Monday, November 8, 2010 - 6:30 p.m.
Courthouse - Circuit Courtroom
1. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Wender at 6:30 P.M.
2. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was said by all.
3. Roll Call was taken by County Clerk Dolly Cook and a quorum was present.
Present: Chairman Wender, Vice Chairman Smith and Commissioners Degenaer Jr., Martin and Stevens (5)
Absent: None
Also Present: County Clerk Dolly Cook, Prosecutor Stephanie Brule, Sheriff Scott Celello, Equalization Director Larry Swartout and Administrative Assistant Sonya Pugh.
4. Motion by Commissioner Degenaer Jr., supported by Commissioner Martin to accept the agenda with the following additions:
6-B-2 Resolution and Legislation
2. Approve a Certificate of Achievement awarded to Richard C. Louys III for having achieved the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest rank in Scouting.
7-M-1 Parks Committee
1. Authorize the Dickinson Area YMCA to use the Lake Antoine Bandshell at Lake Antoine Park for a Triathalon on July 9-10, 2011 subject to the execution of an indemnification agreement and submission of proof of insurance with Dickinson County listed as “Additional Insurers.”
All Ayes, Motion Carried.
5. Motion by Commissioner Smith, supported by Commissioner Stevens to approve the following meeting minutes as written: Committee of the Whole - 10/13 & 10/27/10
Finance Meeting - 10/21/10 Regular Meeting - 10/25/10
Degenaer Jr, Smith, Stevens and Wender Ayes, Martin abstained due to her absence of the Regular Meeting only. Motion Carried for all four meetings.
Commissioner Martin introduced the following students from Mr. Hogberg’s Iron Mountain Government Class:
Chace Aguine and Josiah Waitrovich.
- Citizens’ Time: (Limited to five minutes per person)
Chairman Wender opened the floor to Citizens’ Time and there was no participation.
B. Resolutions and Legislation - Commissioner Degenaer
1. Motion by Commissioner Degenaer Jr., supported by Commissioner Smith to approve a Resolution regarding the Dept. of Human Services combining Dickinson, Delta and Menominee Counties into a Tri-County Service Delivery Area. All Ayes, Motion Carried. Sue Asplund was in the audience but there were no questions asked.
2. Motion by Commissioner Degenaer Jr., supported by Commissioner Martin to approve a Certificate of Achievement awarded to Richard C. Louys III for having achieved the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest rank in Scouting. All Ayes, Motion Carried.
A. Finance Committee - Finance Chairman John Degenaer, Jr.
1. Motion by Commissioner Degenaer Jr., supported by Commissioner Smith to accept the Treasurer’s Trial Balance and Budget Status Reports for the period ending 10/31/10. All Ayes, Motion Carried.
Commissioner Wender stated last August we borrowed 1.7 million dollars due to cash flow purposes due to buying delinquent taxes. He stated the Treasurer (Margie) has paid back approximately $500,000 and she will continue to make payments until March and it will be paid in full by spring. She stated it has cost the County $15,000 in interest and $15,000 for required Bond Council.
2. Motion by Commissioner Degenaer Jr., supported by Commissioner Martin to approve the monthly bills for October in the amount of $195,549.57. Roll Call Vote: Commissioners:
Degenaer Jr., Aye
Martin Aye
Smith Aye
Stevens Aye
Wender Aye Motion Carried.
3. Motion by Commissioner Degenaer Jr., supported by Commissioner Stevens to consider a request from MSU Extension to purchase battery recycling boxes for $389.00. Roll Call Vote: Commissioners:
Martin Aye
Smith Aye
Stevens Aye
Wender Aye
Degenaer Jr Aye. Motion Carried.
4. Motion by Commissioner Degenaer Jr., supported by Commissioner Martin to release the 2010 appropriation to the Breen Center in the amount of $9,360. Roll Call Vote: Commissioners:
Smith Aye
Stevens Aye
Wender Aye
Degenaer Jr. Aye
Martin Aye Motion Carried.
5. Motion by Commissioner Degenaer Jr., supported by Commissioner Smith to authorize the Chairman to sign an agreement for the development of a central services cost allocation plan with MAXIMUS, Inc. Professional Consulting Services. Roll Call Vote: Commissioners:
Stevens Aye
Wender Aye
Degenaer Jr. Aye
Martin Aye
Smith Aye Motion Carried.
Commissioner Stevens asked what this is worth? He asked what do we get in value for this? Administrative Assistant Sonya Pugh stated she would get back to him.
6. Conveyance of the 2011 General Appropriation Act to the Board by the Controller.
Commissioner Degenaer Jr held up the budget notebook to the audience. Commissioner Wender stated Controller Pascoe had to cut 1.4 million dollars out of the budget to make it balance.
7. Motion by Commissioner Degenaer Jr., supported by Commissioner Smith to accept the following bids for the sale of patrol cars.
$950.00 from Rose Aubuchon for the 2000 Chevrolet.
250.00 from Bruce Rutter for the 2004 Chevrolet
770.00 from Bietila’s Engineering for the 2000 Dodge.
All Ayes, Motion Carried.
B. A-95 Review - Commissioner Joe Stevens - No Report ``
C. Crystal Lake Community Center - Commissioner Frank Smith
1. Motion by Commissioner Degenaer Jr., supported by Commissioner Smith to authorize the Chairman to sign the LEASE OF REAL PROPERTY INCLUDING PROPERTY MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT with the Dickinson Area YMCA for the use of the Crystal Lake Community Center, subject to the concurrence of the Dickinson Area YMCA Board and the approval of the Prosecutor and the Controller. All Ayes, Motion Carried.
Commissioner Stevens stated they just received the lease before the meeting and did not have time to read it and wanted to make sure they could make changes if need be. Commissioner Wender assured him they could make the changes. Commissioner Martin stated the same concern. Commissioner Wender stated the Board could meet again. Commissioner Martin stated Controller Pascoe had a medical emergency and could not be here tonight.
2. Motion by Commissioner Smith, supported by Commissioner Degenaer Jr., as a measure of good faith in the future of the YMCA at the Crystal Lake Community Center, the Dickinson County Board hereby authorizes that the charge to the YMCA for the use of the CLCC on November 13, 2010 for a home swim meet shall be the same as that charged for home swim meets for the 2009-2010 swim season. All Ayes, Motion Carried.
3. Motion by Commissioner Smith, supported by Commissioner Martin to agree (Dickinson County) to pay to the YMCA a sum of $4,850, which is one-half of the stipulated value of carryover membership as of October 1, 2010, which will be absorbed by the YMCA upon completion of the transition process. For memberships purchased after October 1st and prior to the effective date of the lease, Dickinson County agrees to pay to the YMCA a pro rated share of the membership payment, the pro ration to be based on the number of months for which the membership was purchased. Roll Call Vote: Commissioners:
Degenaer Jr. Aye
Martin Aye
Smith Aye
Stevens Aye
Wender Aye Motion Carried.
D. Six County Employment Alliance Commissioner Frank Smith - No Report
E. Planning and Zoning Committee - Commissioner Joe Stevens
- Planning Commission meeting minutes of 9/23/10
F. DHS/Community Services Agencies - Commissioner Smith
Commissioner Smith stated there are 3,658 people on the Food Stamp Program in September which is a value of $437,000 or approximately $120.00 each.
G. Dickinson-Iron Health Department - Commissioner Smith
- Health Board meeting minutes of 10/22/10.
H. Northpointe - Commissioner Ann Martin - No Report
I. Pinecrest - Commissioner John Degenaer, Jr. - No Report
J. Equalization Committee - Commissioner John Degenaer, Jr. - No Report
K. Building & Supply/Real Estate-Remodeling- Commissioner Smith - No Report
L. Public Safety and Judiciary - Commissioner Henry Wender - No Report
M. Parks Committee - Commissioner Joe Stevens
1. Motion by Commissioner Stevens, supported by Commissioner Smith to authorize the Dickinson Area YMCA to use the Lake Antoine Bandshell at Lake Antoine Park for a triathalon on July 9-10, 2011 subject to the execution of an indemnification agreement and submission of proof of insurance with Dickinson County listed as “additional Insured.” All Ayes, Motion Carried.
N. Airport Committee - Commissioner Henry Wender
1. Motion by Commissioner Degenaer Jr., supported by Commissioner Smith to authorize the Chairman to sign a lease with Delta Air Lines, Inc., for the rental of a hangar at Ford Airport. All Ayes, Motion Carried.
Chairman Wender stated the rent would be $3,000 a month. Commissioner Smith asked about Kubick, the tenant now. Administrative Assistant Sonya Pugh stated he is aware that Delta will be renting it.
O. Fair Board - Commissioner John Degenaer, Jr. - No Report
P. Library Board - Commissioner Ann Martin - No Report
Q. Dickinson Partnership/Economic Dev. - Commissioner Joe Stevens - No Report
R. Employee Relations Committee - Commissioner Frank Smith - No Report
S. Dickinson County Hospital Committee - Commissioner Joe Stevens - No Report
Commissioner Stevens stated the hospital is still trying to figure a way to pay for a new office building since the USDA money is no longer there.
T. Dickinson County Road Commission - Commissioner Henry Wender - No Report
- Road Commission meeting minutes of 10/26/10.
U. Construction Code Commission - Commissioner John Degenaer, Jr. - No Report
V Bay West Advisory Committee - Ann Martin - No Report
8. Citizens’ Time: (Limited to five minutes per person):
Chairman Wender opened the floor to Citizens’ Time. Barb Kramer, Iron Mountain, addressed the Board. She stated Northwoods Garden Club and Friends of the Braumart support establishing of a Historical District in the City of Iron Mountain.
Jonathon Ringle, Iron Mountain DDA Director addressed the Board. He stated they are competing with four other communities. He stated it would be a great benefit. He stated by being chosen into the National Register of Historic Places does not restrict business owners from changing their present buildings. He stated it would be a marketing tool for the community and would make business owners able to take a tax credit of 20% on approved expenditures. He stated the deadline is November 17, 2010 and December 17th the community will be chosen.
9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS & OLD BUSINESS: - Commissioner Degenaer
1. Motion by Commissioner Degenaer Jr., supported by Commissioner Smith to appoint Barb Thorne to the Dept. of Human Services Board for a 3-year term to expire 11/1/13. She was the only applicant.
All Ayes, Motion Carried
2. Motion by Commissioner Degenaer Jr., to nominate the following candidates for a term expiring on the Hospital Board of December 31, 2014: Alice Lemieux (incumbent), Dr. Ray Cameron and Dale Ward. Roll Call Vote: Commissioners:
Degenaer Jr., Lemieux
Martin Lemieux
Smith Cameron
Stevens Cameron
Wender Cameron
Dr. Ray Cameron was appointed to the Hospital Board pursuant to P.A. 230, to a 4 year term to expire December 31, 2014.
Commissioner Stevens stated there are two incumbents on the list, Dr. Cameron and Alice Lemieux and both are on the Board at this time. Chairman Wender stated it is State Statute and they shall submit three names for each vacancy. He further stated they had three vacancies and did not have nine names so they had to put all the names for two vacancies which led to Cameron and Lemieux in the first choice. He stated they will give us three more for the third vacancy at the next meeting. Commissioner Stevens stated what is difficult is two people on the Board going against each other. He stated Alice did not get in this time, but she can put her name in again next time. Prosecutor Brule stated this has to be done this way under Public Act 230.
Motion by Commissioner Degenaer Jr., to nominate the following candidates for a term to expire on the hospital Board of December 31, 2014:Dick Berlinski, Dave Molinare and Leora Smith. Roll Call Vote: Commissioners:
Martin Molinaire
Smith Berlinski
Stevens Berlinski
Wender Berlinski
Degenaer Jr. Berlinski
Dick Berlinski was appointed to the Hospital Board for a 4 year term to expire December 31, 2014.
10. PETITIONS AND NEW BUSINESS: - Commissioner Degenaer
1. Motion by Commissioner Degenaer Jr., supported by Commissioner Smith to approve a letter of support for the City of Iron Mountain’s application to nominate downtown Iron Mountain into the National Register of Historic Places through the Michigan State Historic Preservation Office. All Ayes, Motion Carried.
11. Motion by Commissioner Degenaer Jr., supported by Commissioner Smith to accept Committee Reports and Correspondence and Place on File. All Ayes, Motion Carried.
12. Controller’s Report. No Report because Kay Pascoe is out for a medical emergency.
13 Commissioners’ Personal Privilege.
Commissioner Martin stated it is very difficult to vote for these people on these Boards when you have two incumbents running at the same time. She stated she was very regretful that Alice Lemieux was not put back on the Board. She stated she is the only member who qualifies for Medicaid, which is such a big important part in regards to hospital reimbursements. She further stated she is a registered nurse and a veteran of the Air Force and has a lot to offer the Hospital Board. She stated it is so difficult. She stated the way this is designed it makes it very difficult and she urged Alice to put her name in again.
Commissioner Stevens stated the reason he voted for Cameron was because he felt they really needed two physicians on that Board. He stated he has done a good job, as Alice has, and urged her to put her name in again.
He stated it was difficult to get a physician on the Board. He stated as long as there is another round, he felt comfortable voting for Cameron.
Commissioner Degenaer Jr., stated he felt it was wrong in the way the hospital did that but that is the way we have to vote and he urged Alice to put her name in again.
Commissioner Wender stated appointments are the most difficult thing they do on the Board. He stated it is a job they have to do.
14. Motion by Commissioner Smith, supported by Commissioner Degenaer Jr., to adjourn, Subject to Call of Chairman at 7:06 P.M.
Henry Wender, Chairman Dolly L. Cook, County Clerk