Learning Intention / Success Criteria / Teaching / Focused Activity / Plenary

Literacy and Theme

Week 1: 4-9-12

Learning Intention / Success Criteria / Teaching / Activity / Plenary
Levels / Outcome
Tues / Am / INSET / INSET
Levels / Outcome
Weds / Am / Writing Assessment / Say what you want to write.
Write it. / Intro talk partners and the rules.
e.g taking turns in talking, listening and asking questions to find out more.
Demonstrate by talking to TA.
Children to hold hands with the person sitting next to them and they are their talk partner.
Talk about their holiday.
Show them your picture and sentence.
On early essentials have a picture and sentence ready for the children to see.
Explain what they are going to be doing in their groups and other independent activities. / Adults to pick the children out in their ‘draft’ groups to write and draw about their holiday.
Teacher – Snow White
TA – Gingerbread
Independent Activities
Computer – early essentials.
Playdough – make alphabet letter/words.
Listening area- story.
Construction – lego
Cut out letters and stick onto paper. / Show their writing.
Tell the rest of the class what they did and what they like or don’t like.
pm / Continued from AM / Remind them of them of this mornings work.
Shared writing of me going cycling
Changed this to…
Explaining that words are built up of letters and that when we say a word thee are sounds in them. Each soun relates to a letter. Demonstrate how to splkit up words into sounds and then write those sounds down.
Show them the sound cards. . / Adults to pick the children out in their ‘draft’ groups to write and draw about their holiday.
Teacher – Snow White
TA – Gingerbread
Independent Activities
Computer – early essentials.
Playdough – make alphabet letter/words.
Listening area- story.
Construction – lego
Cut out letters and stick onto paper.
P6 – write random string of symbols that may include letters and numerals.
P7 – Uses single letter to represent word. Groups some letters together.
P8 – Write dominant sounds in words with finger spaces between words. Simple phrases.
Level 1 - Reliance on simple phrases and clauses with some simple and frequent words spelt correctly.
Level 2 – A series of simple sentences with ‘and’ to connect clauses together. Full stops and capital letters mainly accurate. / Outcome
To assess their writing level and ability to group them accordingly.
Thurs / am / Reading assessment and giving new reading books from the holiday. / Assessment / Smartboard 1
The big picture
Why do we need to read.
Can anyone explain how we read?
Explain that we are going to be learning the skills to help us read over they year.
Talk about the levels. / Adults to call children out individually, change their books and hear them read a few pages of their new one.
Record observations.
Independent Activities
Computer – education city – literacy – garden adventure.
Listening to story.
Book corner
Construction – wooden blocks.
Cut and stick – sequence the pictures of a well known story. / Read a story to them.
P8 – reads words in personal reading book.
1 – High frequency and familiar words read on sight. Pausing at full stops.
2 – Reading a range of words on sight with some fluency and expression. / Outcome
To recognise that reading occurs everywhere and that we use it everyday.
pm / We are learning what you can do with computers. / Smartboard 1 – How to keep ourselves safe on the Internet.
Computer ROOM / Draw pictures of different activities you can do on computers.
HA – I can ------sentences.
MA+/MA – draw and label.
LA – draw and label.
SN – draw. Adult to scribe then children copy underneath. .
Independent Activities
Computer – education city reading games.
Listening to story.
Book corner / What have they learnt today?
Are computers safe? Discuss their answers.
Levels / Outcome
To know some of the different activities they can do on the computer.
Fri / am / We are learning to ask for help when something happens on the computer. / http://www.kidsmart.org.uk/teachers/KS1/readsmartie.aspx
Read the story and discuss it as you go along helping penguin to make the sensible decision. / Focused Activities
Draw a poster
Make a paper plate penguin
Independent Activities
Games on the computer.
Kidsmart paper activities. / How do you feel about using the computer.
What should you do if …?
Levels / Outcome
To recognise when they need to ask for help
pm / We are learning not to give out personal information. / Story book 1
There are some things that are personal and there are some that are not so personal. / Focused Activities
Draw a poster
Make a paper plate penguin
Independent Activities
Games on the computer
Kidsmart paper activities. / What have they learnt so far.
How can we stay safe on the computer?
Levels / Outcome
To begin to not to give out personal information to people on the computer.

Week 2 – 10.9.12

Book: My School (Picture Book)
Learning Intention / Success Criteria / Teaching / Focused Activity / Plenary
Mon / Am 2 / We are learning to form our letter/words correctly. / Start at the beginning.
Follow the correct sequence
Take pencil off when the letter is finished. / Children to have whiteboard on the computer.
Demonstrate how to form the I and ,l and letters. (capital and small)
One by one children to practise these on their whiteboards after you have shown them.
Put these letters up on the handwriting board and explain that these are her to help them when they forget. Also explain about the handwriting sheets. / Teacher and TA
Call out small groups and work with the children on forming the letters correctly.
HA/MA+ and MA / Why do we have to shape our letters correctly.
Have a look at some of the different ways that these letters are written.
(computer fonts)
Independent Activities
Whiteboards- with laminated handwriting sheets. Threading
Listening station Computer – practise drawing letters on a drawing programme
Marker Pen on a large sheep of sugar paper Pencil control sheets – enlarged with pens.
AM 2 / We are learning to form our letter/words correctly.
We are learning to recognise our capital letters. / Start at the beginning.
Follow the correct sequence
Take pencil off when the letter is finished. / On the board have the letters we have been practising in capital and smalls.
Ask the children to help you draw a line from the capital to the small. / HA/MA+ and MA – To copy words that have the letters practise.
Teacher and TA - LA-SN
Call out small groups and work with the children on forming the letters correctly.
Form the letters in paint. / Sing the alphabet song.
HA and MA+ to have alphabet strips.
P6 – join dots to write letters o f the alphabet.
P7 – copy write letters of the alphabelt correctly.
P8- writes majority of letters in a recognisable way
1 – some letter clearly formed. / Outcome
To be able to form the letter correctly.
To be able to write a word with the letter correctly formed in it.
pm / PE See LCP Folder in resource room.
Levels / Outcome
Tues / Am /
Maths / Maths / Maths
Pm / Initial Science assessment.
TA covering I am on EYFS course. / What to they know
Draw it
Label it / Introduce the topic sound and hearing.
What do you know about sounds and hearing?
Talk partners.
Put their ideas up in a mind map format. / Teacher and TA
Call children out in small groups. Children to complete their own mind maps of what they know about sound and hearing.
HA – drawing and labels.
/MA+ - drawing and dominant sounds for labels
MA – drawing and initial sounds. Adult to scribe the rest.
LA – drawing and adult scribe
SN – drawing and adult scribe / What would they like to know about sounds and hearing
Talk partners.
Record their questions on the board.
Collage ear to science display. Whiteboards
Computer – drawing ears.
No levels / Outcome
To have recorded their knowledge and understanding of sounds and hearing.
Weds / Am / PE and RE / PE and RE
Independent Activities
Draw a circle round the title of the book Castle
Computer – yellow literacy activities – Education city. Puppets
Books of the carpet.
pm / We are learning to recognise the different parts of the front cover.
(Title and illustration) / Look
See the picture
See the words and name this as the title.
Talk about what you see. / Smartboard 3
Hold up the book (My School)
Invite someone to and show you where the front cover of the book is.
Discuss this.
Have the book cover on the board.
What can you see on the front cover of this book. (words and picture)
The words are called the title. / Individual and guided reading.
Jan to take – Gingerbread and beanstalk to ruby class. / What does the front cover tell us about a book?
Levels / Outcome
Thurs / am / Maths / Maths / Maths / Maths / Maths
Independent Activities
Talking puppets
Talking tins – in partners say something then your partner to count how many words you say.
Music on tape player
How do the instruments make them make a sound
pm / We are learning that there are different sources of sound.
Focused group
Record our findings in words and pictures. / Smart 4
Remind them of the mind map that they did the other day.
We a re going to be learning all about sounds.
What would you like to know about sounds?
What part of our body do we hear sounds with?
Get everyone is the class to be quite and listen to the sounds that they can hear in the classroom. Talk about sounds being made by something. / Teacher
Record their sound walk in pictures and or words.
In small groups go round the school listening to the different sounds and recording what sound they heard and what made that sound. / Some sounds we like.
Some sounds we don’t.
Can they think of any sounds they like and any they don’t.
Talk partners.
Then record their suggestions on the smartboard.
Levels / Outcome
To be more aware of the sounds around them.
To be able to say what they think might be making that sound.
Fri / 1st Session / We are learning recognise a label/word.
We are learning that words are letters grouped together. / Point to the words
Point to the pictures. / Smart 5
Remind them of the front cover aspects again.
How up the book – what do we call this part of the book?
What can you see on the front cover?
Now look at the first page titled ‘our school.’
What can you see on there 2 pages? (pictures and words.)
Explain how you know that these are words. (letters)
Explain that you know these are words because they are made up of letters.
Letters grouped together make words
These words on this page are labels.
What might these labels say and why? / Teacher
Snow White – write labels to go with different parts of the school photo.
Dominant sounds.
Goldilocks – Same as Snow white. More support.
Take Gingerbread and Beanstalk out separately in their groups and label. Actively label the different parts of the outside school using the alphabet from Ruby. Initial and (final).
Take a photograph / Create a large image of the school and label together on strip of paper.??????????????????????????????
Independent Activities
CVC board game Whiteboards Instruments
Magnetic letters Lego Listening Tape - Music
2nd Session / We are learning to write labels using our knowledge of letters and their sounds. / Say word
Split up
Write each sound down. / How can we make our own labels? / Teacher
Pinocchio – label
TA – continue with groups if necessary
Finish recording of their sound walk from yesterday.
P6 – copy writes.
P7 – uses single letter to represent a word.
P8 – writes the letters for dominant sounds in an increasing number of words. / Outcome
To write a label using their individual knowledge of sounds.

Week 3: 17.9.12

Learning Intention / Success Criteria / Teaching / Activity / Plenary
Mon / 1st Session / We are learning to form our letters correctly.
C and O
Children are having extensive trouble stopping when they are asked to and moving onto the next activity. They also find in extremely to come together as a group onto the carpet. / Start in the correct place.
Follow the sequence.
Take pencil off when the letter is finished. / Show the children how the handwriting sheets are set up and how links to the lines in books generally.
Review the letters that they formed lat week.
Then introduce the small and capital letters O and C.
Demonstrate how to form the capital and the small letter.
Children to practise forming the on their whiteboards.
Teacher and TA to support as necessary. / Teacher