2008 – 2009 (ODD)


  1. Vijayakumari.V and Suriyanarayanan.N, “Comparative Survey of the Detection of Optic Disk and Exudates in Retinal Images”, Medwell Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences,Vol.3,No.12,pp.925-932,2008. (IJ)
  1. Vijayakumari.V and Suriyanarayanan.N, “Performance measure of Local Operators in Finger Print Detection” , Academic Open Internet Journal,Vol.23,2008. ( IJ)


  1. Maximization of network lifetime for sensor surveillance system, NCSSC08, Anna University, Chennai, (2008) (NC)
  2. Cost-effective Energy Efficient Broadcasting in Wireless sensor Networks (Best paper award), 3rd National Conference on signals, Systems and Security, NCSSS-2008 held at BIT, Sathyamangalam. (NC)

2008 – 2009 (EVEN)


  1. Vijayakumari.V and Suriyanarayanan.N, “Detection of Optic Disk in Retinal Images-A Comparison”, International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering,Vol.1,No.3,pp.192-195,2009. ( IJ )


  1. G.Suchitra, “Performance of concatenated complete complimentary code in CDMA systems, First UK International workshop on Cognitive wireless systems-2009, IIT Delhi. ( IC )
  2. BER Performance of concatenated complete complementary codes in as DS-CDMA system, “First UK-India International workshop on Cognitive wireless systems”, held at IIT, Delhi dated 10.12.2009 to 12.12.2009, Proceedings published in IEEE Xplore, PAGE NOS.(1-5) ( IC )


  1. B.Premalatha , Non Volative Analog Memory Cell for Image Processing applications, Regional conference on Process control and automation at Mahalingam College of Egg and Technology, Pollachi on 25-26 March 2009.Pg.no 167 ( NC )
  2. B.Premalatha, Non Volative Analog Memory Cell, National conference “Innovative ideas in Mechatronics” on 14th March 2009, organized by KCT TIF AC Core & ISTE Chapter. ( NC )


  1. P.Jayarajan, Reconfigurable Sigma Delta A/D converter for software defined radio, Far east journal of Electronics and communication vol 3,iss 2, 2009 pp 101- 109 ( NJ )


  1. V.Jeyalakshmi ,K.Sankaranarayanan , “Reconfigurable sigma delta ADC for software radio receiver,V, Far east journal of electronics and communication Engineering,Vol 3 No 2,2009, pages 101-109 ( IJ )
  2. V.Jeyalakshmi ,K.Sankaranarayanan “GMSK Demodulator using CORDIC for Software Radio, IETECH Journal of Communication Techniques, Vol 3, No 1, 005-008, 2009. ( IJ )
  3. V.Jeyalakshmi ,K.Sankaranarayanan , “Multistandard Sigma delta modulator of software radio using dithered approach, International Journal of Image Processing and Networking Techniques, 2009 ( IJ )


  1. V.Jeyalakshmi ,K.Sankaranarayanan , “Reconfigurable sigma delta ADC for software radio receiver,V, Far east journal of electronics and communication Engineering,Vol 3 No 2,2009, pages 101-109 ( IJ )
  1. V.Jeyalakshmi ,K.Sankaranarayanan “GMSK Demodulator using CORDIC for Software Radio, IETECH Journal of Communication Techniques, Vol 3, No 1, 005-008, 2009. ( IJ )
  1. V.Jeyalakshmi ,K.Sankaranarayanan , “Multistandard Sigma delta modulator of software radio using dithered approach, International Journal of Image Processing and Networking Techniques, 2009 ( IJ )


2009-2010 (ODD)


  1. Vijayakumari.V and Suriyanarayanan.N and Saranya. C,“ Feature Extraction for Early Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy”,International Conference on Recent Trends in Information,Telecommunication and Computing,2010 which is archived in IEEE Xplore and IEEE CS Digital Library. ( IC )


  1. R. Maheswar and R. Jayaparvathy , “Energy minimization scheme for cluster based sensor networks,IJRTET – IJJCE2010, Vol 2,169-173,Nov 2009. ( IJ )

2009 – 2010 (EVEN)


  1. Vijayakumari.V and Suriyanarayanan.N, “Diabetic Retinopathy-Early Detection Using Image Processing Techniques”, International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering,Vol.2,No.2,pp.357-361,2010. ( IJ )
  1. Vijayakumari.V and Suriyanarayanan.N, “Image Processing Techniques Applied to the Detection of Optic Disk-A Comparison”,The 2nd International Conference on Digital Image Processing(ICDIP 2010) ,Singapore,which is archived in SPIE Digital Library and SPIE Proceedings. ( IC )
  1. Vijayakumari.V and Suriyanarayanan.N, “Performance of the Methods for the Detection of Optic Disk in Retinal Images”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Applications,2010. ( IC )
  1. V.Vijayakumari and C.Thankasaranya , “Feature extraction for early detection of diabetic retinopathy”, ITC,Cochin,12-13 Mar 2010 ( IC )


  1. R. Maheswar and R. Jayaparvathy, “Power Optimization Method for Heterogeneous Sensor Network with Finite Buffer Capacity,IJRTET – IJJCE2010, Vol. 3, No. 3, May 2010, pp. 218-220 ( IJ )

Mr.Senoj Joseph

  1. Senoj Joseph and K. Baskaran, “Temperature Aware Placement Algorithm using genetic algorithm”, IJRTET – IJJCE2010, Vol. 3, No. 3, May 2010 ( IJ )


  1. V.Arthi, Enhanced MUSIC+ algorithm based transceiver for multicode multicarrier CDMA system, International conference on Recent advances in Networking, VLSI & signal processing, sep 2009. ( IC )


  1. S.Kothavari, “Horn control in silence and residential zones”, at a national conference in communication high performance electrical and electronics technological applications, 2-3 April 2010. ( NC )


  1. V.Vijayakumari and C.Thankasaranya , “Feature extraction for early detection of diabetic retinopathy”, ITC,Cochin,12-13 Mar 2010 ( IC )


2010 – 2011 (ODD)


  1. Vijayakumari.V and Suriyanarayanan.N, “ Blood Vessel Extraction Using Wiener Filter and Morphological Operations”, International Journal of Computer Science and Emerging Technologies, Vol.1,issue.4,pp.07-11,2010. ( IJ )
  2. Vijayakumari.V and Suriyanarayanan.N, “Exudates Detection methods in retinal Images using Image processing Techniques”, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, vol1, issue 2, pp 1-6, November 2010 ( IJ )


  1. R. Maheswar and R. Jayaparvathy , “Power Control Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks using N-Policy M/M/1 Queueing Model, IJCSE Vol. 02, No. 07, August 2010, pp. 2378-2382 ( IJ )
  1. R. Maheswar and R. Jayaparvathy , “Performance Analysis using Contention Based Queueing Model for Wireless Sensor Networks,ICGST-CNIR Journal, Volume 10, Issue 1, December 2010 ( IJ )
  1. Performance Analysis using Contention Based Queueing Model for Wireless Sensor Networks, ICES 2010, India, June 2010 (IC)


  1. V.Arthi, Selection based successive interference cancellation for Multicode multicarrier CDMA systems, WSEAS transactions on Communication, Volume 9 Issue 8, August 2010
    Pages 463-472( IJ )

2010 – 2011 (EVEN)


  1. R.Udaiyakumar and K.Rekha, “Advanced encryption standard implementation on FPGA”, national conference on innovations in electricals, electronics and control systems”, Kumaraguru college of Technology, coimbatore,19.3.2011. ( NC )
  2. R.Udaiyakumar and K.Rekha, “Advanced encryption standard implementation on FPGA”, national conference on Emerging trends in computer communication and informatics”, ETCCI, at Tamilnadu college of Engineering, co-sponsored by CIIT international Journal March 2011 ( NC )
  3. R.Udaiyakumar and Nasser Husain.R, “Transistor level design of low power floating point arithmetic unit”, national conference on recent trends in power electronics and drives”, Christian college of Engineering and Technology, oddanchitram, on 22.3.2011. ( NC )
  4. R.Udaiyakumar and Nasser Husain.R, “Transistor level design of low power floating point arithametic unit”, national conference on Emerging trends in computer communication and informatics”, ETCCI, at Tamilnadu college of Engineering, co-sponsored by CIIT international Journal March 2011 ( NC )
  5. R.Udaiyakumar and M.Valarmathy, “Leakage current reduction in deep submicrometer CMOS circuits”, national conference on Innovation in communication and computing”, SNS college of Technology, 10.3.2011 ( NC )
  6. R.Udaiyakumar and M.Nithyajeevi, “Builtin self test architecture using orthogonal code convolution for device under test”, National conference on Innovation in communication and computing”, SNS college of Technology, 10.3.2011 ( NC )
  7. R.Udaiyakumar and M.Nithyajeevi, “Builtin self test architecture using orthogonal code convolution for device under test”, national conference on Emerging trends in computer communication and informatics”, ETCCI, at Tamilnadu college of Engineering, co-sponsored by CIIT international Journal March 2011 ( NC )


  1. Vijayakumari.V and Chitra.B, “ Comparison of SVD based Image Watermarking Techniques Implemented for Gray scale and ColorImages”, International journal of Machine Intelligence,Vol.3,issue.4,pp.359-363,2011. ( IJ )
  1. Vijayakumari.V and Chitra.B, “Comparison of SVD Based Image Watermarking Techniques Implemented for Gray scale and Color Images”, 3 rd International Conference on Cognition and Recognition,University of Mysore, 2011. ( IC )
  1. Divya.R and Vijayakumari .V, “ Automated Detection of Haemorrhages in Retinal Images Using Mathematical Morphology Operators”, Proceedings of the third national Conference on Communication,Information and Telematics(CITEL),2011. ( NC )
  1. Padmanaban .P and Vijayakumari .V, “ Satellite Image Fusion by Adaptive Component Substitution Method Using Partial Replacement”, Proceedings of the third national Conference on Communication,Information and Telematics(CITEL),2011. ( NC )


  1. R. Maheswar and R. Jayaparvathy , “Optimal Power Control Technique for a Wireless Sensor Node: A New Approach, International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol.3, No.1, February, 2011,1793-8163 ( IJ )


  1. R.Vadivelu and A.Banu, “Allocation of spectrum holes to secondary users based on hierarchial algorithm in cognitive radio technology”, at Two day national conference on emerging trends in computer communication and informatics, ETCCI, at Tamilnadu college of Engineering, co-sponsored by CIIT international Journal, March 2011 ( NC )


  1. P.Jeyarajan and R.A..Natarajan “Improving reliability in conveyor automation operation and maintainence using SCADA three layer architecture”, Sixth national conference in innovations in communication and computing, dept of ECE, SNS college of technology, March 2011 (NC)


  1. G.Suchitra, “Intra model phase congruency features for palm print verification”, Sixth national conference in innovations in communication and computing, dept of ECE, SNS college of technology, March 2011 ( NC )

Mr.Senoj Joseph

  1. Senoj Joseph and Lenin Marcia, “An efficient algorithm for on-line placement of partially reconfigurable devices, Two day national conference on emerging trends in computer communication and informatics, ETCCI, at Tamilnadu college of Engineering, co-sponsored by CIIT international Journal March 2011 (NC )
  1. Senoj Joseph and Lenin Marcia , “An efficient algorithm for on-line placement of partially reconfigurable device,Sixth national conference in innovations in communication and computing, dept of ECE, SNS college of technology, March 2011 ( NC )
  1. Senoj Joseph and Lenin Marcia, “Efficient algorithm for on-line placement of partially reconfigurable device”, National conference on communication ,VLSI & signal processing, organised by Rajaas engineering college Vadakkangulam on 7th and 8th April 2011. ( NC )
  1. Senoj Joseph and M.Sridhar, “Reduced configuration overheads and area utilization of reconfiguration system by configuration locking’, National conference on Emerging Trends in Computer Communication and Informatics, held at TamilNadu College of Engineering, on 10th and 11th March 2011. ( NC )
  1. Senoj Joseph “Reduced configuration overheads and area utilization of reconfiguration system by configuration locking”, National conference on Innovations in Communication and Computing, held at SNS College of Technology, on 10th March 2011. ( NC )


  1. J.Rama and Sathya, Generic lossless visible water marking, Sixth national conference in innovations in communication and computing, NCICC dept of ECE, SNS college of technology, March 2011( NC )
  1. J.Rama and P.Geetha , ”Euclidian embedding for content based image retrieval One day national conference on recent trends in the field of electronics and communication – ELODO, March 2011 ( NC )
  2. J.Rama and P.Geetha , “Generic lossless visible water marking, Two day national conference on emerging trends in computer communication and informatics, ETCCI, at Tamilnadu college of Engineering, co-sponsored by CIIT international Journal March 2011 ( NC )


  1. N.Shanmugavadivu and .K.sankaranarayanan, “Comparative Survey in Automazied Tool of a Cephalometry Images for Orthodontist Application, European Journal of scientific research, ISSN 1450-216X Vol.65 No.1 (2011), pp. 5-19 ( IJ )
  2. N.Shanmugavadivu and Antony Mary, Automatising the location of landmark points in caphalometric images using neural networks, Sixth national conference in innovations in communication and computing,NCICC dept of ECE, SNS college of technology, March 2011( NC )


2011 – 2012 (ODD)


  1. BER performance of Modified Walsh Hadamard codes in a DS-CDMA and Cognitive Underlay system, European journal of scientific research, vol.64, issue 4, nov 2011, (page 563-578) ( IJ )


  1. R. Maheswar and R. Jayaparvathy , “Performance analysis of cluster based sensor networks using N policy M/G/1 queuing model”, European journal of scientific research, ISSN 1450-216X Vol 58 pp 177-188, August , 2011. ( IJ )

Mr.Senoj Joseph

  1. Senoj Joseph and M.Sridhar, “Reduced reconfiguration overheads of reconfigurable systems by configuration locking CiiT International Journal of Programmable Device Circuits and Systems June 2011 ( IJ )

Ms.S.Kausalya Dhevi

  1. S.Kausalya Dhevi, “Evaluation of reduced overhead flow control mechanism for on chip networks”, at National level conference on emerging trends in network on chip design methodologies and its applications, 22,23 September 2011 at Adhiyaman college of engineering , Hosur,Tamilnadu ( NC )


  1. Senoj Joseph and M.Sridhar, “Reduced reconfiguration overheads of reconfigurable systems by configuration locking CiiT International Journal of Programmable Device Circuits and Systems June 2011 ( IJ )

Mr.Nathirulla Sheriff

  1. Time Stamp Performance In Bio-Feedback System, European Journal for Scientific Research, Volume 65,Issue 3,December 2011 ( IJ )

2011 – 2012 (EVEN)


  1. R.Udaiyakumar.K.sankaranarayanan and M.Valarmathy,” Study on Leakage Power Reduction Techniques and its Impact on 16nm CMOS Circuits”, IJCRR Volume 4 Feb 2012. ( IJ )
  2. R.Udaiyakumar.K.sankaranarayanan, “Dual Threshold Transistor Stacking (DTTS) - A Novel Technique for Static Power Reduction in Nanoscale Cmos Circuits:, European Journal of scientific research, ISSN 1450-216X Vol.72 No.2 (2012), pp. 184-194 ( IJ )
  3. R.Udaiyakumar.K.sankaranarayanan, Certain Investigations on Static Power Dissipation in various Nano-Scale CMOS D Flip-Flop Structures, International Journal of Engineering and Technology Volume 2 No. 4, April, 2012 ( IJ )
  4. R.Udaiyakumar, Y.Hamsavardhini and V.Kavitha, “Static power analysis of 32nm CMOS NAND gata using active and standby leakage current reduction techniques”, Bonfring International Journal of power systems and integrated circuits, vol2, special issue 1, part3, February 2012 ( IJ )


  1. Vijayakumari.V and Suriyanarayanan.N, “Survey on the Detection Methods of Blood Vessel in Retinal Images,,”European Journal of Scientific Research,Vol.68,No.1,pp.83-92,2012. ( IJ )
  1. Chitra.B and Vijayakumari .V, “ Comparison of DCT-SVD Based Image Watermarking Techniques Implemented for Gray Scale and Color Images”, Proceedings of the National Conference on Communication Technology Interventions for Rural and Social Development(NCCTIRD-2012),pp.340-344,ISBN 978-1-4675-1441-5. ( NC )
  1. Gayatrhri R.Das and Vijayakumari .V , “ A Comparative Analysis of the Methods in the Detection of Optic disc in Retinal Images”, Proceedings of the National Conference on Communication Technology Interventions for Rural and Social Development(NCCTIRD-2012),pp.404-407,ISBN 978-1-4675-1441-5. ( NC )


  1. R.Maheswar, Performance Analysis of Fault Tolerant Node in Wireless Sensor Network, CNC 2012, Springer Publishers, 2012. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-35615-5_18 ( IJ )


  1. R.Vadivelu and K.Sruthi, “Improvement of Spectrum Estimation using Multi-Tapering Method (MTM) in Cognitive Radio”, Bonfiring International Journal of Research in Communication Engineering, NCC TIRD 2012 ( IJ )
  2. R.Vadivelu and T.Ashwathy, “Improving Spectral Efficiency Using Hidden Markov Models”, Bonfiring International Journal of Research in Communication Engineering, NCC TIRD 2012 ( IJ

Mr.Senoj Joseph

  1. Senoj Joseph and Lasitha Mohandas, “On the fly placement of reconfigurable FPGAs’, held at PPG Institute of Technology, March 2012. ( NC )
  2. Senoj Joseph, “Compression of FPGA bit stream, a comparision”, National conference on communication technology, interventions for rural and social development, held at Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Feb 2012. ( NC )


  1. V.S.Shyjanadevi, B.Premalatha, “High performance sense amplifiers for low power SRAM”, proceedings of national conference on Electrical systems NCES ’12, RVS college of technology, Coimbatore. ( NC )
  2. B.premalatha , “ FPGA implementation of a high speed matrix multiplier for use in signal and image processing , Proceedings of third national CCCA -2012, March 2012. ( NC )


  1. N.Shanmugavadivu, ‘Speckle reduction in ultra sound images’ International Conference on computing techniques, Embedded systems and drives , March 2012. ( IC )
  1. N.Shanmugavadivu, ‘Improving the performance of OFDM systems using clipping and differential scaling’ International Conference on computing techniques, Embedded systems and drives , March 2012. ( IC )


  1. J.Rama , ‘Adaptive wavelet threshold for noise reduction in medical images’ national conference on communication technology, inventions for rural and social development, February 16,17, 2012 ( NC )

Ms. Yamini Shanmugam

  1. Lijitha Sharon, Yamini Shanmugam, “ Performance analysis of low power full adders using an alternate logic structure”, Proceedings of national conference on electrical systems, NCES ’12, RVS college of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore. ( NC )

Ms. Valarmathy

  1. R.Udaiyakumar.K.sankaranarayanan and M.Valarmathy,” Study on Leakage Power Reduction Techniques and its Impact on 16nm CMOS Circuits”, IJCRR Volume 4 Feb 2012. ( IJ )

Mr.Nathirulla Sheriff

  1. Dynamic Grouping Frame Slotted Aloha, International Journal for Computer Applications, Volume 37,Number 4, Jan 2012 ( IJ )
  1. Synchronized Communication In Low Power Wireless Body Area Network, International Journal for Computer Applications, Volume 37,Number 3,Jan 2012 ( IJ )


2012 – 2013 (ODD)


  1. R.Udaiyakumar, K.sankaranarayanan, “Stacked Sleepy Super Cutoff CMOS (SS-CMOS) – A novel power gating leakage reduction technique for nanoscale CMOS circuits”, Archieves Des Sciences, VOl.65, No.11, November 2012 ( IJ )


  1. Vijayakumari.V and Suriyanarayanan.N, “Automatic detection of defects in industrial applications using block processing”, International journal of artifical intelligenge and mechatronics”, vol1, issue1, pp.59-62, December 2012. ( IJ )


  1. G. Suchitra · M. L. Valarmathi, “BER Performance ofWalsh–Hadamard Like Kronecker Product Codes in a DS-CDMA and Cognitive Underlay System”, Springer international journal on wirteless personal communications, noevmber 2012, DOI 10.1007/s11277-012-0921-y. ( IJ )
  1. G. Suchitra · M. L. Valarmathi, “BER Performance ofWalsh Hadamard Like Codes Based on Complementary Sequence Sets in a CDMA and Cognitive Underlay System”, Springer international journal on wirteless personal communications, October 2012, DOI 10.1007/s11277-012-0876- ( IJ )


  1. R.Vadivelu, K.Sankaranarayanan, K.Sruthi “Implementation of Modified time-smoothing algorithms ans its comparative analysis in spectrum sensing”, European journal of scientific research, ISSN 1450-216X vol.80 no.0 (2012), pp.237-243. ( IJ )
  2. R.Vadivelu, K.Sankaranarayanan, T.Ashwathy, “High precision spectrum sensing for cognitive radio using hidden markov model”, International journal of computer applications(0975-8887), volume 51, no.7 august 2012. ( IJ )
  3. R. Vadivelu and K. Sankaranarayanan, “Optimal Filter Approach to Detect Idle Spectrum for Cognitive Radio”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Vol. 3, Issue 11, pp. 1-5, November 2012. IF = 0.4510 (JIF 2012), ISSN 2229-5518. ( IJ )


  1. B.Premalatha and S.Umamaheswari,”survey of online hardware task scheduling and placement algorithms for partially reconfigurable computing systems”,IJCCR, Volume 2 Issue 3 May 2012 ( IJ )


  1. .A.Kalimuthu, Dr.M.Karthikeyan, “Comparative Performance Evaluation of Power and Area Network on Chip (NoC) Architectures”, 2012 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research, Tamilnadu College of Engineering, Coimbatore ( IC )

Mr.Nathirulla Sheriff

  1. Mian hammad nazir, shahid mehmood, nathirulla sheriff, ahsan adeel, “ Improved efficient RFID tag estimation scheme”, international journal of computer applications(0975-888), Volume 47- NO17, June 2012. ( IJ )

Mr.N.Arun Prasath

  1. N.Kumaresan, J.Suganthi, N.Arun Prasath, “An enhanced wirelwss data acquisition for real-time applications:, European Journal of scientific research, ISSN 1450-216x Vol.85 No1 (2012), pp110-116. ( IJ )
  2. N.Arun Prasath, “Design and Implementation of ARM9 Based Wireless Data acquisition and transmission on Embedded system using WIFI”, 4th national conference on signal processing, Communications and VLSI design, Anna university of technology, Coimbatore, June 2012. ( NC )

2012 – 2013 (EVEN)


  1. Rintu Mary Issac, Dr.V.Vijayakumari, “ Face recognition system using PCLDA for multiple face models under uncontrolled illumination variation”, Proceedings of international conference on Advanced computing and communication technology, vol1, No.1, pp 144-147, November 2012. ( IC )
  2. Ponnambili S, Dr.V.Vijayakumari, “ Digital watermarking for copyright protection using neural networks”, Proceedings of international conference on innovations in intelligent Instrumentation optimization & signal processing, vol1, 1-2, March 2013. ( IC )


  1. R. Maheshwar, P.Jayarajan, F.Nathirulla Sheriff, “ A survey on Duty schemes foe wireless sensor networks”, International Journal of Computer Networks and wireless communications, ISSN: 2250-3501, Vol.3, No.1, February 2013. ( IJ )
  2. R.Maheswar and M.VivekKumar “ Energy efficiency in wireless sensor network using cluster allocation and routing algorithm”, Proceedings of international conference on innovations in intelligent Instrumentation optimization & signal processing, vol1, 1-2, March 2013 ( IC )


  1. T. Mahalakshmi, B.Premalatha, S. Umamaheshwari, “Firefly algorithm based placement and routing of hardware tasks in 2D homogeneous FPGAs”, International conference on innovations in intelligent instrumentation, optimization and signal processing. 2013. ( IC )

Mr.Senoj Joseph