University of Salford Payment of Interview Expenses Procedure Version 3

Payment of Interview Expenses Procedure

Effective from July 2016

Version 3

Author: Gillian Hobson

Owner: HR Division

Table of Contents

Document Control

Scope and Purpose of Procedure

Version Control

1Detail of Procedure

1.1Procedure overview

1.2Aim of the procedure

2Approval Process for all Claims

2.1 Costs for reimbursement of interview expenses

2.2Approval for applicants from outside the UK – Prior to inviting to interview

2.3Approval for travel by air

2.4Approval for interviews which may require overnight stays


3.1 Eligible Applicants

3.2Relevant Claims

3.3Time Limits

4Permissible and Non-Permissible Expenses

4.1 Permissible Costs

4.2 Non-Permissible costs

5International Interview Expenses

5.1 Non-Permissible costs for International

6How to Make a Claim

7Queries on Claims

8Time Limits for Making Claims

8.1 Time Limits


10List of Appendices

Appendix A: Claim Form for Interview Expenses

Document Control

Document Name: / Payment of Interview Expenses Procedure
Ref & version no.: / Version 3
Status: / Live
Equality Impact Assessment: / Pending
Approved by: / University Executive
Effective from: / July 2016
Date for review: / As Required
Author: / Gillian Hobson
Owner: / HR Division
Document control: / All printed versions of this document are classified as uncontrolled. A controlled version of this document is available from Human Resources website. Questions on this policy should be initially directed to HR Services on 0161 2952121.

Scope and Purpose of Procedure

This purpose of this procedure is to formalise how the University applies the payment of interview expenses. This scope is for any interview applicants for a grade 7 (and above) role who live 40 miles or more away from the University or designated interview location.
Procedure start point: / Not applicable / Procedure end point: / Not applicable
Linked Policies/ Procedures: / 2011 Staff Travel & Expenses Benefit
Who this procedure applies to: / This procedure applies to interview applicants for all grade 7 (and above) roles who live 40 miles or more away from the University or designated interview location.
Procedure users: /
  • The Management team within the University will be responsible for agreeing to the costs associated with this procedure
  • Human Resources Division will be responsible for providing guidance and direction in addition to approvingall claims associated with this procedure
  • Finance Division will be responsible for processing the payment of such expenses
  • Any applicants/employees where reimbursement of such expenses has been approved

Version Control

Version number: / Date: / Nature of Change (reasons/comments)
Version 1 / June 2008 / Revised Procedure
Version 2 / December 2011 / Revised Procedure & Application
Version 3 / July 2016 / Revised Procedure & Application

1Detail of Procedure

1.1 Procedure overview

The University is committed to securing the appointment of the highest standard of candidates through its recruitment and selection process and it aims to ensure that geographical mobility is not a barrier to appointing such candidates. By providing financial assistance for interview expenses (where agreed) the University will ensure its recruitment process remains competitive.This procedure sets out the principles that will be adopted in all cases where the payment of interview expenses has been approved.

1.2Aim of the procedure

1.2.1To ensure the University remains competitive in recruiting the highest calibre of candidates.

1.2.2To provide assistance with costs incurred for interviews.

1.2.3To ensure there is rigour and fairness to how the University reimburse such costs.

2Approval Process for all Claims

2.1 Costs for reimbursement of interview expenses

  • Recruiting managers should consider the times, locations and nature of selection applied for any interviews to minimise the potential costs. For example if a selection centre is required, can selection/interviews be carried out mid-morning to mid-afternoon to prevent applicants travelling during peak times etc.
  • For applicants within the UK the recruiting managers should be aware that the costs could be up to a maximum of £150 per applicant which is paid for from the HR budget. Anything above £150 must be paid for from the relevant School/Professional Services area budget.
  • For applicants outside the UK the recruiting managers should be aware that the costs could be up to a maximum of £300 per applicant which is paid for from the HR budget subject to prior approval. Anything above £300 must be paid for from the relevant School/Professional Service area budget.

2.2Approval for applicants from outside the UK – Prior to inviting to interview

The recruiting manager should discuss any overseas applicants with their PVC or the DVC in advance of any invitations to interview being sent out. The discussion should establish if the local labour market does not offer suitable applicants and if there is a definitive need for the overseas applicant to attend interview. E mail approval should be obtained prior to expense being incurred from the Head of School or Director of Division.

2.3Approval for travel by air

Only if the attendance of the applicants has been approved under point 2.2 can any air travel be approved. If agreed, the recruiting manager should arrange for a cost review to be completed considering comparative modes of transport.

2.4Approval for interviews which may require overnight stays

For any interviews where an overnight stay will be required the recruiting manager should discuss with their HRBP the selection criteria to be applied, i.e. if a lengthy assessment centre is to be used. The discussion should establish if the selection is required and is appropriate. The recruiting manager should also consider arranging the timeframes to reduce the requirements for any overnight stays.


Applicants will only be eligible for payment of interview expenses if they satisfy all the following criteria within this section.

3.1 Eligible Applicants

Applicants will only be eligible for the reimbursement of these expenses if they meet all of the following criteria;

3.1.1 The role they are being interviewed for is a grade 7 or above.

3.1.2 They live more than 40 miles away from the University or designated interview location.

3.2Relevant Claims

Applicants will only be eligible for the reimbursement of the costs as outlined in section 4 of this procedure.

3.3Time Limits

All claim forms must be submitted within1 month of the expense being incurred. Anything received after this cut-off period will not be reimbursed.

4Permissible and Non-Permissible Expenses

4.1 Permissible Costs

There are a number of permissible costs which may be paid under the Universities procedure.. These are approved and agreed at the Universities discretion. Outlined below are the costs the University deem permissible.

4.1.1 The University is in a prime location with excellent public transport links and travel to the University via the following forms of public transport is permissible:

  • Rail. Only standard class rail will be refunded and where possible applicants should attempt to buy tickets in advance of the interview and avoid travelling during peak hours.
  • Bus and/or Metro.
  • Air. This will only be approved in exceptional circumstances and where prior approval from the PVC/DVC and the recruiting manager has been provided (see section 2.4).

4.1.2Travel to the University via an applicant’s own car is permissible and is paid at 25p per mile minus the first 40 miles of any round trip journey. There is ample onsite parking at the University and car parking fees of £4 will be reimbursed to applicants.

4.1.3 Accommodation costs which have been pre-approved will be reimbursed to a maximum of £90 a night including breakfast outside greater London or £85 without breakfast (in line with Staff travel & other expenses policy).

  • Only one nights’ accommodation will be reimbursed (unless in exceptional circumstances which requires pre-approval).
  • The accommodation must be within 10 miles of the University or the location of the interview and should allow for ease of travel to the interview.

4.1.4If applicants are prevented from taking meals at their home or normal place, meal allowances may be payable at the following rates for reasonable costs incurred;

  • Breakfast - £5
  • Lunch - £10
  • Dinner - £20

To qualify for reimbursement, applicants must meet the following criteria and may be requested to provide evidence that they have complied;

  • be away from home/normal place for 3 hours or more and
  • be prevented from following their normal meal arrangements, and
  • incur expenditure in addition to their normal outlay, and
  • necessarily incur that expenditure.

In addition, the following criteria must be met for each meal, again applicants may be requested to provide evidence that they have met this criteria:

  • Breakfast - the trip to attend the interview must start at or before 7am (and end after 9am).
  • Lunch - the trip to attend the interview must completely span the period 11.30am to 2.30pm.
  • Dinner - the trip to attend the interview must end at or later than 8pm.

4.1.5 Only reasonable costs incurred for which original itemised receipts are provided are permissible. Reasonable costs will be determined at the University’s discretion. Additionally, only original itemised receipts will be accepted.

4.2 Non-Permissible costs

The following lists nonpermissible costs and will not be reimbursed. Please note this list is not exhaustive.

4.2.1 These public transport costs will not be paid;

  • Any first class travel
  • Any air travel which has not received prior approval
  • Any unreasonable travel costs
  • Any taxi fares where the interview takes place at any of the Universities main locations. The University in a prime location with excellent public transport links and applicants should plan and manage their journey accordingly to avoid the need to use taxis. The only exception to this is where the interview takesplace outside of a main campus in a location with poor public transport links.

4.2.2 Any other costs associated with running a car.

4.2.3Any accommodation costs which have not pre-approved will not be reimbursed.

4.2.4These following costs associated with subsistence will not be reimbursed;

  • Any alcoholic drinks
  • Any gratuities

4.2.5 Any subsistence costs which are deemed to be unreasonable and any costs where there are no original receipts.

5International Interview Expenses

For any applicants to the University from outside of the UK the University may reimburse interview costs. The same criteria in relation to approval, eligibility and permissible costs apply with the following additions/exceptions.

5.1 Non-Permissible costs for International

  • The costs of obtaining visas and passports
  • Insurance costs
  • Any air-fare which is not pre-approved by the University

6How to Make a Claim

In order to make a claim for the reimbursement of interview expenses, applicants must adhere to the following;

  • Read the payment of interview expenses procedure to understand if their proposed claim is eligible
  • Discuss the claim with the relevant manager (line manager/recruiting manager/HR)
  • Complete the Claim form found in appendix A
  • Submit one completed claim form for all expenses incurred to HR Central Services with all supporting documentation (i.e. original itemised receipts) within 1 month of incurring the costs
  • Once approved, the reimbursed payments will be processed via finance to the applicants bank account or via payroll if they have been successful in recruitment. Payment would normally be made within 30 days of receiving the approved claim form.

N.B Applicants can only submit one claim form per interview attended.

7Queries on Claims

If you have a query regarding an outstanding claim you should contact the HR Central Service Team by email at or call 0161 295 2121.Time Limits for Making Claims

8Time Limits for Making Claims

8.1 Time Limits

Applicants must make a claim for interview expenses within one month of incurring the costs. Any claims submitted after this date will not be processed.


The terms for the reimbursement of any interview expenses may vary at any time at the Universities discretion.

10List of Appendices

  • Appendix A: Claim Form for Interview Expenses

Appendix A: Claim Form for Interview Expenses

Claimant’s Name: ______Claimants telephone number: ______
Role Applied for: ______WCN reference number : ______
Date of Interview: ______Location of Interview: ______
Claimants email address: ______Sch/Div: ______
Address of Claimant: ______
Name of Bank: ______BankSort Code:
BankAcct No:
Public transport: Rail - £______. Bus/Metro - £______. Air* - £______(*Must be pre-approved).
Private transport:
Total Mileage Driven ______. Total Mileage Claimed (- first 40miles) ______. From postcode ______to ______.
At 25p per mile £______. Car Parking £______. Taxi £______(*only if Interview off-site from the University).
Date of stay - ______and cost £______(Note a max of £90/£85 will be paid towards this cost).
Name of Hotel:______Location:
Start time for Journey/Interview ______. End time for journey/Interview ______.
Breakfast (7am – 9am) - £______. Lunch (11.30am -2.30pm) - £______. Dinner (must be after 8pm) - £______.
TOTAL COST OF CLAIM: £______.I certify that this is a true statement of expenses necessarily incurred and that I have provided full and original itemised receipts for all expenses claimed above.
Claimant’s signature……………………………………………………. Date ……………………………
Account / Cost Centre (HR – up to £150 UK, or £300 International) / Cost Centre (School/PS Area if over £150 UK or£300 Int.) / Project / Amount approved
1902 / RZ / £
HR: HR Approver’s signature……………………………………………………. Date ……………………………
Finance: Supplier ID: ………………… Document No: ………………… Input Date: …………………
Finance Approver’s signature……………………………………………………. Date ……………………………