School Medical ProcedurePolicy document


In order to ensure the safety of all children it is essential to have a standard procedure in school which is followed by all staff:- Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Mid-day Supervisory Assistants, School Secretaries, Site Manager, Kitchen Staff and Bus Escorts

This policy on Medical Procedure is laid out below, it incorporated advice given in the Norfolk County Council Childrens Services Health and Safety manual and Early Years Settings 2005from the DFes document Managing Medicines in Schools

The responsibility for all children in terms of care and safety rests with the Headteacher. He will delegate specific duties to certain members of staff and general duties to all staff to ensure that the standard medical procedures are efficiently discharged.

Mrs Punt and Miss Sharpeare in charge of a team of First Aiders who are trained to administer First Aid and to undertake specific medical duties aswell as all staff who have completed the basic one day first aid training.

Other Issues:

1.All injuries or illnesses which require First Aid treatment no matter how minor should be reported to one of the delegated First Aiders, who will carry out the required treatment to the injured or ill party. This should be recorded on the report form located in the medical room.

2.All staff will refer decisions on treatment to the delegated First Aiders, or in their absence any other holder of a First Aid qualification (see list in school office).

3.Teaching Assistants and other Staff may only clean and dress minor cuts and abrasions and tend to the physical needs of the child, in the way that any responsible parent might do. (These must be reported as at 1 and 2.)

4.Staff will receive training to keep them updated on medical procedures such as in the use of buccal medazalam and the epipen etc.

5.All teachers and teaching assistants are basic first aid trained and 7 teaching assistants are trained to first aid at work standard.

6 No medicines may be given to children without the written permission of the

parents/carers and the completion of the appropriate form by parents/carers.

7.Any medicines sent to school for dispensing to a child must be clearly marked with the child’s name. The correct name of the medicine and dosage should be clearly labelled by the chemist and recorded on the Administration of Medicines Sheet. These medicines are stored in locked cupboards in the schools medical room or in the fridge in the medical room if indicated on the container. Inhalers are carried in the class trolleys and taken around school with the pupils.

8 Care plans are produced for children with complex medical needs by the school nurse

in consultation with school staff and parents. They are available in the school office,

staffroom, medical room and class folders where staff can access them.

9.It is the policy of the School to train all staff in basicFirst Aid

10.Where possible all children as part of the school’s emphasis on health education/personal hygiene, will be expected to shower after Games and P.E. lessons or strenuous exercise. It may be necessary to shower children for hygiene reasons at other times. Parental permission will be sought in these incidents.

11.The school has a small fund of money with which to purchase clothing, shoes or equipment for children where there is a genuine case of financial hardship on the part of the parents/carers.

12.All injuries/accidents to Staff must be reported to First Aiders and recorded on the online system. Any accident that does not require medical intervention or is a ‘near miss’ should be recorded inthe School Accident Log Book.

13.Any injuries/accidents to pupils or staff willbe investigated by the schools in-house Health and Safety Team. They will be responsible for drafting out a report to be brought to the Governors Health and Safety sub-committee’s attention if necessary.

14.If a First Aider feels that a pupil/staff is too unwell to remain in school, permission from a member of the Senior Management team should be sought.



To be reviewed Autumn 2015

Reviewed Spring 2014

School Medical Procedure1

School Policy