et l’instabilitéinternationale”, 39-58, in G. LachapelleS. Paquin, Mondialisation, gouvernance et nouvellesstratégiessubétatiques, Quebec, Presses de l’Université du Québec/”La Organizacion Mundial del Comercio y la inestabilidadinternacional”, 51-73 in F. Morata, G. lachapelleS. Paquin, eds, Globalizacion, gobernanza e identitades, Barcelona, FundacioCarles Pi iSunyerd’Estudis Autonomics i Locals, Estudis 12.

*2004 “Expertise and Political Competence: Consensus Making within the World Trade and the World Meteorological Organizations”, 77-89, in B. Reinalda& B.Verbeekeds., Decision-Making Within International Organizations, London, Routledge.

*2002 “Les biens publics premiers: Babel, côté tour etcôtéjardin”, in F. Constantin, ed., Les biens publics mondiaux, Paris, l’Harmattan, 101-131.

Selected peer-reviewed publications in Comparative Politics (since 2002)

*2015“La querelle des anciens et des modernes :indicateursclassiques et nouveaux”, in Y. Déloye, A. Dézé, S. Maurer (eds).Institutions, Élections, Opinion, Paris Presses de Sciences Po.

*2014 “Unesociologiepolitique non occidentaleexiste-t-elle? In Sociologies post-occidentales: de la Chine à l'Europe, Socio, n°5.

*2014 “Versunepenséevraimentuniverselle: l’apport des auteurs non occidentaux à la construction de la modernité” in Michel Wieviorka, GwenaelleLieppe et Laurent Lévi-Strauss (eds), Penser global (Actes du colloque international, Paris, 15-17 mai2013), Paris, Editions de la Maisondes sciences de l'homme, coll. “Penser global”

*2012 “Culturalism” in B. Badie, D. Berg-Schlosser, & L. Morlino, eds.,The International Encyclopedia of Political Science, vol. 1., London, Sage, 2011.

*2011 “Entente etmalentendustransatlantiques: la France, les Etats-Unis et la sécurité au Moyen-Orient” in D. Brunelle, ed., Repenserl’atlantique: commerce, immigration, sécurité, Montréal, Presses de l’UQAM.

*2006 “Uneanthropologiepolitiste en France”Raisons Politiques, 22, April.

*2004 “Le Moyen-Orient entre communautésd'origineetcommunauté de destin”, 89-110 in F. Kiwan, ed., Citoyenneté et déconstruction de l’Etat, Beyrouth, Presses de l'Université Saint-Joseph.

*2004 “From French Nationalism to European Cosmopolitism” in T. Inoguchi, Jean Blondel, Ian Marsh, eds.,A Comparative survey on Europe and Asia, Tokyo, Institute of Oriental Culture, IOC Discussion Paper N°13, 49 p.

*2004“Banquets publics: réseaux de sociabilitédans le monde” 1734-1760 in A. Montandon, ed., Le livre de l’hospitalité. Accueil de l’étrangerdansl’histoireet les cultures, Paris, Bayard Presse.

*2003 “Du domestique au politique: Etatsetcommunautés au Moyen-Orient” 109-125 in Etregouverné, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po.

*2003 “Entre le Tigre et le Nil” in M. Detienne, Qui veutprendre la parole?Le Genre humain, Seuil, 273-302.

*2003 “Histoire etcomparaison: Tintin chez les Assyriens”Genèses, 50, March 2003, 142-155.

Working Papers

*2014. Yves Schemeil, with Wolf-Dieter Eberwein“Coalesce or Collapse: Further Exploration into International Organizations’ CooperativeBehavior”, IPSA World Congress, Montreal, July 2014 (Panel: International Organizations’ Boundary Governance through Leadership and Cooperation, Y. Schemeil, convenor).

*2014. A. Nai, J.L. Marie, Y. Schemeil “The affect effect on opinion elasticity: Evidence from French and Swiss surveys on resistance to persuasive arguments”.

*2013.A.Naiand Y. Schemeil, ECPR General Conference Bordeaux, 9 September 2013, « The emotional underpinnings of opinion change and resistance to persuasive arguments: Evidence from quasi-experimental surveys ».

*2012. International Organisations as Organisations: A Second Cut, 22nd IPSA World Congress, Madrid 10 July (Paper for the Panel: International Organization: A Discipline of Its Own? TheStudy of IOs' Agents, Y. Schemeil, convenor).

*2011. “IO’s Growth Crisis, Networking, and the Constitution of World Order”, 3d World International Studies Congress, Porto, August (Section: Beyond the State: Regional Blocks and World Politics).

*2007. « Cognition etdécision: la formation du jugement public et samesure », Québec,

Université Laval, 26 mai.

*2008. “Comparing international data sets on political knowledge”, ECPR joint sessions,

Rennes, 12-15 April.

*2007. “Combining Quantitative and Qualitative Studies: The case of political Knowledge”, French PSA National Congress, Toulouse, 5 September.

Recent reviews

*2014 “La logique des institutions: oligarchiesetchangement social. A propos de Oligarchy, de J. A. Winters; The Long Divergence de T. Kuran; Why Nations Fail de B. Acemogluet J. Robinson”Revue française de science politique, forthcoming.

*2013 “On Charles L. Glaser, Rational Theory of International Politics: The Logic of Competition and Cooperation, Princeton/Oxford, Princeton University Press, 2010”Critique internationale, 58, January-March.

*2012 “ElinorOstrom” (with J.Leca), AFSP (French PSA) Website.

*2011 “Pour unecomparaisonélargie des raisons d’agir: AmartyaSen, débatteur impartial”Revue française de science politique ‚ 61 (2), 282-289.

On Pedagogy

*2014. Towards a Hyper Campus: Innovative teaching for tomorrow (the Grenoble 2012 Hy’School project), Italian Political Science


*2014. “Quandsimulerstimule: innovation pédagogiqueetrecherchedécisionnelle’ ”Revue française de science politique, 64, 3, 2014 (with C. Bouillaud, A. Colson, Ch-Ph. David, A. Fauve, S. Labranche, R. Magni-Berton).

*2005. “Doctoral Studies in Political Science in France”27-32, in Michael Goldsmith, ed., Doctoral Studies in political Science: A European Comparison, POLIS-EPISTEME, epsNet report n°10.

Scientific Reports

*Schemeil Yves (ed.), Les Puissance EmergentesAcceptent-elles les Conventions existantes?, the PEACE Report, forthcoming.

*Schemeil Yves (ed.) (2009), Débatcontradictoireet formation du jugement: Uneenquête

expérimentale en Rhône-Alpes et dans le reste de la France, 1. Rapport préliminaire,

« Présentationet analyses », Pacte, 126 p.; 2. Rapport préliminaire,« Questionnaire », Pacte, 43 p.; 3. Rapport préliminaire,« Résultats :tris à plat », Pacte, 43 p.


*Schemeil, Yves (ed.) (2008), Peut-on connaître les connaissancespolitiques? Définitionscomparées, mesureeteffetsciviques de la compétence, 1. Rapport de synthèse, « Introduction au rapportgénéraletBibliographie », Pacte, 50 p.; 2. Rapport de synthèse, « Rapport préliminaire del’équipePacte, Grenoble », Pacte, 120 p.

Academic reports

*To the French Ministry of Higher Education (1983, 1985, 1989, 1995, 1999)

*To the National Research Centre for Scientific Research(CNRS) (1992, 1995, 1999)

*For the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: 65 reports (1986-2003): On Saudi Arabia; French-speakingUniversities abroad; Turkey; Palestine; Belarus; Egypt; Hungary, Lebanon

*To scientific societies: on the internationalization of science (1998, 1999, 2000, French PSA);on PHD studies in France and Europe (Leiden, 1999; Paris, 2001; Helsinki, 2004, European Thematic Network on PS)
