Angus Child Protection Committee and
Angus Violence Against Women Partnership
Domestic AbuseAn introduction to key themes
(half day training)
Learning Outcomes:
After attendance at this training participants will:-
· Have an understanding of where Domestic Abuse sits within the spectrum of Gender Based Violence.
· Develop an understanding of the dynamics of Domestic Abuse.
· Be able to identify the possible impact of Domestic Abuse on those who experience it and recognise how this may influence their actions and choices.
· Have an enhanced awareness of the possible impact of Domestic Abuse on children and Young People.
Target Audience:
Children’s Services
This course is aimed at staff who are within the Specific Contact Workforce Group but is also relevant for Intensive Contact Workforce. (See Guidance for Applicants for more information).
Adult Services
It is relevant to practitioners and team managers involved in the provision of services to adults.
Other agencies
It is intended to be multiagency training and is open to third sector practitioners, health, police and other relevant agencies.
Details: Two available dates for the half day training (each have 25 places)
Tuesday 28 February 2017- FULL / 1.30pm – 4.45pm / Room A, Bruce House, Arbroath
Tuesday 07 March 2017 / 1.30pm – 4.45pm / Room A, Bruce House, Arbroath
For discussion/more information, please contact: Susan Duncan, Development Officer, Angus Violence Against Women Partnership:
To apply for any event please use the standard application form attached, complete and return to or contact (01307) 474858
/ TRAINING APPLICATION FORM(one form per applicant)
CourseDate / Venue
Name / Organisation
Are you an Angus Council Employee? Yes/No
If Yes, please provide your Payroll number ______
Do you have a CPD online account? Yes/No
Job title / Place of workTelephone number / E mail
Do you have any disabilities / require any assistance? If yes please specify
As a result of your participation in this event you and your Line Manager may be asked to take part in future consultation to evaluate the impact of this training on practice.
Return to: Angus Child Protection Committee, St Margaret’s House, Orchardloan, Orchardbank Business Park, Forfar, DD8 1WS